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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by akdavis

  1. I thought "Directive Number 3" was alot of fun playing as the Germans. Perhaps a bit too easy, but one of the first I played and really demonstrated the changes from CMBO.
  2. Bogged vehicles can become unbogged. Anything more is definitely out of the scope of a single battle.
  3. No problem Andreas, just thought you and BTS might like to know.
  4. While an argument could be made for friendly fire in all sorts of circumstances, not just with captured vehicles, I think that level of fog of war could prove very frustrating (Do you really want one of your squads to accidently open up on another retreating squad, or your tanks to blow up a building you just rushed an HQ into?) Operate under the assumption that your soldiers are aware that their side is using captured equipment and know when and where to expect it.
  5. I based my conclusion on the fact that the victory flag was in the German setup zone and that the Germans were dug-in.
  6. Correction: reinstalling does not correct this problem. I'm not sure what does, but last time it happened it went away after reinstalling. This time the problem is still there after reinstalling. Damn am I confused.
  7. I noticed that the Totenkopf scenario is described as a meeting engagement, but actually appears to be an Allied attack. !!!Spoiler!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . BTW, the AT rifle in this scenario is evil. Under EFOW, it fires again and again without ever disclosing its position. You'd think I'd get at least a "AT Rifle?" sound contact in its general vicinity after it fired several times, but no such luck. Just generic infantry sound contacts all over the map.
  8. I have a Dell Dimension 8200 and have the extremely frustrating problem mentioned in the "Attn: Dell Owners!" thread. Clock goes funky (displays **** like 0:0-1286), FWD ceases to function properly, soldiers stand perfectly erect at start, soldier movement animations go all wacky, as do tree animations, yet otherwise the game seems to function normally. Once it happens(and it does not happen consistently, just after playing for several days), I find I have to completely reinstall in the game to get it to work. I've already reinstalled CMBB twice so far. I also recall having this problem with CMBO on my old Dell. No other game on my system seems to be affected. BTS, is there any solution to this problem???
  9. I have a Dell Dimension 8200 and also have this extremely frustrating problem. Clock goes funky (displays **** like 0:0-1286), FWD ceases to function properly, soldiers stand perfectly erect at start, soldier movement animations go all wacky, as do tree animations, yet otherwise the game seems to function normally. Once it happens(and it does not happen consistently, just after playing for several days), I find I have to completely reinstall in the game to get it to work. I've already reinstalled CMBB twice so far. I also recall having this problem with CMBO on my old Dell. BTS, is there any solution to this problem???
  10. Would it be possible to just add the old church model from CMBO as an option in the editor? That way we could choose between the two when designing scenarios.
  11. Was working on a scenario involving the Oder river bridgeheads in '45 and noticed a little problem. Even with the timeframe set as far forward as 1945, churches placed in the editor appear Russian Orthodox in style. As a consequence, designing a scenario depicting the battle for a German town late in the war is visually difficult. An argument could be made that all the architecture in the game should shift in style as the war progresses back into Polish and German territory, but churches seem to be the only glaring problem (though a small one in the grand scheme of things). Couple of questions: Is this something that was left out due to space/time limitations (as with shared vehicle models) and that we can expect to see corrected in a future patch? Is it possible to have building textures shift with the timeframe, just as some infantry uniforms due?
  12. Concerning the issue of shared vehicle models, I'm a little confused. I'm under the impression that many vehicles share models and textures because they ran out of room on the CD to include all them all. If this is the case, why can't the textures and models that did not fit simply be made available for download? Why would their release be tied to waiting for all the bugs to worked out? I agree that it would be disappointing to play the game for many months only to have all vehicle models released after finishing many of the scenarios. Perhaps not just space, but time was also a concern. All the models and textures were not included to get the game released on time. I guess my question is: are we waiting for the missing models and textures to be released or are we waiting for them to be completed? Are we even going to see them all, or will some dissimilar vehicles always share the same models?
  13. Well, I just ran a test through several times. German air (cannon, mg) versus two platoons of t-34s (one crack, one green) with inf riders. Pretty consistent results. Tanks will not stop under air attack unless immobilized (which is common), but inf will usually dismount immediately. I even had a green tank lose its TC during a strafing run and keep on moving to waypoint despite being shocked. BUT, here's an interesting little observation: the aircraft seem to have an uncanny ability to spot more experienced tank crews, always attacking my crack units before green ones. Repeated several times with same results. 4 aircraft in the air, all attacked crack tanks first, only switching to green tanks once all 3 crack tanks were KO'd or immobilized. Me thinks this could lead to some unbalancing effects of air support.
