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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. JerseyJohn was referring to the AI in SC. It will never send units to the Med/Egypt via the Transit Arrows. [ November 29, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. There are several ways to handle FOW for the AI; 1. No FOW bonus for the AI 2. Allow the AI to see ungarrisonned cities 3. Give the AI units a greater spotting range. 4. Give the AI a spotting Aircraft (AKA bomber) so that it has greater insight into enemy force dispositions. The AI will use this aircraft unit to spot enemy units, never to attack. 5. The AI can see all units when FOW is turned on. Perhaps: Beginner: No AI FOW Bonus Intermediate: AI can see the status of all cities and ports and resources and the AI receives 1 AirIntelligence Unit (same spotting range as bomber) Expert: AI can see the status of all cities and ports and resources + The AI receives 2 AirIntelligence Aircraft Units AirIntelligence Unit - MaxStrength Value 5. Does not intercept. Spotting Range is 2+Strength+Long Range Tech Level. A damaged unit has a reduced spotting range. Cost 300MPP. Represents the allocation of air and army intelligence resources to focused battlefield intelligence gathering on a narrow front. [ November 29, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. Excellent analysis of the reasoning behind SC, ranks right along with your prior exposition on how the limiations of operational movement in Russia eliminate the need for a more complex operational movement system.
  4. Within the current game system having Iraq start off as allied is a good way to balance things for an underdog Allied player. Heres an idea; In reality, Iraq should become an active pro-German minor ally, after Germany DOW Russia, without a corps and the UK should be allowed to invade Iraq without triggering a readiness penalty. If Germany wants to spend MPP to build corps in Iraq it should have the option to finance this, at a cost in MPPs. Historically Germany did not supply much support to Iraq when the UK and the Trans JOrdon Legion invaded as it was busy preparing for their invasion of Russia. Forcing Germany to spend MPPs to defend Iraq would recreate this trade-off amd eliminating the initial Iraqi corps makes it easy for the UK to take Iraq if Germany does not spend at least 125MPP to defend Baghdad. You might even want to say that units built in a German Allied Iraq unable to trace a supply line to Berlin, cost twice as much. So an Army would cost 450MPP and a Corps 250MPP. Delaying the Pro-Axis Coup until after Germany is at war with Russia also makes the trade-off for Germany more interesting - do you spend MPPs to help the war effort in Russia or do you spend it to defend Iraq? Naturally if Germany does not send aid to support Pro-German Iraq and the UK does not invade there is a chance that nationalist generals in Turkey will annex Iraq with the support of the Iraqi people, who saw their standard of living decline when Iraq was severed from the Ottoman Empire after WWI. Naturally the longer that the major powers wait to take action the more likely the Turkish government is to act. So with no action by the UK or Germany to the Iraqi Coup the chance for Turkish action should be: Turn 1: 1%, Turn 2: 2%, Turn 3: 3%, Turn 4: 4% etc. [ November 28, 2003, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. [ November 28, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Winter Rail Operations - Without this investment the cost of operating units into or out of Russia during winter months is doubled. Takes effect at the start of the next turn. Egypt-Iraq RailRoad - This investment increases the value of Egyptian cities and ports from 5 to 10 as they can now trace a supply line to the Neutral Capital of Iraq. Takes effect 4 months after the investment is made. Russian Partisan Planning - This investment reflects resources dedicated to ensure that the Russian resistance continues, even if the government falls. This investment activates Post Surrender Russian Partisans (ie 5%/15% for Russian Partisans after Russia Surrenders) Long Live the King - This investment allows the British Empire to continue from the Safety of Canada in the event that Germany conquers England. Egypt, Gibraltor and Malta do not surrender when England Surrenders (aka Vichy France). UK units within 5 hexes of these lands or Canada are not disbanded when England surrenders. They continue the Fight. [ November 27, 2003, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. In the 1939 Scenario how many of you have attacked Russia in July of 1940? I find that it totally changes the game as the game is more fluid and both sides wage war with fewer units mobilized. Oh yes, and until the Axis minors join Russia outproduces Germany 2 to 1. [ November 26, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. One item I liked about the COS AI is that it would really use different strategies to wage a war. I would have liked to see SC follow a similar path, even if it