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Posts posted by Nippy

  1. Man, that AI is a tricky SOB. I desided to try my hand at Urban defence with a short 20 turn QB in a built up town. The Battle was 1500 points. I played as the defending Germans and the AI as the Attacking Americans with their force leaning towards armor.

    Normally the Computer doesn't like to buy tanks from some reason. So all I bought for Anti-Armor was 2 Elite Hetzers, One Elite PZ IV/70, a 50mm PAK, and a few Panzerfausts. Cheap, but accurate. It should be able to handle whatever the Americans throw at me, right? Like I said, damn AI tricked me:

    10 M4 Shermans of various types

    1 M10 TD

    2 Half-Tracks

    And a piss load of Infantry

    I was screwed...or so I though till my little buddy the Hetzer showed up. The PAK and the First Hetzer took a few tanks and inf with them before being knocked out. Then the double team of the PZIV/70 and the second Hetzer started to go to work. Shermans brewed left and right of me. Allied inf ran in fright away from "the tiny terror". With the PZIV/70 watching his back, the little lowly Hetzer racked up this kill score (and lived to tell about it):

    32 Inf casutilies

    1 destoryed Mortor

    6 Destored Shermans

    And the Battle result? Total Axis Victory!

  2. Originally posted by TSword:

    Nippy, did the movie-scenario and it works beautifully. The only problem is that the T-34 always clump and clog in the beginning turns at the wooden edge. A 300 vs. 1000 pt. scenario

    Of course i took 7 T-34/76, quite frightening and intense !

    Kilmore: Wrong, if you've watched the movie carefully you would have noticed that there's a scene where a Hauptmann and a normal soldier talk about the war (The two know each other from peacetimes). The soldier says that he hates all the officers for they made it all possible. This clearly includes the Wehrmacht as a whole.

    It's certainly no Hollywood-style John Waynee hero-crap, in fact all "heros" die in the end.



    Glad it worked out well. As I recall, in the movie, all they had to stop the T-34's with was a single 75mm PAK and some AT magnetic mines.

    "It's certainly no Hollywood-style John Waynee hero-crap, in fact all "heros" die in the end."

    As for the movie, two scenes stick out in my mind.

    1. The scene at the airfield with the Field police desperatply trying to keep all the wounded at bay with their MP40's

    2. Near the start of the movie right after the attack on the factory is finished and the Germans are standing around.

    "I s*** my pants! Jesus Christ, I s*** my pants!"

    "Join the club..."

    I don't think all the characters "died" per-see I beleive one of them joins a long collom of prisioners right after Paulus surrenders. Not that his chances of survival were good mind you, but he didn't die on camera.

  3. "He is almost 6 now and he still calls it the "tank game""

    LOL! That's what my 7 year old cousin calls Operation: Flashpoint. When she is bored I use the mission editor and have a bunch of 2 1/2 ton trucks rush a single BMP-1 that she controls as the gunner. She also loves knocking down trees with the T-80.

    "Hey Petey! Can we play the army truck game again!?"

    I got to make sure that kid doesn't get too girly you know...

  4. "I MUST have movie soundtrack quality music to listen to whilst I am plotting my turns in CMBB!"

    Very well, here are some sujestions:

    Various songs from all the Medal of Honor games. Music from Frontline can be purchased for $7.00 US from EA.COM. Allied Assault has all the music tracks as Wave files in the installed files on your hard drive.

    The Soviet National Anthem sung by the Red Army Choir.

    "After Me" - By Saliva

    "Elk Hunt" and "Massacre and Canoes" - Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack

    "Run for the Stonghold" - Thunderheart Soundtrack

    And of course...


    The Main theme to "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly."

    hehe...once I get CM:BB I will recreate the above scene with A Finnish, German, And Russian officer.

