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Posts posted by Nippy

  1. I tried it once as the Americans and got my ass kicked. :mad:

    I played line of defence a few times and came to this conclusion: American tanks need to hold platoon formation. 4 up front in a line with the HQ tank a bit to the rear.

    So I gave it another go and did it a lot better this time. I lost 4 Grants (only HQ was alive) and 1 Sherman to the enemies 26 dead vehicles.

    I left the grants where they were and when the Shermans showed up, I moved them in one huge line to the edge of the orchard. The German tanks would face the Shermans, exposing their soft sides to the 37mms of the Grants. Some other interesting things were:

    - Burn baby burn! I had most of the map on fire by the end of the battle. Huge patches of fire started blocking LOS a lot

    - Hiding tanks seems to work much better now. A M3HT hidden in the orchard got the drop on the 222s out in the open. The other M3HT used the Mosque as cover to shoot and scoot, and managed to bag a few PZIIIs.

  2. I'm not sure how much the code has changed. Shortly before taking a break from CMBB for a stink of OFP editing, I tried out some "shock" tactics using the Soviets. Basically rushing forwards with tons of conscript tanks and SMG infantry riding on top.

    Anyway, I noticed that even crack and elite Waffenhampstertruppen hated having a 76.2mm shoved in the face on turn 3. Going hell bent for leather seemed to produce more enemy prisoners than if I were to attack in a slow and careful way.

    ...just an observation.

  3. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    Hehe, the P-51 was great. His rocket salvo missed my StuH (phew!) and then proceeded to strafe the american infantry! :D

    My brave Germans sat in their foxholes, cheering the pilot. It wasn't THAT common to get 1st class CAS in 1945 for the Wehrmacht...

    I played as the Americans first:

    First pass the plane took out one of my rifle platoons with a nicly dropped rocket load, the next pass he straffed my HMG platoon, on the third pass I was cheering for the German AA gun. :mad:

    Then I played as the Germans. On the first pass he dropped his rocket load right on top of the Greyhound and two M5s. Killing 2 out of the 3 units. This time I ordered the AA gun to hide, why stop a good thing? :D

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pud:

    I cant watch Paton without cringing everytime any tank trundles past :rolleyes: You would think with such a high profile and costly(?) film they could have tried to get at least one tank right. Certainly detracts from the enjoyment of the film.

    They did get one tank right. Exactly one. The Sherman recovery vehicle with the boom that you see going past in several scenes of Patton standing by the side of the road. </font>
  5. I'm not sure what to think.

    On one hand there is just so many 1950s to 1980s cool toys that could be played with in a fictional WWIII battle. It would breath some fresh air into a stale tactical subject (Ie Tiger = pwnage f0r evAr)!

    But on the other, I can see that there still is lots of WWII subjects to cover. The Civil war in Spain, a true Winter war setting, the eary war Blitzkrieg in Poland and France, and the early and late war Russo-Japanese border skirmishes. Not to mention the Pacific and China/Burma.

    It seems like only in the last few years that main stream game makers have figured out "Hey, there was an East front too!"

  6. I've found the King Tiger and the JS-3 to be a pretty fair match up. Neither can KO the other from the front if they are both hull down. Both are rather slow yet don't bog very often.

    For early war stuff, PZ35 and PZ38(A) vs the T-26 and BT-7 series is a pretty fair matchup at around 500 meters. However, the radioless Russian tank are a pain to command.

  7. Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    Preach on brothers! May I have another witness?!!!

    Count me in!

    At the very least, I would love to see a post WWII NATO vs Warsaw Pact battle. It could use equipment already modeled but that never entered WWII in significant numbers like the T-26 Pershing, JSIII, and maybe throw in slightly more "modern" units like the M48 and T-55 and a few early jets for CAS.

  8. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    You should rename this thread 'SPs (in open terrain, on clear day and against the A.I.)-enemy of the Volksturm'

    I've tried using Volksturm in CMBB as few times vs both the AI and human opponents. A better title would be:

    "Anything with two legs and higher brain functions: Enemy of the Volksturm"

  9. *T-34/85- I RARELY play as the Soviets but juding from the larger numbers of T-34/85s I presume their pretty cheap as the war goes on. I don't care for their armor since my 75/88s rip through them but their guns are respectable and can wreak havoc on infantry if not removed.

    From mid 44' and on I think the T-34/85 has a negitave rarity while the early moded 76's have around +10 to +30. In real life at this time, the Soviets were refitting the older T-34's to be made into SU-100s.

    Overall the T-34/85 is a nice package for the cost, especally the Late model with the fast turret. Plus the (T) rounds that come with it really put the hurt on the larger German tanks.

  10. Originally posted by Other Means:

    do i take this to mean that if we PBEM you just want marines? & i'd get Armour, arty & air support?

    email's in the profile damp boy.

    I'll think you'll have to wait for:

    CM:BB (Bataan to Burma) if you want to play as the Marines.

    As for overpriced, well, the fact that it costs me points to take T-26s in my force mix is proof enough that something needs to be fixed. I should get extra credit for just thinking about taking them.

  11. They are death to guns and open topped AFV's (if you get lucky).

    Shosties4th learned this the hard way in our PBEM. He had some SU-76s lurking about in scattered tree. I had an On map 81mm mortar target the space in between two parked tanks. One turn and a great many tree bursts later both tanks were knocked out.

    I do remember VT (Bursts above ground) ammo was really popular in CMBO for taking out half tracks.

    On the flip side, early war armor can be taken out with light artillary even if buttoned up. The T-26 and BT-5/7 series dies very easily to 75mm and 76.2mm*. Then again, if the tank commander coughs too hard the tank brews up too.

    *AI with Uber-Finn troops call a turn one strike on my mass of T-26s. The result wasn't pretty.

  12. Originally posted by Soddball:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stavka_lite:

    50mm are great for suppression but won't kill a flea.

    I disagree. You can kill with a 50mm round, but it has to be a very accurate shot since it has a much smaller blast radius. I think my biggest gripe with the 50mm is its small ammo load. It tends to shoot all its stuff up in just a couple of turns. It might be helpful to have an additional command to specify how many rounds you want it to fire in a given salvo. Also, stockpiled ammo for unmoved mortars seems reasonable to me.

    Michael </font>

  13. So, this original quest for info has turned into a post of info. Enjoy. Any chance we’ll see infrared modelled in the next CM patch/release?

    Saddly no, I think the main reason was that because of "Borg Spotting" a night vision capable tank would make any night fight way to unfair.

    "Hey you! Yeah you, the MG42 HMG that is over 1/2 a mile from my position. There a SMG squad sneaking up behind you!"

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