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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Will the amount of plunder be editable for a country? Also, there are two types of partisans - Post Surrender (ie Yugoslavia) and Pre-Surrender (Russia). Will you be able to set both. For example, can Russia have both Pre-Surrender and Post-Surrender partisans. [ April 19, 2004, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Oh, and don't forget a few (1 - 2) randomly placed ocean tiles with iceburgs during the winter in the artic circle weather zone. Its not much but it adds to the flavor of the game. [ April 18, 2004, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. SC2 is going to include the ability for users to write scripts for events. In a recent game I played the Allies liberated Rome early in the game before the US entered the war. Ideally you would be able to write an event that would reduce US war readiness if this happened. Why? The US would be less likely to enter the battle for Europe if the UK and Russia was winning the war without their assistance. Instead, the US would concentrate it resources on winning the war against the Japanese. The reduction in US readiness would give the Germans a small chance (a very small chance) for a comeback. Example: IF Italy SURRENDERS THEN USA_READINESS(-50%). [ April 19, 2004, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. This weather effect gets better and better. Now the Russians can hold off the German onslaught a bit longer and that Axis air power will be much weakened during bad weather. Perhaps, making Corps and Amor units more valuable. I would assume that the weather would affect the readiness of units in the field more than those stationed in cities? Perheps, even the northern Baltic might freeze over, allowing units to cross the ice to Sweden or Finland, of course if a unit is on the ice when the weather changes and the ice breaks up ...... the unit is lost.
  5. NO one said the Egyptians wanted to fight, they just wanted the British out of their country, a reflection of the fact that it was sovereign in name only. Egypt had a larger population and native army than did Iceland, Denmark and the Baltic States, nations that are included in SC2. Moreover, the population of Egypt exceeded that of most other European states of the period. Adding Egypt as a seperate country would also create interesting possiblities for player developed scenarios dealing with the Arab-Israeli Wars, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. PS: HC could you have the designer add the pyramids to the city icon for Cairo, the Empire State Building to New York and the Partheon to Athens. [ April 19, 2004, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Another Item - Egypt is not listed as a seperate country in the Country screen. I could understand it as being controlled by the UK but I would like to see it have the chance to become an independent nation if the English withdrew all troops from Egypt the Germans drove out the British, as many Egyptians hoped for. It should be noted that Egypt as a UK countrolled Country would not give the Axis any plunder if it was liberated by the Germans and thus would not change the economic structure of the game. So add Egypt as a new minor country but have it start the war controlled by the United Kingdom. If the Axis occupy Cairo it is liberated and becomes a German Minor Ally (as the Egyptians had a rather strong dislike for the English). Neither side gets any plunder from occupying Egypt. Thus adding a bit of historical flavor to the game . This change recognizes the fact that the British were only able to maintain control over the Egyptian government only so long as they maintained troops in Egypt. If they had withdrawn them then the Egyptians,who strongly hated the British, would have revolted against any vestiges of control exerted by the remaining British officials. In fact, the British suspected that the King was a nationalist and plotting against them. In addition, the Egyptian government was so far in debt that its is economic contribution was minimal and largely limited to the export of cotton and transit fees from the Suez canal. Thus no plunder. Simarily, if Vichy Algeria is conquered by the Germans (not the Italians) I would have a new country appear - Morroco (a protectorate of France under the Treaty of Fez). Although this country would not have any cities or effect on the game it would add even more historical flavor to the existing map. [ April 19, 2004, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. Although Iceland shows up as a seperate country in SC2 in reality it was a part of Denmark until an island wide vote in 1944.
  8. I am confident that HC will ship a great and balanced game. At the same time I see that everyone has their own view of what the perfect WWII game is and HC's system will allow players to create a game that matches their perception of history. Some players believe that the US should be stronger, that luck should not play a facter in R&D, that Italy should never be able to build a Carrier, and others that carriers are too strong. The system proposed for SC2 will allow everyone to easily mod the system to meet their perception of reality and/or to create a more competitive and interesting game. [ April 18, 2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Thanks for the update, its simple and effective. Now I have to time my invasion of Norway to avoid bad weather. Perhaps a good reason to focus more effort in the Med where the weather is for the most part clear and sunny. At least bad winter storms will not affect the range or spotting distance of air units.
