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Posts posted by Nippy

  1. "Ten reasons why it is just and fitting that the Europeans have to wait!"

    I have just one reason. They have all the Armor museams! They have display tanks and Arty peices every 15 feet! Dear God, don't get me started on Bovington *drool*

    And what do we Amercians have? A few rusting relics wasting away out in an open field. Oh that's right, after 9/11 they closed up Aberdeen and now you can't even get in! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  2. "Anyone else just a little aprehensive about taking the axis side?"

    Heck, now it will be a joy again to play Allied! Finlly some tanks that are just about equal with their German counterparts*. Then again I look forward to the German challanges in the early war years too. 37mm armed PZIII vs. KV-1!

    *If you are Russian and was to kill lots of German tanks you can use the T-34/85, SU-100, JSU-122, JSU-152, and BS-3 AT gun. If you are American and want to kill lots of german tanks, you can use the T-26 Pershing, and...and...um...uh...did I mention the Pershing?

  3. "Actually what would be the effect of a 122 or 152mm HE round hitting a Tiger?"

    I imagine the concussion effects would be horrific to say the least. If not out right killed the crew would be shocked, deaf, and disorented for a good while.

    "Enemy tank! 500 meters!"


    "I said, Enemy Tank 500 meters!"



    "Huh? I can't hear you! But I just wanted you to know that I spotted an enemy tank at 500 meters!"

  4. "Did the Germans ever capture Shermans and use those, or were they looked down upon and considered too weak/lame/ un-uber?"

    I remember seeing a pic of a captured Sherman Firefly in German service. I imagine they put all captured tanks to good use. Heck, they were still using captured French tanks from 1940 during the Normandy invasion.

  5. Don't forget that Soviet Tanks could stand up much better to the harsh Russian winters than their German counter-parts.

    (Didn't some Soviet tanks have special motors that could be turned over and started with compressed air when it was really cold? I heard about that feature once on the SU-76, from what I understand, the Soviet crews loved it.)

  6. See above for reason number 4633 why the USA is a political and intellectual backwater, and down right moronic to boot.[/qb]

    Pavlov must have caught footage from a Berkley or Harvard political rally again:

    "Communisim can work if we just give it a chance!"

    "Besides making us the worlds top Military, Political, and Economic superpower, what good has capitalisim done for America?"

    I suppose if I lived in a forgien country and saw a bunch of Americans claiming that Pol-Pot and Yasser Arafat were "Freedom-Fighters" I'd think they were all a bunch of morons too.

  7. Originally posted by Andrew Hedges:

    The State doesn't own businesses under fascism, and there is private property under fascism as well.

    True, but in Nazi Germany at any rate, all large buisness owners were members or had ties to the Nazi party. Kind of like how Socalisim says that the means of production belong to the people, but the Government (with the people's best interests in mind of course :rolleyes: ) manages it for them.
  8. Originally posted by Mike:

    ...and even their silly little 37 will KO a Pak 36 long before the Pak can KO them!! smile.gif

    Provided the R-35 can even load it's main gun before another tank or AT gun takes it out. Most french tanks could only manage about 4-6 rounds a minutes, plus the Gunner/Loader/Commander/ had to move his eye away from the sights to relaod the main gun. One man turrets are a real Bizotch.

    Wait till that R-35 runs into its first KV or T-34:D

  9. Yes they did. They also used Somua-35's, Char B1 Bis's and the R35/H39 series.

    In CM:BO you got to use captured H-39 (Long Barrel version). The H-39 was just a light and faster version of the R-35.

    As for the R-35 in your pics, yes they really do suck. A whopping 13 MPH and a short barrel 37mm gun that makes a PAK-36 look like an 88.

  10. Originally posted by chrisl:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nippy:

    Oh yes, this is a 'conscripted farmer with a pitch fork who's part of a human wave attack going up against entrenched MG-34s' kind of suck.

    I thought their mothers didn't allow them to run with pitchforks. If the conscripted farmers can run with pitchforks then BF.C has made an egregious historical error.

    BTS please fix, or do somefink!</font>

  11. It even extends to other Americans. Living in the south, most west-coasters have asked me about this. (and a rather virulent rumor about shoelessness in the public education system, but that's another story)


    "You live in Alaska huh? So...you live in an Igloo?"

    "Alaska, isn't that the huge Island off the coast of California?"


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