  14. For the infantry, they did the best thing possible. Let them dismount and clear the fire-drawing tanks. For themselves, they did the worst possible thing. Option 1: Move into closest cover as quickly as possible. Option 2: At least move somewhere as quickly as possible. Option 3: Move anywhere even if it's just ten feet at a slow crawl, at least you won't be exactly where the jabo saw you on his last run. Option 4 (a.k.a. defect to the other side): stop in place making yourself as easy of a target as possible.
  15. If you saw an enemy flamethrower crossing a field towards you, would you wait for it to get 100m away? I don't think so...
  16. 1. Didn't the Soviets receive some lend-lease bazookas in 42 or 43? I'm not sure how many, but I know they were unpopular. I can't find them in the game anywhere. Were the numbers too few? 2. I do know that Soviet infantry made widescale use of captured panzerfausts later in the war. This doesn't seem to be an option, even for 44 and 45 tankhunter teams. Could this be made an option? (the Germans get PPsHs, so why not?) 3. The Ampulomet!!!!!! It gets my vote for funniest weapon in the game. Russian infantry not brave enough to use those molotov cocktails? Here's weapon that will let you fling your cocktails from the safety of your own home! Salut Fritz!
  17. Interestingly enough, magnetic mines also seem to be used around 30m, I dunno if this is just an abstraction of one guy running forward, placing the mine on the nme tank and running back, or if they are actually supposed to be throwing magnetic mines that far.
  18. That's my biggest problem with laying down area fire. If I can't see the nme, I'd like to supress him, but I'd rather my support weapons switched to visible targets under most circumstances, but unless directly threatened they don't seem to. Oh well. Just hope nothing nasty pops up in the middle of a turn.
  19. Hard to tell with MGs, but I did notice that when I gave an area fire order to a couple of 88s, they plastered an area about 100m deep and 20m wide around the target point. As a matter of fact, I knew there was some Russian inf about 60m or so back in some tall pines, but was unable to target them. Instead I targeted the edge hex of the forest along a straight line from the guns to the Russian squads. A percentage of the shells fell well beyond the aim point, causing a handful of casualties amongst the Russians. Ooh, an interesting anecdote from this same battle: I previously had these same 2 88s firing repeatedly at a dead KV, try to make it brew up(which took and incredible number of penetrations, 88 AP is solid shot I guess). In the middle of a turn, I noticed one of my routed tank crews running behind the KV trying to reach a treeline. Just as the crew passed 20m or so behind the KV, an 88 shot ricocheted off the KV's hull armor. I watched helplessly as the shot flew off at an angle and intersected with the fleeing tank crew. Following a painful scream, the crew went from 3 to 2 men. I imagine that solid piece of 88 shot beheaded one of the poor bastards. War is hell. [ October 01, 2002, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]
  20. I've been keeping up with the work Tanks A Lot has been doing on modding bunker textures and noticed that he ran into a problem while trying to make a winter texture set: the roof shares textures with the sides. From what I've seen, this is not true for other structures (i.e. shacks, houses, etc have different winter textures for their roofs). Could the patch possibly separate these textures so that snow cover or roof camouflage could be more reaslistically portrayed? Maybe this is already in the works... Anyways, just a tiny concern. [ October 01, 2002, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]
  21. Ah, I did not realize LOS checks were tied to the arc command itself. I had thought they were there just as an aid to setting the arc. Now I understand and bask in the rays of enlightenment. [ October 01, 2002, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]
  22. Hmm...not sure about the stats, but I do know that even if the turrent front is weak, it is actually a small area and heavily curved.
  23. Whoever designed that scenario is an evil, mischevious bastard.
  24. Not to be difficult, but I don't see how it's not possible. I simply want to assign multiple units a covering arc of the same size and direction. The arcs don't have to be made relative so they all cover to the exact same distance or the same area. For example. If I have 2 platoons of infantry in a straight trench line and I want them to open fire at 300m, then it would be nice to simply select them all and assign a 300m, 180 deg. arc that would be repeated with each unit much like group move commands. I can't imagine what would be unrealistic or complicated about this. Lt. von Davis says "hey all you men, open fire on anything that comes within 300m out front of your trench!"
  25. Thank God I'm not the only one that evil SOB torments! Try my product. Try my product. My product. My product. Myproductmyproductmyproductmyproduct.............
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