  10. One item that has always bugged me is that the AI does not respond to an Axis naval strategy. For example - if the Axis has built loads of Subs the AI will never build a naval force to counter it. Thus I can build a wall of Axis subs to cut off the British Isles from America. Perhaps something as simple as a ratio of Allied Warships to Axis Warships in the Atlantic might trigger a Control the Ocean Strategy. If the Axis Navy to Allied Navy Forces in the Atlantic is greater than 1.5 to 1 then the US AI will execute a control the seas production strategy until the ratio is less than 1 to 1. What might this production strategy be for the AI? 1. Build Cruisers 2. Build Bombers 3. Recall Units from the Pacific (a strategy available only to the AI?) 4. Research Naval Bombers Of course the AI will need an tactical strategy to go along with this.
  11. Rambo, I agree the reports menu is too accurate. It should be accurate before the war starts as diplomatic spies in every country monitored military developments. After a nation enters the war the reliability of this information should decrease. I would say that the estimates should be least accurate for Russia - with its secret police - and most accurate for the US with its production levels and losses being reported in the major papers of the day.
  12. Any comments on the effect of adding Iceland to the game? Historically: 1940 - When Denmark falls to the Nazi Germany, Iceland is occupied by British troops to prevent a German attack. 1941 - U.S. forces take over defence of Iceland from British. 1944 - Iceland declares full independence at Þingvellir. [ April 18, 2004, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Any comments on the effect of weather? Any storms in the North Atlantic that might affect an invasion of Norway? [ April 17, 2004, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. There are several ways to handle this and I anxiously await HC's comments on the subject. Personnaly, I would like to see four changes: 1. The chance for an air unit spotting what is in a hex is reduced by range. Thus at Max range an air unit might have only a 25% to spot an enemy unit, at Max range -1 this increases to 50%, at Max Range -2 this increases to 75% and at Max Range -3 its 100% to spot enemy units. So, Air Fleet with Range of 6: 25% to Spot at Range 6, 50% to Spot at Range 5, 75% to spot at Range 4, and 100% to spot units at Range 1 to 3. Naturally increases in LR tech increase your ability to spot enemy units. 2. CAP for airfleets. Airfleets flying CAP deny spotting to enemy air fleets within 2 hexes of that air fleet. Thus allowing you to build a secret reserve force at the cost of this air unit not being available for attack or interception. 3. Spotting chance or an airfleets range is reduced during Russian winter. 4. Air Units have a reduced chance to spot submarines, especially if they are running silent.
  15. Just want I want, a finely tuned game designed to test you and with a much better AI. Now, only if it automatically adjusted the difficulty to match your skill based on your prior win loss record so you didn't know exactly what its advantage was - spotting, production cost, research, etc. But this game from what I have read promises to be truely outstanding and different. From the tiles to the most robust editor I have seen in a wargame. Truly different and engaging. Certainly not a clone of what is available in the market place. Congrats HC. I like what I see very much.
  16. I would like to see Spain, Sweden and Turkey have their own AI routines that could be activated under limited circumstances and allow them to respond to Axis and Allied threats before being actually attacked, at higher AI levels. For example: If the Axis attacks Vichy then the Spanish AI might have a 25% to activate. When activated it will start to move and entrench units until the threat is passed. The Spanish AI will also be able to accumualte and spend MPPs to build new units. Thus the Germans might face a stronger than expected Spanish resistance if they wait too long to invade Spain. The AI may also ask the UK for assistance, if declined it may decide to offer the Axis tribute in the form of MPPs or to allow the Axis to station air units in Spain - ie the Axis can move air units - but not land units to Spain. If the Allies attack Air Fleets located in Spain then they must declare war on Spain. ------------------------------------------------- Of course, it might be simpler to use the event editor to achieve the same thing - IF Axis attacks Sweden then 20% Spain gains one Corps in Tilte XX,XX. IF Axis Attacks Vichy then 20% Spain gains one Corps in Tile XX,XX. Thus Germany might face a Spanish Army that is stronger by 0,1 or 2 corps. ------------------------------------------------ [ April 17, 2004, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. I like this one; however, it might hurt the Russians in defending Russia. Perhaps have it only affect units in undeveloped areas of the Map - Conquered areas of Russia, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, North Africa, Sweden, Norway as in France and the Rest of Europe rail roads were very common. I was also thinking of having railroad hexes in Russia that link Russian cities with each other, according to maps of the period, and Warsaw and Danzig (and