was limited to the start of the Russian Campaign. Example: An early attack on Russia (before they annex the baltic states -about July 1940), normal attack, and a late attack (only after Russia prepares for war). Ideally the AI would use Fuzzy logic to decide on the optimal strategy - ie if France Falls quickly then Early Russian Attack 50%, if France falls late then Early Russian Attack 10%, if France falls really late then Early Russian Attack 0%. Similarly the Allied AI could have used 3 or 4 really different strategies for the defense of France: Normal, Disband the French Navy and French Airforce, Full Defense with the UK producing units that are sent to defend France and Free French Forever. I am looking forward to Sc2 including a more varied strategic aresenal for the AI. Similarly; The AI at higher levels should be more inclined to concentrate its air units on one front instead of splitting them between France and Russia. [ November 28, 2003, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Although I can't comment on HiCom, in COS the AI seemed to adopt one of three primary strategies for the Axis - Sea Lion, Russian Invasion, or Conquer the Med. The allied AI would launch invasions in France and the Med. In summery, COS has a stronger "Strategic" AI than SC. As JJ said this is probably due to the fact that naval movement and invasions are simpler for the AI to execute in COS. [ November 26, 2003, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. From Decision Tree Event Post: [ November 26, 2003, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. A most excellent idea No Vichy -- All French Ships Join the UK as Free French -- UK Gains Overseas French Territories (Algeria and Syria) -- % per turn for Spanish Entry on Side of Germans if X number of German troops line up on border. Perhaps cumulative % per turn per German unit on the border. (1% - 3% - 6% - 10% - 15% - 21% - 28%) -- No Vichy or Spanish Plunder for Germans Vichy -- French Navy disbands except for units that become Free French -- Germany can gain plunder from attacking Vichy France -- Weak French Corps in Syria, UK can attack Vichy Syria without triggering war with rest of Vichy. --------------------------------------- And may I add: If the UK does not move into Vichy Syria the Turks may do so, especially after Germany attacks Vichy France. [ November 26, 2003, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. I agree with you that Turkey wanted to remain neutral as it could not afford another fiasco like it suffered during WWII. At the same time I think that under the right circumstances its leadership would have considered taking back its lost territories if this could be accomplished without dragging it into the war between Russia and Germany. This would have been easiest to do in the case of Vichy Syria and possible with Iraq, especially if Turkish diplomats could have convinced the British Government to approve it and it was not seen as a direct threat to German aspirations. The chance for this acceptance would dramatically increase after Germany and Russia are at war and UK was fighting the war alone in the west. Given the German focus on the Eastarn front Germany would have most likely accepted Turkish annexation of Vichy Syria, in my opinion, so long as Turkey did not join the allies. In fact Hitler would have probably regarded it as just punishment for the French. The Brits could have accepted it so long as Turkey did not join the Axis and continued to trade with their forces in Egypt. Turkey was weak when compared to the UK and Germany but it was strong in the area of Vichy Syria, lands which were not critical to either major power. Another element to consider is the speed of transportation during the 1940s and the difficulty of waging a war far from your national borders. [ November 26, 2003, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. JerseyJohn, I think that the Brits would have accepted a Turkish re-conquest of Iraq and Syria so long as it did not affect trade with Russia (and they allowed UK overflights to Russia) and the Turks promised not to move on Egypt, which was vastly more important to England. Russia would have accepted this also, as they could not afford to open up a second front. Both countries would also be loth to push Turkey into the Axis Alliance. Turkey itself, would probably have accepted this as it would 1)still remain neutral and 2)could continue to trade with both sides in the conflict while regaining control of the lands it lost after WWI and deeply embarrassing the French and English. So you have these options; 1. Turkey threatens to Annex Iraq and Syria and backs down due to British threat. 2. Turkey annexes Iraq & Syria with UK acceptance 3. Turkey annexes Iraq and Syria, UK declares war on Turkey and Turkey joins the Axis 4. UK loses Egypt and Turkey annexes Iraq and Syria. 5. UK loses Egypt and Turkey does nothing. 