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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Nippy

  1. To the contrary it just forbid to promote Nazi/SS political views, behavior, and insignas in media that are destined to youth. So CMBB, as a PC game, *could* be considered as an item for the youth, and so if it featured Nazis/SS could be "banned" from stores.

    On the other hand, I'm sure more than a few Neo-Nazi wanna-bes has had his ego deflated when his Elite SS troops get ground up by conscript Soviets.

    "But...but...they're supposed to be supermen!"

    "Yeah well welcome back to reality, now say hello to Mr. Canister Round." :D

  2. . Also can you transport Heavy weapons in the boats ie: 37mm AT guns as the germans did? (seen old photos). I want to be able to recreate river crossing with counter attacks....

    ( PS: Any ferrys ?)

    No and No. Assault boats will only hold Light weapons like mortors and HMG's. The only real at "Guns" that can travel by Assault boat are the German 28mm AT rifle and 75mm Recoiless gun.

    And no, no ferrys for heavy equipment. You have to make due with Bog Heaven...erm shallow fords.

    I really miss the truck towed heavy assault barges from Steel Panthers.

  3. No doubt!

    Fear this little sucker! I just tried a QB against a mixed Soviet force of T-34/76 and T-34/57.

    Here is a fun little test. Open up the mission edior and buy a T-34/76 and a T-34/57 for the Soviet and a Tiger I for the Germans. In the map editor have the Tiger face both T-34 models head on and set them 100m apart. Now select each T-34 one at a time and use the LOS key to "test" the tiger. Here is what you get.


    Hit chance 92%

    Kill: None


    Hit chance 94%

    Kill: Fair

    I know which one I'd rahter have :D

  4. Everything you wanted to know about Armor Penatration.

    The only one missing from the list is the American 76mm.

    Also, here is some quick data from CMBB itself:

    Year is 1944, Ammo compared is standard AP and is assumed to hit 0 degree armor and 100 meters.

    Soviet 85 L55 gun - 128mm

    American 76mm - 123mm

    Soviet 76.2mm gun - 86mm

    American 75mm - 90mm

    At much longer ranges +1000m the 76.2 losses to the 75mm, while the 85mm surpasses the American 76mm by a tiny margin. Of course, Soviet Main guns have the added benifit of canister rounds and higher HE blast value.

    Fun fact: The Soviet 57mm L/73 is almost identical in preformance to the American 76mm up to ranges of 1000 meters and it seems to work better against sloped armor.

  5. ...the attacker needs more assets, especially artillery assets...

    Ahem to that. This is the exactly why I always purchase my units myself in any QB. One 81mm Mortor isn't going to cover squat with it's smoke rounds.

    ...Meager concealment is another factor; the most success I've had is with Town battles. With these you can make covered approaches.

    For the most "Bang for the buck" set the map to 'Farmland-Large Hills-Modest Tree Cover" The mpa gives you lots of covered approaches to the VL's, but at the same time give the defender lots of good places to set up.

    Oh, I would like to add that the AI can't attack its way out of a wet paper back. I love kicking Crack and Elite German AI ass using nothing but conscript Russians while on the defensive.

  6. Okay...okay...I finaly managed to stop laughing. I now have proof that Russian tank crews really need to lay off the sauce.

    I just saw an AI controled T-34/85 charge at 3 of my Panthers at full speed...down an open road...IN REVERSE!

    Yes the Russians must have desided to moon my German troops with the rear end of his T-34, as he covered over 150Ms going backwards at full speed. Needless to say my Panthers didn't take too kindly to that and lit him up.

    Poor tank commander is most likly still wandering why each time he ordered the tank to turn right, it went left instead. :D

  7. Originally posted by PeterX:

    At Midday:

    Fog- 750m

    HF- 250m

    AT Dawn/Dusk

    Fog- 700m

    HF- 84m

    Bah, you aint seen fog till you've seen the local Power recovery facility dump 70 Degree Water back into the local river when it's -30 out. Of course the brainiacks just so happen to put it right up stream from the single bridge crossing the river. I just love 10m visibality in the middle of Rush hour traffic and not be able to see the front end of my car.
  8. Unfortunately, the stuff on this site is so pro Peiper and anti Allies ( They contend that Patton hated Germans when in actuality he had much respect for many of them) I wonder how much is true.

