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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Since SC is a game of what-ifs it would be interesting if SC2 had an Alternative History option choice button that would allow for events such as; 20% If Axis attacks Denmark + Switzerland then a chance for a Norwegian Swedish Defense Treaty. This means that attacking one nation causes an automatic DOW against the other nation. 20% If Axis Conquers England then the British Allied Territoris (Egypt, Malta, Canada, etc) continue the fight and become American Territories until the UK is liberated. The US also gains all Merchant Shipping MPPs that were going to the UK until the UK is liberated. 10% If UK withdraws all land troops from Egypt then an Egyptian military coup occurs and it becomes a neutral nation. 10% If Algeria is not garrisoned then it revolts and becomes an independent neutral nation. 50% If Egypt and Algeria are independent neutral nations and no Italian forces garrison Libya then Libya revolts and becomes an independent neutral nation. 10% If the UK surrenders then Spanish forces occupy/liberate/annex Gibraltar if Spain is still Neutral. 20% If the Germans conquer Cairo and Iraq is still Neutral then the Turks annex Iraq. This increases to 50% if Turkey controls Vichy Syria. 5% When France surrenders Turkey annexes Vichy Syria. When the US enters the War the US allied player has the option to select for the US a 1)Europe Victory First Strategy or a 2) Pacific Victory First Strategy. Selecting the Pacific Victory Strategy would reduce US MPP production and accelerate the Russian Siberian Transfer. When Germans Capture London and If Egypt is still UK Controlled the Brits have the option to 1. Give Egypt to the Americans or 2. Give Egypt to Turkey. If the UK gives Egypt to Turkey then Turkey also annexes Vichy Syria if it is unoccupied. If the UK gives Egypt to the Americans then it is connected via Sea Lanes to the US for purposes of supply and building new units in Egypt. I believe that such events would add to the game without requiring a lot of time for programming. [ December 10, 2003, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Revised: Pacific First Effects 1. Siberian Transfer Occurs Automatically X Months after US enters the War. 2. US Production reduced by 50% until Victory over Japan. 0% 1942, 20% 1943, 50% 1944, 90% 1945, 100% 1946. 3. Value of Merchant ship convoys to UK increased by 100% until Japan is defeated.
  3. A programming solution, for the Canadian Corps issue, would be to 1. Allow the UK to build units in Canada (I always thought it strange that the UK could not train new troops in Canada) 2. Allow Allied units to operate between Canada and the US.
  4. I agree, in the 1939 Scenario the 2 German subs in the Atlantic should be allowed a free setup or their position should be selected randomly from a set of 3 or 4 possible locations - South Atlantic, MidAtlantic, North Atlantic. As for the defender of minor countries being able to choose all of their positions in all cases I feel that this would not be proper reflection of a surprise attack on the defending nation and it would lead to the perfect defense strategy for each neutral over time. [ December 09, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Italian Naval AI Idea 1. Ratio of Italian Ships to Allied Ships in Med. >2:1 Then Offensive Strategy >>> If Difference is 1 unit then build Sub to obtain 2:1 ratio required for offensive operation in the Med. <=1:1 Then Defensive Strategy 2. Possible Strategies for the Italian Naval AI 2.1 Divide the Mediterrean with a line of Ships and Subs from Tobruk north to Athens. 2.2 Clear the Eastern Med of UK Ships 2.3 If Spain is Neutral or Axis Controlled: Blockade the West Med with ships east of Gibraltor. 2.4 Break out from the Med into the Atlantic. 2.5 Take Malta 2.6 Defend the Italian Coast. [ December 08, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. The Japanese were smart and able to launch a strike force that achieved total surprise. They made a bad decision in deciding to attack the US and not following up the strike on Pearl Harbor; however, they choose to avoid the risk of further losses, much like the US avoid the risk of further losses by not advancing to Baghdad during the first Gulf War. The fact that the carriers were not there was a calculated risk that they had to accept.
