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Everything posted by JaegerMeister

  1. Just one more request !...how about a dirty Pz 4D?.. it stands out too much now compared to the rest of the range. Top work on the others !
  2. Brilliant article, thanks Micheal. Keep 'em coming. These articles all state how 'brave' the camp guards are after the war, i guess that job always attracts a certain low life who gets off on beating defenceless prisoners who are probably far greater people than he.
  3. Great work Canon...got the PzII as well ! [ December 06, 2002, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]
  4. Well, there were a few bits that made me crease my brow, but it seems more probable to me that its someone old re-counting 'snapshots' in their mind, but filled out with past tense information? The author of the site mentions that he was in correspondence with the guy for several weeks, so presume he would know if he was talking to 'a young American' or an old soldier. Some of the elements of the article are a bit too elaborate to 'make-up' dont you think?..ie describing the actions in the 150mm laden AFV. I thought it was an interesting read anyhow (maybe not fascinating but i cant re-title the thread )
  5. Great stuff Barry, can you get hold of more photos/memoirs? I find the 'real' aspect very interesting.
  6. So in your mind Foxbat, what the guy went through and saw is 'average' in your world, is it? Maybe you should be put through some 'average' experiences I have great respect for all who fought in those tumultuous times. edit: apart from the sadists and opportunists who took advantage of the desperate situation good men found themselves in. [ December 06, 2002, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]
  7. Hehe...well done Master!, i'm always having to be devious to get one over the missus...they just dont understand 'boys will be boys' !
  8. Another delectable offering for you warmongerers, this time an article written by a young German who served in panzers and an AFV called a 'SturmPA'? with a 150mm gun ? during Kursk. Maybe you grogs can enlighten me on what vehicle this is.? Enjoy..... http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/2941/articles.htm
  9. Great work Canon, thanks very much!...and now your doing the PzII...excellent news, can you follow that with a PzIII G ?..cheeky, i know but its for the greater good !
  10. Talking of books, has anyone seen this site? http://www.jjfpub.mb.ca/products.htm I have no links with them, just thought i'd point people to a good WW2 book site. They seem to have some great titles there, but damn expensive. Anyone know if these titles are available elsewhere for sensible prices? I would like to get my hands on a few of them!
  11. Bump again for those who may miss it and also thankyou Barry for the great photos and site, i never realised you frequented these forums or i would have praised you earlier! :cool: I knew they would go down a storm here!
  12. Well i agree with some of the comments here and not with others, i just dont buy Andreas comments that horses were not in tactical situations, wether by choice or not. But i for one would have enjoyed the challenge on a big map of trying to retreat a vulnerable horse drawn convoy from one side to the other, fending off enemy attacks or rushing to the rescue with some armour. Battles like Demyansk and Cherkassy could be simulated in this way. MikeyD has given the reasons and thats the way it is, i guess.
  13. 'Staged pictures'..you are joking?...'erm yep, you 500 cossacks, would you mind just lining up for a photo and then charge into some retreating infantry while we take photos'...oh and lets pretend that horse drawn convoys were never used then shall we, 'stage' a few photos of shot-up/crushed wagons and teams for the benefit of mankind. I'm not arguing about their importance level, just that they were there in the thousands. The whole reason that pockets formed so often were slow moving infantry divisions with predominantly horse drawn transport being cut off by (and then rescuing by) mechanised forces...plenty of scenario options there dont you think?! And cossack divisions were there on both sides as well as the Florian Geyer division.
  14. "What would we do with them"?..err, protect them, ambush them, escort them, charge with them, patrol with them,...anything else wiseguy! ..read anybook, see almost any photo..horses were there in abundance, in 'combat' situations.
  15. Yeah i agree, i think the lack of horse drawn transport is a major ommission in the eastern front, merely for trying to recreate hundreds of scenarios where convoys were ambushed/protected, escaping from kessels etc...endless possibilities. Is there a 'code' reason for this? or is it a 'humane'thing showing loads of dead horses?
  16. Phew...thanks Onokoden, just a few then?! and if you had to pick a couple of gems out of that lot, which would they be? My family would think i had gone mad if i presented them with that whole list !
  17. Glad you all like them!..i had no probs with the speed of photos, i was just more and more impressed as each one was revealed. Seems they KO'd even KV1's with the 37mm 'door-knocker' ? as thats what he was using till 42, when he got to use the 75mm.
  18. You guys will love this:- http://www.geipelnet.com/war_albums/otto/ow_011.html its a series of photos taken by an AT gunner in an infantry division, starting June 22nd 1941 upto about 1943 and shows great after action photos as well as terrain, weather and equipment. Great stuff ! enjoy.
  19. Okay so you have pointed out the ones to avoid, but really, i and others would like recommendations on some real gems, what with xmas lists to fulfill and all. I have 'The road to Stalingrad' John Erickson?..which seems very informative and was thinking of getting the 2nd part '..to Berlin', any others?..how about 'Panzer Battles' Gen.Mellenthin. ?..or unit actions such as 'SS Wiking'? I've just re-read 'Campaign in Russia - Waffen SS on the Eastern Front' by Leon Degrelle, about the Belgian volunteer assault brigade and his personal experience leading them, which i thorougly recommend.
  20. A simple request to the modding community. Can any of you guys create a nice dirty,used stug for guys like me battling the 1941 scenarios. I have all the great 'dirty' mods like the Pz38t etc from the likes of Panzermartin, hoopenfaust, noobie etc and now my Stugs stand out like sore thumbs in their shiny fresh paint jobs ! Thanks in advance for all your great and hard work. edit: just an afterthought, it would be great if CMMOS could set up a seasonal mod pack, ie dusty in summer, muddy vehicles in autumn and then the whitewashed for winter. [ December 05, 2002, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]
  21. Is that true?.. i have deliberately watched my AC's in the last few battles and none of them evaded incoming fire or retreated voluntarily. Last night i even had a PSW 222? try and slug it out with some T26 tanks that opened up on it from long range (700m ?), it made no attempt to back up out of LOS. The same has happened with the 8 wheeler and other PSW cars. One even advanced into a heavy arty barrage whilst in middle of a 'hunt' drive and it was open topped !
  22. Not sure if this has been covered before but how come the AC's do not use their own initiative to reverse out of fire/LOS when in serious trouble as the AFV's do ? If anything, bearing in mind their task is usually just to identify enemy positions and avoid a stand-up fight, they should be even more inclined to get out of there than the AFVs'. Even more so with the German ACs with a driver at each end of the vehicle, obviously designed for that very purpose. Could this be implemented in a future patch? ie reverse or lay smoke.
  23. Oh dear, this threads getting long, i can see Matt or someone going 'oh you bl**dy infantry whiners again'... Thin-red...the result of their action,was they were annilihated to a man by running out in open. Xerxes..considering they were in a factory, in CC, with another squad less than 10m away, and the enemy shooting at them was in the open..dont you think they stood a better (even if slim) chance of loosing off all they had at the enemy/or cowering hoping for help, rather than going for the 'certain death' option? Surrender would be logical if a)this wasn't the eastern front, and b)the factors mentioned above. GJK's getting on the right track. Like i said earlier, i'm not really upset by any of this, just raising the point for discussion/logic hoping it may make a BFC guy go 'hey, maybe we could add that modifier'...ya never know!
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