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Everything posted by JaegerMeister

  1. Screeny...seems your suffering the same as i. I'm also now playing the Billtong rules battles..that open ground is a bitch!..even with smoke, those green boys are going nowhere. TSword...HQs as recon? not recommended, but on the other hand, if its the only chance i've got of revealing anyone, then maybe worth the odd risk?..i didn't know they had improved spotting abilities. Micheal,the problem is, they aren't revealed...i get 'whack' AC knocked out, no revelations or my half squad gets hit/wiped out, again, maybe i'm lucky if just one squad is identified even with my whole platoon watching the ground for the last two turns...the battle is a constant 'ambush' scenario - i dont believe thats historically correct, common practise was to creep an AC up for a look-see or send a scout or two up to reccon the enemy mg nests, positions etc. Like i said, i often have upto a platoon hiding in cover with LOS waiting to spot some enemy, before i make any creep forwards. And as for the over-watch not giving cover-fire..i had this happen just last night. An AC had crept forward into cover but got immoblised by a mortar round, but it sat there while the red infantry in LOS continued to shoot at it, without returning fire (no crew casualties)...and i had a whole platoon of infantry also with LOS who sat there 75m away, some with cover arcs set, some not, who refused to fire off any suppressive rounds to help out their buddies trapped in the AC under fire! [ November 20, 2002, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]
  2. Right here goes, i feel a fool for having to ask this as i count myself pretty competent in tactical and strategic planning and i also have services experience..but, i'm having a real job trying to identify/flush out enemy positions, troops etc in nearly all circumstances. I know all about the Russians famous ability of camouflage, but i believe this was used more by snipers or for a certain tactical situation, ie not the norm by your average Popov infantryman, especially during the Barbarossa 41 advances. I am finding no matter what i try, i constantly get 'ambushed' by red infantry, MG's and AT guns. No matter what i try, whether it be cautiously using armoured cars for recon, split squads etc...they just get wiped out without ever really reporting enemy dispositions. I use good cover, i leave units watching, listening and waiting, hoping they will spot something...nope. I am finding it really frustrating to have enemy units seemingly 'pop-up' all over the place right in front of my eyes, once i commit any of my forces in terrain i thought i had already kept a keen eye on or had troops over-watching. Surely, you are not expected to get your forces to hose-down every single clump of trees, every building, every marsh, just in case a russian is in it. You simply dont have the time or ammo to do so. I keep racking my mind over this, wondering what i'm doing wrong, but it seems to me, the enemy are just too invisible. Positions should become revealed the longer you have forces nearby, over-watching, especially within 200m, terrain permitting, even if they are just identified as '?' with a nationality symbol. Is this a fault with the EFOW mode?, are others suffering the same?, has anyone come up with an effective routine to get over this? And guys, trust me, i am trying every cautious, exploratory means to locate these positions, not just blundering in. Interested to hear your thoughts/tactics. Also, as i've seen mentioned elsewhere, why do the majority of my men/afvs on overwatch not open fire on targets that do appear, even when i have cover-arcs set etc, when i check them in the movie and their ammo, they often never fire a shot even with clear LOS....great support, not. Should i not have cover-arcs set when on the offense?
  3. One quick question, though i've probably over-looked it, what experince level should the auxilary force be?...same as core or random roll?
  4. not sure they could fit all that on the title description line whizbang, but yeah, like the idea of H for histiorical, F-fictional after the date. Maybe boots'n'tracks & Der Kessel guys could come up with a standardised format here?
  5. Can i make a small simple request to all you great scenario designers out there. I, and i'm sure many others like to fight there battles/ops in chronological order and/or pick battles based on their date or time period. Would it be possible to standardise them by way of putting the date at the front of the description in the 'battles' selection screen as per the stock CMBB battles, ie "41-10-06 Typhoon battles.....blah blah". This would make life alot easier, rather than, as in CMBO, where you have to open a dozen or more scenarios to find the one you want, as the titles are not always 'all-telling'. Thanks in advance. Hope you guys agree.
  6. Fantastic work, been waiting for this, well done guys! If i could offer one request/criticism? Can you make the scenario descriptions that appear in the 'battles' selection screen, start with the date of the action, as per the ones that come stock with CMBB? ie 41-11-10 Battle.... it makes life alot easier for fighting battles in chronological order,as i, and i'm sure many others like to do.
  7. Excellent looking maps...well done and thanks for your time and effort.
  8. bump yet again....Matt? Just hoping theres a certain file, my US buddy could send over to me or vice versa as a temp fix until the patch?
  9. Bumpski....for Matts attention/help. Dont s'pose a quick fix for this quirk could be thrown out to us? Is it a certain file that i could get from my American colleague that would allow us to continue??