    I remeber in the Manual for the Board game "Battle of the Bulge" the manual stated:

    "Peiper was killed in the mid 1960's at his home, when he opened a mail bomb. Obviously sent by someone with a very long memory."

    Edit: I did some research. He was killed in a fire bomb attack on his home in France in 1976.

    [ October 13, 2002, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

  9. Lets see:

    My Grandfather, on the mother's side, joined the Merchant Marines in June of 1945. He spent a lot of time ferrying American and German POW's back home. He traveled to Cuba, France (he docked in Cherborg), and even got to see the rock of Gibralter.

    Now my various uncles (My Grandfather's Brothers, he came from a family of 15 children!) had more "livly" Military careers.

    Uncle Frank served in China-Burma with Merals Mauraders and got to lug a 20 pound BAR all over that area.

    Uncle Leu, who saddly passed away several years ago, served as an AA gunner on various Ameracan ships in the pacific theatre throughout the war and several times found himself on the wrong end of a Kamakazi attack.

    As far as I know these were the only ones to see combat. The Other's either joined too late to see action or served in a support role well behind the front lines.

  10. "...but don't expect them to stop an armored assault."

    Try driving a Platoon of PZ38(T) tanks into the Jaws of awaiting Soviet 14.5mm AT rifle ambush. Let the Panzer-Slaughter begin!

    The Soviet PTRD/PTRS, Finnish Lend Lease BOYZ, and various 20mm AT guns are very effective against early war tanks, HT's, Open top Tanks like the Hummel or Marder, Trucks, and wooden bunkers. The thing is to use them in mass. I thought that the Russian's used the AT rifles in teams of 8 or so.

    So yes, unlike what the Panzer-O-philes at the WWII Online boards claim, AT rifles can be very effective if used right...or your opponent is dumb enough to send in tanks without infantry support.

  11. Here are a few other important "Skillz" everyone should learn:

    A)The Proper use of smoke in both the offence and defence. If you learn anything at all, learn this.

    B)The Proper placment of TRP's on likely points of advance.

    C)Identifing the High ground and either make plans to take it or bomb it out of exsistance.

    D)Making sure none of your forces are in LOS of the enemy at the start of the game. Otherwise a Pre-Planned bombardment will most liking come down on them (I've had the AI do this to me.)

  12. Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

    Not to complain about some fine work, but I think that factory looks like it belongs in 1980s America rather than 1940s USSR. Too many windows, and just generally not "tough" looking. Not what I think of at all when I think about the Dzehrinsky Tractor Works...

    Jeff Heidman

    But you need the extra glass to blind German snipers with! :D
  13. "Also you must be a player that enjoys playing Axis and hides behind German armor. Where in CMBB you will come to relize that Russia has better armor in earlier parts of the war, so your sheepish tactics or the little tactics that you have, will have you running back to your broken down computer to hide behind 1944 German armor."

    Looks like somebody ran into a KV-1. :D

    CMBB is a whole new ball game. Armor combat in the early years is very intersting (PZ38t vs BT-7) and challenging. Especally with the death clock added.

    Not to mention pre-planned Arty missions, vastly improved MG effectiveness, and much larger base of equipment to play with.

    CMBB all the way...

  14. Originally posted by Speedy:

    Your obviously not doing it right then.

    Oh I don't know. With what little (and I mean little) Russian I know. They all seem to swear alot.

    Never forget the time a Conscript 37mm AA gun brewwed a STUG:


    "Sukin syn!"

    Say it with a smile, Ruskie. :D:D:D

  15. German Assault

    Human Player as Germans

    Small Map

    Force - One Rifle Company and some tanks.

    Forget the rest of the details because it doesn't matter!

    Setup Phase - Place what few Infantry will fit on the tanks and form up the rest of the rifle company to move out behind the tanks.

    Turn 1 - 2 seconds into the turn a Soviet Pre-Planned Bombarment just happens to land RIGHT IN THE VERY CENTER OF THE FORM UP AREA!!!

    Turn 2 - Just hit "Go" because all your troops are paniced or routed.

    Turn 3 - Hit "Auto-Surrender, as the Rifle "Company" is now made up of less than one-and-a-half Platoons because the rest are either dead or routed off the map.

    After Action - Realize that a few Russian Conscript 82mm spotters stopped your comapny level assault butt cold.

    Bastage AI :mad: :mad: :mad:

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