  7. Excellent point. I just started to test it in the Barborossa scenario with FOW Off. I gave the Italians 13 extra subs and 7 carriers and they did not attack. Then I gave them 6 armored in Northern Africa and Tobruk. They used the armor to attack towards Cairo, while their navy did nothing while the UK carrior bombed the attacking armor units. Only when a UK surface ship launched a shore bombardment did the Italian navy (in spite of its 26:3 naval superiority move to attack. When it did it sent in one surface ship at a time, which the small UK navy sunk. After losing serveral ships it then moved 8 subs to the Agean Sea and proceeded to send 2 subs at a time agains the UK fleet and based an air unit on Crete to lend support. With such a naval superiority the Italians should have launched a mass attack at the UK fleet. Ultimately - the UK navy (1 carrier, 1 battleship and 1 cruiser supported by 1 bomber) sunk 4 Italian surface ships, destroyed 2 air units based at Crete and sunk 8 Italian subs by the time I decided to end this test. The 6 Italian Carriers remained in the adriatic guarding Venice and Albania and 1 carrier moved to Guard Athens. What the Italian Navy AI needs is an Offensive Routine that kicks in when it believes that it has Naval superiority. How would this be done. As a first pass, compare the number of Italian ships in the Med vs the Number of Allied ships in the Med. 2:1 or more then a greater chance for an offensive strategy. 1:1 or less then the AI has a greater chance for a defensive strategy. In that case it should use a cheap transport to scout out enemy units and then use its navy in a big rush to attack and sinke the British naval units. Of course, if it determines that it has naval superiority it should consider (say 50%) blockading the eastern mediterrean and building an air unit in tobruk and an extra sub before launching its attack to clear the Eastern Mediterrean - to guarantee victory with minimal losses. [ December 07, 2003, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. When WWII broke out the order of battle of the UK, French and German Navies was widely publicized. During the war the sinking of each capital ship was also widely publicized in the news accounts of the day. Prehaps, SC2 should attempt to duplicate this fact with a screen that shows the names of each major capital ship fleet in existance at the start of the war and whether or not it has been sunk. Newly constructed ships would be added to this scorecard only if they were spotted.
  9. Does anyone know how to make the Italian Navy attack? I gave the Italian Navy 12 subs in the Barbarossa campaign and they did nothing. Even when they outnumbered the UK naval forces near Egypt by 16:3. This naval force did not even attempt to interdict UK merchant shipping. I understand why the Italian Navy may adopt a defensive position, but in those cases where it overwhelms the Allied navy forces in the region I believe that it should adopt a more aggressive policy. Perhaps the Italian Naval AI should at least one offensive routine and one defensive routine. I would also like to see the Italian Navy have access to a routine where it would attempt to blockade the Mediterrean to keep out allied naval forces and another routine where it would attempt a breakout into the Atlantic.
  10. [ December 07, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. [ December 07, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. The AI being the most difficult and time consuming part of a program to write I think that the designer made a good choice in focusing his initial efforts on combat in Continental Europe where most combat occurs. At the same time I think if a scriptable AI could be added such an feature would add greatly to the game. For example: Recently a played a game against the AI with FOW Off and when I was not paying attention it invaded Norway with 4 armies and took Bergan. Opposing it was 2 corps and a HQ unit near Oslo. The invading force was defeated. Why? The AI did not support its invasion by sending in airfleets and landing a HQ unit. If it had launched a proper invasion it could have easily liberated Norway and Sweden, depriving the Axis of much needed MPPs. Perhaps a script editor would have allowed me to write a routine that executes if the AI takes Bergan and there are less than X enemy units in Norway and Sweden and No allied forces are engaged in France etc, etc.
  13. #1 - Improved AI #2 - Events & News Pop-ups #3 - User Modifiable AI #4 - User Modifiable Chrome [ December 01, 2003, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. I too find it more conveinent to play against the AI. Over the past few years I have come to appreciate games the include several AI's with different personalities and strategic/tactical orientations.
  15. Building on Comments by JerseyJohn and Shaka of Carthage - what would have been the possible Japanese Actions and Allied Reactions during WWII? A. Historical - Attacks US Dec7,1941 B. Affect on the War Readiness of the US. Without an attack on Pearl Harbor at what point would the US have entered the war? After taking Malaysia, Vietname, Singapore, Australia, or the Phillipines? What if they took Midway and not Pearl Harbor? After the US enters the War: C. What if the US Largely Ignored the Pacific to focus more, a lot more, on the War in Europe What would have been the effect on the commonwealth - India, Burma and Australia? What would have been the effect on Russia? Would Japan have attacked Siberia? D. What if the US adopted a Japan first strategy? How soon would Japan have fallen to the Americans? 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - 1946. When could the US have begun to focus more resources on fighting the War in Europe? in SC Terms. E. How would the size of the Russian Siberian Army affect the Actions of Japan and the chances for their army conquering Siberia? Perhaps in 1940 Give Russia a choice of what to do with the Siberian Army; A. Historical B. Withdraw Forces to the West increasing the size of the Russian army by 3 units and 1 HQ based in the Urals. ---- If US enters war and Focuses on Pacific then remaining siberian transfer units transfer. ---- If US enters war and Abandons war in Pacific to Focus on Europe then Japan conquers Siberia and Russian production is reduced by 20% per turn and remaining Siberian transfer units are destroyed. ---- IF US enters war and follows historical strategy and Japan attacks Russia then 50% Japan conquers Siberia and Russian production is reduced by 20%. [ December 01, 2003, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Assume that after Hitler made those two mistakes that a Military coup occured and you -the new supreme commander - are now in charge and have the opportunity to really change how the war turned out.
  17. I agree tactically the AI is very good. If the new AI concentrates its Air Fleets on one front it would be even harder to beat.
