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Posts posted by Nippy

  1. I figured out where I went wrong. Spoiler below:

















    I thought you meant the "Royal Opponent" Senario.

    Now that was a conscript tank blast fest. Of course, I picked the Russians first go around. Nothing like watching a carefuly laid ambush turn out for naught because 8 T-34/85's can't hit a KT at less than 200 meters while standing still.

  2. Warning Spoiler for the "Nameless Senario" below. AVERT YOUR VIRGIN EYES!






















    If that is the senario I'm thinking of, it's a bit unfair for the Ruskies. almost 3/4 of the Tank crews are conscripts or green, your reserve armor is given to you peace meal, and the rest of your heavy tanks don't show up till later in the battle.

    Yeah, cruising around in Vetran and Crack KT's blowing up Conscript and Green T-34/76's. What a noble battle. :rolleyes:

  3. Originally posted by Ligur:

    In CM:BO they were my Nr. 1 unit for taking out field guns. It worked really well. Now I can do even more damage by disrupting oppo maneuvers like nobodys business!

    Hooray for on-board mortars!

    Not to meantion they make for great Smoke cover on the fly when attacking. This is really important for the Soviets:

    "What do you mean the 122mm smoke mission will take 12 turns to get here! Oh screw it, pass me that mortar..."

  4. I just laugh when I see them trying to lob molotovs or grenades on the tanks :I

    Keep laughing, and please ignore the flame thrower sneaking up behind you. :D

    For the Sovets, I've found a well trained Flame thrower team can deal some real damaged to a tank one on one urban/heavy forest combat.

    German tanks don't like being covered in burning oil for some reason...

  5. Originally posted by AFLC:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> My 23 year old brother in laws just stared at the game incesantly and asked "so I have to tell them what to do - that's too hard!" Rather than see the game for what it is, this evaluator is too busy staring at pumpkin shaped heads.

    C'mon I'm 22 and I know better! It's not age related.[/QB]</font>
  6. I swear, the one time in two years I want to use my homestead account and the damn thing shuts down after two whole people visit it. Any of you folks out there know of a good, and free, picture hosting sight?

    BRILLIANT! Bravo! At last we have a bard!

    Wait till you see the Fan-Fic:

    Lieutenant Armas “Pinecone” Tervo, Sergeant Karl “Grognard” Wurdig, Corporal Sergi “Plastered” Bolvinov, and Private Andrew “Spaghetti” Targetti in:

    Spira and the Toothpick of death! AKA Why Final Fantasy is an Oxymoron. Thrill as these 4 military misfits violate one of the gaming industries most sacred cows and run unchecked in their Nitro burning Hetzer!

  7. Also, conversion is not a part of the Peng Challenge Thread experience. Members are allowed to retain their own spiritual beliefs, whatever those might be. Some are quite disturbing. Others are more mainstream.

    My spell checker found it nessessary to replace conversation with conversion. However, I do recall several members of the Peng Thread being given or having taken away various "labels" of National or Cultural origin.

  8. It was bound to happen sooner or later. As CMBB becomes more widely known it will attract a larger and more “mainstream” player base which will undoubtedly contain members from the following groups:

    MMORPG freaks.

    If you ain't spending 25 hours a day seaching for the Glass Sword of Nerdonina, then you ain't playing.

    L33t FPS players.

    And you thought all the "Peng" threads were filled with competition and vile conversion. They have nothing on the chat logs of your typical Counter-Stike game.

    WWII Online refugees.

    Sooner or later people will get sick of waiting 4 months for each new peice of equipment to be released. However, old habits die hard, so expect gaggles of new CMBB players who will start designing Missions that use nothing but KT's and JSIII's on a flat open field.

    The real reason Wittmann was a Tank ace is because of his leveling up in the France and Polish Campaigns.

    Along the same lines as Everquest players. Fan of Final Fantasy will soon begin flooding the BTS boards with questions like:

    "How do I open Zhukov's Sphere Grid?"


    "Why can't my 6 person party defeat the 'Evil Tiger-of-Sturm' monster?

    If you fed a Zerg Vodka, would it yelling "Urah!" while rushing?

    RTS junkies from Command and Conquer to Star Craft will be looking for their next big fix. Saddly they will spend most of their time driving their tanks through the woods desperatly looking for resources to harvest.

    Be afraid, be very afraid...


    I made the mistake of looking at other reviews:

    "When it comes to realism and accuracy, Sudden Strike II oozes the right elements to make this game one of the most realistic WWII games out there. With over a hundred vehicles and troops as well as 5 different playable nations and a host of missions, this game will appeal to both the hardened SS fans and newcomers alike. Longevity isn’t a problem here either, as the amount of missions, multiplayer and the mission editor will see to that. If you are a fan of the RTS genre then you will love this game but if you’re not the patient, thinking type, you better stay clear as strategy and time are large factors in this game. If you can overlook the little bad things you’ll have yourself one of the best World War II RTS titles out there."

    (Sung to the tune of "Smoke that Cigerrete")

    Twitch Twitch Twitch that Mouse!

    Rush Rush Rush them tanks!

    Play that game to death!

    Like I said before, never listen to online review sites. Nothing beats word of mouth.

    [ October 17, 2002, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

  10. You are right. The T-34 has also to be viewed from an operational level. It has a Diesel engine - its range was about 600 km (with drop tanks). The Christie suspension on the wider tracks proved to be superior under conditions where German tanks refused operation.

    Didn't some American General near the end of WWII say something to the effect of:

    "If we would of had Tigers and Panthers in Normandy, we never would have got out of France. If the Germans would of had Shermans and Cromwells in the Battle of The Bulge, they would of reached Antwerp and beyond."

    From a gamepoint view, try setting ground conditions to "Wet" or "Mud" and then attack with heavy German armor...it ain't pretty.

  11. Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

    Nippy, that is an awesome pic! That needs to go in the archives somewhere..

    I was just messing around with that one. I want to make a bunch of them with a "CMBB meets Counterstrike/WWII Online/Everquest/Any Popular Online game" theme to them.

    "OMFG! 5tupid cAmping 88mm Fl@k Wh0re!"

    Uh-Oh, I feel more insperation striking...

  12. Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    Alright call me non-net savvy but what the heck is this L33T crap? And what are these other weird code words...can't recall the rest-? I've seen d00d and such, but that's easy. Is it an official code language, or just some 'netspeak? :confused:

    not net speak, but "Elite speak". In this case, it's more like "L33t 5pe@k". "L33t" uses various numbers and signs to replace normal letters. Such as:

    A = @

    S = 5

    E = 3

    W = \/\/

    Now lets take a normal sentance from a CMBB PBEM game and run through our "Leet Generator"

    "Ha! I have you now!"


    "BaHaH@HahAAh!! 1 0wN y0uR @zz."

    Please take note of the random capitalize of letters. Also don't forget to apply a liberal application of the derogatory term for Homosexuals whenever possible.

    gO H3R3 to EDUC4t3 y0Ur n3w81E a$$!!11!

    [ October 16, 2002, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

  13. In CMBB you've got PzIIIs and Stugs in more versions than you'll believe.

    And don't forget early war years tank battles. I just finished playing "Katukov Stikes back" as the Germans. Not to spoil anything, but all I'll say is:

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    No wonder the Germans built the Tiger I the way they did.

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