6. Turkey annexes Iraq and Syria and allows Allied Forces to Operate to/from Russia and UK cities can trace a supply line to Russia (increasing their value to 10). Perhaps, they also allow Allied units to transit the straits to the Black Sea? 7. Turkey remaines Neutral Moreover, this options would be relatively easy to model in SC2 - aka the Russian annexation of the Baltic States - and would definitely spice up the activity in the Middle East. As discussed in other posts the chance for Turkish Annexation of Syria and Iraq would be influenced by these events; 1. Surrender of France (+1%, ie 1 in 100 games) 2. Axis Attack on Vichy France (+5%, 1 in 20 games) 3. Axis Conquest of Egypt (25%) 4. Deal with the UK, if German Transports are sighted off the coast of Vichy Syria or the Germans conquer Vichy Syria the UK might agree to turn over Iraq and/or Syria to Turkey to prevent annexation by Germany (say a 5% that the Brits can convince Turkey to Annex Syria with a 10% that Turkey also demands control of Iraq - thus the Brits can make this offer, but Turkish acceptance is not a sure bet. Perhaps such an offer could also drive the Iraqis to join the Axis to protect themselves from the Turks?) 5. UK Surrender due to German Sea Lion (50%) Moreover, the % parameters for this option could be set in the editor to allow players to experiment with different settings and for play testing. PS: If German Sea Lion did succeed I would like to see Turkey Join the Allies, as a play balance option in games vs the AI with Turkey expanding to control Syria, Iraq and Egypt. Perhaps this would only occur at Genius Level AI vs a Human Axis player. This would give the allies 3 Ports, 6 cities and 2 oil fields, a much needed boost. In fact I could see an entire diplomatic routine being built around this option with the Turkish AI response based on several factors including whether or not the Axis Minor countries have joined the Axis and the presence of German troops on the border of Istanbul. Example: German troops on the Border of Istanbul(ie not Bulgarian troops) will cause the Turks to 100% reject any UK request for transit rights through the Straits, if the UK demands this for accepting Turkish annexation of Syria and Iraq. [ November 25, 2003, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. Re: Ideas re: Sweden I would keep the current readiness penalties but would add other consequences such as; 1> German DOW Sweden then German production drops by 5/10MPP per turn until Sweden is conquered as Sweden halts shipment of iron to Germany. 2> If Germany DOW Sweden then Spain may mobilize a HQ unit and start accumulating MPPs from its own production base. The chance of this occuring increases the longer it takes Germany to conquer Sweden. (This will make any invasion of Spain more difficult). 3> A successful German attack on Sweden may also embolden Turkey to attempt an annexation of Syria or Iraq (making it harder for Germany to attack Russia from the south by annexing Iraq) and it may even convince the Turks to open up a new supply route to Russia from Ankara, thus allowing Russia to build troops in the Caucaus area even if this region can not trace a supply line north to Moscow. This would probably be the most powerful disincentive to attack Sweden as the cookie cutter strategy is to cut Russia in two so new units can't be built in southern Russia. 4> Sweden may respond to a German attack on Vichy France and Spain by Mobilizing its reserve and starting to entrench its units. (making it harder to take Sweden - say 30% if Vichy is attacked, +30% if Spain is attacked, +30% if Switzerland is attacked) 5> Add a chance for Partisans during the winter months, the partisans would force Germany to guard the Norwegian and Swedish mines. The allies could increase the chance of this occuring by supplying the partisans. [ November 25, 2003, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. If you want a more realistic game attack Russia in July of 1940. Russia outproduces you 2 to 1 YOu have few units, Russia has fewer units at the start and the game really moves - the only flaw in the AI is that the Brits wait too long to launch D-Day, even with FOW off and only 1 German unit in France they wait until the US enters the war. [ November 24, 2003, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. And I always wondered why the Russian Navy couldn't intercept Iron Ore shipments from Sweden to Germany. In north Africa you can trace supply via a land bridge, but it might also be interesting to have a supply ship that would automatically move between Italy and a north africa port, thus increasing the supply of that city on the turn it arrives to 10 for 1 or 2 turns, but of course this takes a nice simple system and probably adds an unneeded degree of complexity. [ November 24, 2003, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. I agree with you and if the Germans are stupid enough to offer Franco's Spain Territories that Italy wants there should be serious conseqences. In addition as you said there should be a chance that Spain rejects the offers outside of Spain's sphere of influence and Italy is peeved when news of the offer leaks to the press.