  18. Adding to Shaka of Carthage's proposal I would like to see the US have options for how it will wage war on two fronts; 1. Historical Option - Current SC 2. Pacific First - where the US would concentrate on defeating the Japanese before turning its attention to defeating Germany. Selecting this option would reduce the MPPs available in for the US player until the US is victorious in the Pacific. At the same time the Russians would be more likely to have the Siberian Transfer at an earlier date as the Japanese armed forces would be focused on stopping the American onslaught. 3. Stronger Focus on the War in Europe - in this option the US forces would adopt a defensive strategy in the Pacific and accept the loss of Midway while most Naval forces would be used to fight the war in Europe. In game terms, this would give the US additional Naval units (say 2 carriers and 1 bomber) two to three months after it enters the war (allowing for Transit Time from the Pacific) and leaves Japan free to threaten Russian Siberia - thus eliminating any chance for a Siberian Transfer- or to threaten the Commonwealth Nations - Burma, India, Australia. Naturally, from monitoring news reports the Axis player would know which strategy the Americans have adopted. -- President Roosevelt vows that the US war priority is the defeat of Japan. (Japan First - Lower US Production, Early Siberian Transfer) -- President Roosevelt has ordered the transfer of all available Naval resources to the Atlantic to secure the rapid defeat of the Axis powers in Europe. (Greater focus on defeating Germany - US receives more naval units, no/later Siberian transfer) -- President Roosevelt has stated that the US war strategy is to defeat Germany first and then Japan.(Historical) [ December 01, 2003, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Excellent Point and I agree with you totally. As you know some Japanese leaders did not want to attack the US at all. The problem I had was with war with Germany for the US being delayed until 1943. If this happened in SC terms there would be no chance that the Allies could win. Russia would fall and Germany would be unstoppable.
  20. Shaka, your idea of having actions in the Pacific theater influences the war in Europe is just what the game needs. It adds to the historical context of the War in Europe and allows the players to influence the direction of the Pacific war in an abstract manner. Does Russia maintain a large garrison in Siberia? as you said: How many naval units does the US maintain in the Pacific? A reduced presence may guarantee Japanese victory in the Pacific and prevent the Siberian transfer. An increased focus on the Pacific will shorten the war in the Pacific but reduce US forces (aka MPP) available for the war in Europe until Japan is defeated. And as you also stated regarding Germany: If you had 3 choices for the US, 2 choices for Germany, 2 choics for Russia and say 3 choices for Japan you have 36 (3x2x2x3) possible scenarios. ---German Options After Japan DOW US ----------Historical DOW on US ----------Do Not DOW on US ---US Options After Japan DOW on US ----------Historical ----------Victory in the Pacific First --------------Reduces US Production by 50% but Japan surrenders sooner. Counters Effect of Reduced Russian Garrison in Siberia ----------Greater Resources to War in Europe --------------US Naval Units Transferred to Atlantic --------------------US gains 2 Carriers in the Atlantic --------------Chance of Japanese Victory vs Russia or India. --------------------Japanese Victory vs Russia reduces Russian MPP by 25%. --------------------Japanese Conquest of India results in ---Russia Options before Japan DOW on US ----------Weak Garrison in Siberia ----------Strong Garrison in Siberia [ November 30, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. The latest entry date for the US should be Dec1941, when Japan attacked Perl Harbor. A subsequent German Sea Lion on the UK, given Hitler's previous statements about the Communist system should trigger a rapid growth in Russian readiness as Stalin would have wanted to attack Germany before it crushed the UK and was able to concentrate all of its forces against the USSR I would also like to see (only in games vs the AI) the Russian AI occassionaly (say 1 in 10 games) reflect the alternative strategy that the Russian command staff had proposed - not basing units so close to the Russian border. [ November 30, 2003, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. It would be nice if the game had an optional pop-up news indicator that gave the players some "in game" indication as to why Russian readiness jumps or why US readiness drops. Example: The Russian government is worried about the concentration of German troops in the border area. (When Germany puts too many troops on the border too soon) Russian newspaper Pravda reports that the failure of the German High Command to crush the Polish resistance demonstrates the inherent weaknesses of the German Army. (When the Polish resistance lasts beyond turn 4) Ivestia reports that the German invasion of England has caused the Russian Command to order a full mobilizations of the Russian Army. (in response to a German Sea Lion) [ November 30, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. Although I would like to see an event editor included in SC2 so that ideas like JerseyJohn's events for Allied Attacks on Vichy France or Spain joining the Axis could be easily added, the addition of such a feature would delay the release of SC2. That said, the concepts that JerseyJohn put forth for the inclusion of "realistic" alternative history events would greatly improve the gameplay of an already great game system. PS - Global War was also the name of an old SPI game that covered WWII on a global map at a scale that was significantly larger than that presented in SC. [ November 30, 2003, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Yes, just move a transport onto the arrow and at the end of the turn the transport will begin its journey to Egypt going around the Cape. If Egypt falls to the Axis before the troops arrive they will turn around and return to the South Atlantic. [ November 30, 2003, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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