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Everything posted by japinard

  1. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but during two different quick battles when I called in artillery this is what happened: 1. Artillery fell on far corner of map no where near where I designated the hits. In fact they were closer to my men than the enemies. 2. Artillery fell far western edge of map instead of right in the middle where I targeted. 3. With little mortar support guys. They reigned down their own mortar's just 20 yards from themselves instead of by the enemy.
  2. Thank you Dan. Like the first poster stated I too have terrible trouble seeing the tracer fire.
  3. Don't any of you miss seeing the actual tanks you're up against?
  4. What I meant was basically re-targeting did no good... shells still came down in the wrong place, no where near the target-zone.
  5. Well to adjust the targetting rounds you have to be able to move the target sight. But you cannot move the target line enough when the rounds are coming down off the far corner of the map...
  6. I find I always play with the PARTIAL fog-of-war option. I like to see the stuff I'm killing too much - as opposed to seeing a generic image...
  7. A way to save a camera angle and zoom you always use...
  8. Can you make the set for the full game, and make one without the swastica? Thanks!
  9. For CMBO there was an nice little mod that made all the movement/targeting lines thinner. I was wondering if someone would do this for CMBB also.
  10. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but during two different quick battles when I called in artillery this is what happened: 1. Artillery fell on far corner of map no where near where I designated the hits. In fact they were closer to my men than the enemies. 2. Artillery fell far western edge of map instead of right in the middle where I targeted. 3. With little mortar support guys. They reigned down their own mortar's just 20 yards from themselves instead of by the enemy.
  11. I want to run the game at 1600x1200, but my desktop is set to 1024x768. Is there a way to save the CM screen prefs? I don't want to have to switch my desktop to 1600x1200 every time I want to run the game...
  12. Oh my, I am so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry to the other SE MI peeps who didn['t get there's today. OK now I'm going to go play.
  13. This is such a good idea, I'm bumping it back to the top. Here's hoping Steve, Charles, and Madmatt can dig into this for us.
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