  18. So say four options for Germany; 1. Germany Gives Spain Algeria only 2. Germany Gives Spain Algeria and Tunisia 3. Germany Gives Spain Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt 4. Germany Gives Spain Algeria and Egypt. Italian Reactions; Peeved - Italian units in Russia can only move west and other Italian units can not enter Russia or Germany. Really Peeved - Italian Units are withdrawn to defend Italian Possessions. Mad as Heck - Italian Units are withdrawn to defend Italian Possessions. As soon as all Italian units are in Italian Territory Italy declares neutrality. [ November 24, 2003, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Interesting points Jersey John and I agree with them. But perhaps, Italy would have been a bit peeved and not have withdrawn from the Axis, but merely limited the deployment of its units to defend the Italian possessions - ie no more Italian units in Russia. In game terms: Italian Units in Russia may only move West & Italian units may not enter Russia or Finland. Chance 10% if Germany gives Algeria to Spain, 70% if Germany gives Algeria and Egypt to Spain. Of course would Germany give Egypt to Spain, I doubt it but perhaps Germany would if it caused Spain to Join the Axis, especially if the Allies had already attacked the Low Countries and Ireland. Anyway this is a what-if game and the what-ifs can be most interesting. Example: 100% Spain Joins Axis if Allies Attacked Ireland and Low Countries and Germany gives a conquered Algeria and Egypt to Spain. This has a 70% to cause the Italian Government to limit their cooperation with Germany. Italian Units in Russia may only move West. [ November 24, 2003, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. I think that there are several historically possible outcomes that should be considered in SC2; 1. Spain (elaborating based on points raised by Shaka of Carthage and JerseyJohn) 1A. Spain Remains Neutral 1B. Spain Joins Axis (as per JerseyJohns comments) 1C. Spain Prepares to Defend Itself 1D. Spain Buys off the Germans when threatened (say 20MPP per turn not to invade) 1E. Allies influence Spain to standfast and remain neutral in face of Axis Threat while supplying Spain with Arms. 1F. Germany offers Spain Vichy Algeria to encourage them to join the Axis, perhaps this causes Italy to Withdraw from the Axis. 2. Turkey 2A. Turkey Remains Neutral 2B. Turkey Annexes Syria if Germany Attacks Vichy France 2C. Turkey Annexes Iraq if German Sea Lion or Axis takes Cairo 2D. If Axis takes Spain and Sweden (Shaka Of Carthage says) there is a chance that Turkey joins the Allies, especially if they sanction the return of Syria and Iraq to Turkey. 3. Sweden 3A. Sweden mobilizes for war if Switzerland or Vichy and Spain is attacked. 3B. Sweden and Norway sign a joint defense treaty 3C. Chance for a joint Nowegian/Swedish/Finland Defense Treaty if Allies attack Ireland and Low Countries and Axis attack Denmark and Switzerland and Spain 4. Polish Air Force If Polish Air Force Operates to Sweden then Sweden then it should become a Free Polish Unit under the control of Sweden. If Polish Air Force Operates to UK/France it should become a Free Polish unit after Poland Falls 5. Norway If UK attacks Ireland and Low Countries their should be a chance that Norway joins the Axis or signs a defense treaty with Sweden