  5. Originally posted by von Lucke:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />A written instruction existed: in any situation, organize a reliable defense of the tank and preserve it for subsequent battles. Only in exceptional circumstances was it permitted to disable the armaments and radios, and if it were possible, blow up the tank and set it on fire. After all this, the crew had a right to move away from the tank.

    -- Major Dmitriy Loza, on the subject of a T34 breaking down in enemy territory, 7th Guards Mechanized Corps, Oct 1944.</font>
  6. Originally posted by 86smopuim:

    I know what you're thinking. Did he fire forty six shots AP or only forty five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a 128mm PAK Anti-Tank Gun, the most powerful antitank gun in the world, and would blow your turret clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk!

    --Schmutzig Harold

    Why do I get this vision of a single KT and JS-3 facing each other in the middle of an open field with the theme to "The good, the bad, and the ugle" plays in the backgound.


  7. Originally posted by rum:

    One time, as i was playing "The Valey of Trouble" as german, i've ordered my mortair to open fire at advancing Sherman. I just wanted to force him to button up. But - after the first shot - the Sherman went huge Kaaabooooom.

    I've checked this moment in slowly motion, frame-by-frame, and realized what mortair shell hit directly into the opened hatch. Well, sometimes such things happening...

    I had something like that happen to me while playing the "Wiltz" senario as the Americans.

    About half way through the battle the Germans were pressing against the edge of town. I had lost My AT guns, the M-10, and one Sherman. The last remaining Sherman to busy else were on the map.

    Suddenly a Hetzer shows up at the edge of town at the start of a turn. In a panic I start planning on how to take it out with my last few Zook teams, when suddenly it blows up for no reason at the end of the turn!

    It took me 4 veiwings of the turn to figure out what killed it. I had left an 81mm mortor team hidden at the edge of town. The Hetzer had gotten close enough (about 80m) to panic them and make them fire at it. The only round they fired peirced the side armor of the Hetzer and "brewed" it real good.

  8. Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    The impact of a 150mm class shell is reportedly capable of shearing off any turret. 100 pds moving at 700 m/s from a howitzer is a pretty significant amount of KE.

    I beleive there were Cases of PZ-IVs at Tobruk having their turrets blown clean off by Brit 25 Pound Arty peices using HE ammo.

    Speaking of Flying turrets, anyone ever play Steel Beasts. I swear when turrets fly off they go high enough to give God a hug.

  9. Originally posted by scribble:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> ...killing a Panther A with the maingun of my M8 Greyhound, by a shot in the a** ...

    An M8 of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop destroyed a Tiger tank in the St Vith area during the Bulge by "shooting him up the a**" from close range. You can cross check this by consulting the US Army Armour School paper entitled "The Battle of St Vith 17-23rd December 1944."

    On a slightly different note once when playing Close Combat V I had the rifle armed infantryman 'brew up' a Sherman tank. Last time I played the game as well.</font>

  10. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Oh, I do so love the propaganda on that site. :rolleyes: It makes Goebbels look amateurish.

    After being labeled "Sub-Human" by the Germans from 41 till 45, plus 50 years of Cold war lies about how their military hardware was junk, I figure the Russians earned some bragging rights.

    Of course, that Paragraph from the Russian newspaper spewing out all the stuff about "superiour Russian optics" and such was good for a laugh.

    Then again, don't tell me that people on this site don't believe German Propaganda.

    "WTF Why didn't my single Tiger Tank stop an entire American Armor Division that was backed up with Air and Artillary support? Everyone knows that German tanks were made from a special Martian Moon metal that made them impervious to damaged and act like that car out of Stephin King's 'Christine'"

  11. Originally posted by tero:

    Originally posted by Sergei:

    Long enough for you to insert that toothpick practically anywhere or spook the crew into fleeing the battlefield.

    Provided that the 72 year old Conscript Volkssturm "Toothpick Tank Hunter" doesn't wet his depends and rout at the mere sight of an enemy tank.


    But...But...our tanks are supposed to be uber! :eek:

    [ September 17, 2002, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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