  10. Not to be picky Tracer, but is that a low-res piccy on Cozog?..i only ask, because it seems most of the 'detail' is missing from the tank, ie hatches, seam-lines etc, just kinda looks like a light grey mass with dimples of snow. Forgive me if i sound critical, just trying to be constructive. Keep up the good work though, i have your other mods!
  11. Hi Matt, thanks for answering. Yes that is the case, i'm on CDV, the other guys on American release. I take it that means our Op is screwed till the patch release..and will we have to completely re-start it when it is released? Big bummer if we have to as we both now know each others dispositions !
  12. Has anyone else had a problem with operations via PBEM ?...I just finished the first battle of "Blitzkrieg" Operation against somebody, got the casualty list up at end of first battle, sent the turn off to my opponent, but he can only see/access my forces, not his own. I tried opening the turn instead, and it lets me deploy my troops for set-up, but then reverts to me Versus AI !!...what the hells up with it..this must be a bug?! We cannot continue our operation now. Anyway around this?...BFC can comment/look into?
  13. Top work Gautrek....that BA6 looks superb, just how a recon vehicle should look....dirty & worn! Keep 'em coming !!
  14. Hmmm....meakly shuts the door on his way out! But seriously, i still would have thought with that size/array of force sitting there for two turns would have got an inkling? I had even bypassed said pine strip with other forces several turns before to engage forces further back on the map. It would seem i have to literally 'hose down' every cluster of trees (even scattered) before considering entering (plus i would potentially have given away my position in doing so) and ammo is quite often in short supply. Doesn't seem very practical on a map that may have loads of tree clusters/cover. But i do agree with what you say about Soviet camo techniques. Has anyone also tried the 'cemetery hill' scenario as Germans?...my force seemed blind to any red positions, no matter how cautiously i proceeded, even to the point of boring my soldiers to death with in-action. It seems as if my forces just will not spot enemy troops/AT guns etc unless they open fire...that defeats the idea of me using recon/half squads to go look see and determine positions before committing!
  15. Is anyone else having a problem with the complete inability of your troops to spot enemy units laying in wait (whether hiding or not). I'm all for ambushes etc, but i am getting very frustrated with getting slaughtered at point blank range by enemy units that my troops should surely have seen. In one battle i'm playing at present i stopped a full platoon in a small wood, at the edge, rested them for two full turns, ready to advance over the next 30 metres of clear terrain into a small clump of pine trees, they all had clear LOS to those trees. I also had 3 panzers sitting there with clear LOS providing cover, should it be needed.However when i then went to advance two squads into that pine, i suddenly had a HMG and two russian infantry squads open up on me from their at about 5-10 metres, decimating them. How the hell could no one have spotted/heard them in the two minutes those 30+ troops, hq and 3 tanks had sat there 30metres away? A similar thing has happened where the enemy have 'popped-up' in just scattered tree cover. Very frustrating. Have i literally got to sacrifice a half squad everytime by moving them right into that killzone to get the enemy to appear? This is all on extreme fog of war by the way, is that the problem? Recon seems to have suddenly become irrelevant as my troops/AC's cant spot men right under their nose until its too late. All recon tips welcome! (and i count myself as very tactically adept normally!)
  16. where can i find before and after screen pics of the realcolour mod for comparison ?
  17. Superb work panzermartin!....your PzIII is the best mod for CMBB i've seen yet. Your setting the standard !
  18. Strange one that...the game tracks all sorts of shot and damage dynamics/physics, yet it doesn't model holes blasted in walls?...would be handy to blow breaches into them or get at men/equipment sheltering behind.
  19. The Germans used 88's in the Ardennes offensive in Dec '44 for indirect fire support, i've read it in several accounts and seen footage of them in action. Therefore i presume they used them on the eastern front too.
  20. Excellent work Tracer...now thats the kinda look i'm after for all my AFV's! Superb stuff, now if you can just do the other 300 tanks in the range!! ps i noticed the pink bits on the tracks too, so will download once youv'e touched 'em up. Many thanks
  21. All the obvious jokes aside, i agree with lou200, it would be good if Battlefront guys could segment the AI control, so that you could play just the part of a tank/infantry platoon or company commander and let the Ai control the rest of your forces. You could limit the views to just camera 1, so your really on the ground with your men. This way, you would have your own orders to carry out and/or could help out the rest of your force if they got in a pickle.
  22. When you guys mention only using 155mm, i presume your thinking of late war scenarios? because surely 105's would smash/damage most 1941 tanks, and i suspect, even 81mm mortars may penetrate the top plates of these early war types?
  23. 'a Sven-hassel book'....was it? If so, my mistake, i've read so many different accounts over the years, might have got my wires crossed, but pretty sure more authorative accounts i've read have bore witness to it. Also, what Andreas said also makes sense in the CM context but still think a 'shock' effect of armour on normal infantry at close range should be factored. Infantry were afraid of 30-60 ton tanks bearing down on them..de-facto.
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