  21. Just a note to say that by adding in reactions such as listed above some non-historical actions might be deterred; ie It reduces that chance of the Axis attacking Switzerland as such an action would increase the chance for a Spanish Mobilization. ie If the Axis attacked Norway + Switzerland OR Spain + Vichy France there should be a risk that Sweden will mobilize its armed forces - ie 2 extra Corps from the Swedish Army Reserve, units begin to entrench, etc. Sweden cuts off supply of Iron Ore to Germany (Germany loses 10MPP per turn) Now the question is what would be the reaction to an allied invasion of the low countries plus a declaration of war on Ireland? [ November 23, 2003, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. In many games the Axis player will launch a wave of conquests - Norway , Sweden, and Vichy France yet the Spanish OB remains the same. Even if five axis units are massed along the Spanish border the mix and location of the Spanish Army does not change. If Franco felt that Spain was next on the Axis list would he have mobilized additional forces and repositioned his units to better defend the honor of Spain? I think so. The question remains - what would be the best way to reflect his reaction in a future version of SC? Perhaps 1. Create a Spanish mobilization factor that once triggered allows Spain to stockpile and use MPPs. Example: Vichy and Sweden falls to the Axis. The Spanish AI government mobilizes for war and starts to earn MPPs which it may use to purchase additional units or reinforce damaged Spanish units. The Spanish AI can also move its units and they can entrench. Example: Spanish Mobilization Conquest of Sweden 30% + (1 to 20) Conquest of Vichy France 30% + (1 to 20) Conquest of Switzerland 20% Per Axis unit (army, corps, armor) on the Spanish Border +5% Naturally there should be a pop-up that announces that Spain is preparing for the defense of the nation when this mobilization factor is triggered as such a mobilization would be front page news in the papers of the day. I feel that such a change would improve the game without substantially altering the game balance of the two sides. As for the Spanish AI it should probably be limited to producing Corps for the first ten turns after mobilization as the Franco would be rushing to field units in the shortest amount of time. Once Germany DOW Russia Spain should halt its mobilization if it has not been attacked. 2. Perhaps allow Germany to offer Spain Control of German Algeria. Such a offer may convince Franco to join the Axis (5%). Naturally, if Italy conquered Vichy France it would never agree to give Spain Algeria. in this option the Axis player has to balance the "certain" loss of production from Algeria against the "possible" MPP gain from Franco's Spain joining the Axis. A calculated risk. 3. Perhaps 4 levels of Spanish Mobilization Level 1: 0% to 90% - No Effect Level 2: 91% to 99% - Spain Shares intelligence with Allies, Allies can see all German units that Spanish units can spot. Level 3: 100% to 120% - Spain mobilizes for war. Spain gains a bonus Franco HQ unit. Level 4: 121%+ = Spain Joins Allies Spanish Mobilization level is affected by Axis conquests/DOW on Sweden, Vichy France, Switzerland, Portugal and number of Axis troops along Spain's border. Spanish Mobilization chance is reduced by Allied attack on Low Countries or Ireland or Denmark. [ November 23, 2003, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. In XP there's a Program Compatiblity Wizard that allows you to select the compatiblity for a program: W95, W98, NT, ME, or W2000. Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Program Compatibility Wizard. This is most often used for playing games written for earlier versions of Windows. [ November 23, 2003, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Rarely, I may take Sicily after Italy enters the war but before France Falls, this normally distracts the Axis and supported by a HQ unit an Army need only defend a one hex front. This normally leads to a great naval battle, the destruction of the Italian navy and ultimately leads to a UK retreat from Sicily as the Axis concentrates their air fleets against this threat - the danger is that the Axis may launch a Sea Lion before the UK fleet can return to the British Islands.
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