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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by easytarget

  1. Indeed. It's a large step forward from the method used in the Shock Force titles though, which had far less (i.e. zero, AIUI) option to customise your force. BFC are keen that the core of your force have some connection to historical reality; not only does the interface "resist" just picking the forces you want, it gives positive incentive to use Formations, as there's a large premium per unit purchased individually. There's an overhead per Formation, too, but for vehicles, if you want more than 3 that could be bought as a single formation, it's cheaper to buy the formation. Similarly for infantry teams that have direct analogues within formations.

    I appreciate their "keenness", they aren't mutually exclusive features. When I'm in a position with few points at my disposal, I want to buy want I want to buy. To tell me I'm wrong amuses me I'll admit.

  2. Right, I've got that part (purchase formation delete process), the missing piece is the loss of the ability to highlight over what I'm hand picking and see some cursory data about the units.

    And I'm aware of the pricing discrepancies caused by formation purchase vs individual, just another element of the interface in my opinion working against the way I want to interact with it, which is hand pick what I want. ;)

  3. Apologize for resurrecting an old one, but I've got a question related to this thread.

    I've only been playing scenarios in PBEM w/ CMBN, but started up a QB today.

    I must be missing something because there are no specs on the units in the purchase screen that I can see, in CM1 series I could highlight a unit and get a cursory bit of info, one piece in particular regarding the gun on a tank (say 75 vs 76) was rather helpful for example.

    Is this gone or I'm missing how to bring it up in the interface, any help greatly appreciated.

    Otherwise it would appear I'm forced to look each one up in the manual (yikes) or memorize specs (more yikes).

  4. Is there a posting that explains what all the icons mean under "other info"?

    Perhaps my question wasn't sufficiently detailed enough, I'll try w/o posting a picture of the screen of H2H to describe what I'm seeing under "other info".

    In the current game I'm playing I see the following icons:

    1. one of drop box (it's my turn, so it seems plausible this is to inform me I have a turn, I guess)

    2. the H2H icon itself, which you can right click on for some options (but then you can do that to all three icons I have under this menu heading)

    3. a circle with an exclamation point in it

  5. Heck, I'd be happy if Battlefront just implemented an option you could check or un-check in the difficulty setting for iron man the way most games conceive of the meaning by which you only have one save for the entire battle and/or campaign.

    No save scumming your way through. When all decisions are final, even just that one additional piece to the puzzle makes the engagement harder.

    And of course you can do this yourself, the setting is for the weak willed like me. ;)

  6. I guess we are just going to have to take your word that you are unable to use sensible tactics and don't just suck at combined arms. Not saying you do, but considering that amongst your sweeping generalizations I know at least one is false (Campaign count amongst releases seems to be pretty uniform) I can't expect you to actually validate these broad statements. And honestly they are not getting any less insulting. Designing for the "iPhone" crowd? Really? C'mon man.

    My aren't you delicate.

  7. Still looking for that game... anyone?

    Oh, and sorry for the minor hijacking, was just being amused by dasmorbo, I'd take you up on that game, but work is tying me up too much at the moment, hate it when RL interferes with gaming. ;)

    GL finding a game, just keep the thread alive and someone will take you up on it!

  8. There's no strategy/tactics forum for this one either, strangely enough. If you're to judge by actions, one would conclude this is intentional.

    In which case, posting up just about anything whatsoever concerning Normandy in this forum is fair game, with the possible exception of tech support, since there actually is a forum for that.

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