an old Avalon hill game: Russian Campaign). If a enemy unit occupies a rail hex then the unit can't use that route to operate units. Only a unit on a rail hex or city hex can operate. Strategic bombers could disrupt these rail routes in Russia. [ April 17, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. SC has several levels of AI including Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, Expert. Any idea on how the AI levels will affect the game in SC2? I would like to see the AI get more intelligent at higher intelligence levels. For example - At Novice the Allied AI will never attack Ireland while at Expert it would be more likely to attack Ireland and use more devious tactics. I would also like to have certain actions/events that would only occur at higher AI levels. For example - Spain might be more likely to join the Axis AI at Expert level while Turkey might be more likely to join the Allied AI at Expert AI. In fact, I would like to see a Genius and Super Genius level added with players able to link scripted events and benefits to each AI level. Example: At Genius level the Axis AI for Germany receives two free tech chits at game start, at Super Genius the German AI receives four tech chits at the start of the game. You could vary this in the editor. Example: At Genius level the USA receives the benefit of one of three randomly generated options: 1)an extra Carrier and Cruiser unit in March 1942, reflecting the transer of units from the Pacific or 2) three bomber units or 3) a free HQ unit. Thus changing the character of each game against the Genius level AI. In one game the human player faces a stronger US navy, in another a stronger bomber force and in the third a US able to launch an invasion sooner than expected. [ April 17, 2004, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. 1) I would say that the Allies can land along any coastal hex - considering the fact that they are 50 miles long. 2)Since some coastal hexes are easier to defend than others give any defending unit a hex dependent bonus to their defense strength vs an amphibious invasion. 3) The value of the Atlanitc wall is vastly overrated, its purpose was to slow down any invading force until reinforcements could arrive. But personaly, I like the current system in SC1.
  20. A major merchant ship trade route existed between South Africa and the UK and the value of this route gradually increased over the course of the war. South Africa also contributed considerable forces to the Commenwealth Armed forces. Perhaps this should be recreated in SC2 by adding two factors; 1. A selectable Merchant ship route from South Africa to the UK which Axis naval forces can attempt to disrupt. The value of this route would gradually increase over time. --- Route 1 would go directly north past Portugal and France to the UK. (default route) --- Route 2 would go farther west of Europe before returning to the UK. Selection of this route would reduce this convoy's MPP by 30% to reflect the longer transit time. 2. Giving the UK 2 South African corps during the course of the game. The UK player can decide via a pop up box where these units will go. Either to Egypt or to the UK. a. Egypt - Corps appears in Egypt in 2 months if the Suez is controlled by the Axis b. UK - South African corps appears in a south atlantic hex in 1 month aboard a transport. It must sail north past Axis naval forces to reach the UK. [ April 17, 2004, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. --- Disregard this post I just realized that the Map does not extend to the south atlantic :mad: - Another item I would like to see included is a South American port in Argentina that could offer a safe haven to one Axis Naval unit. An Axis naval unit in this port can not be attacked and it cannot attack from the port hex, however, it can be repaired while in this hex. Moreover, any Axis naval unit entering this port hex would be automatically spotted by the the Allied forces as their local diplomatic mission would most likely report the arrival of any Axis naval units. Naturally, the Allies would have the option to exert diplomatic pressure to force Argentia to close its port to Axis naval units. The chance for them to exert this pressure should dramatically increase after France is liberated. [ April 17, 2004, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. A collection of posts dealing with the battle for the Atlantic. Desert Dave says: Edwin says Desert Dave says [ April 19, 2004, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. The problem with restricting beach landings to only a few hexes is that the Axis can cover those hexes with units, two or three deep, and prevent any Allied invasion. In my opinion, having landings at only beach hexes would not create the fog of war present during WWII where the Axis had limited troops and had to decide which areas of the French coast to guard. Instead it would cause them to create a wall around the beach hexes that would be impossible for the allies to penetrate. In my mind, Brest and the northern french coast will still be the preferred invasion sight as the Allies can quickly land reinforcements at the port there and support an invasion with air cover from the British Isles. This landing sight is also easily defended.
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