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Everything posted by Rouge

  1. Contries do still yes fight with them but there was something on the ABC about a millitary UN specialist saying that obsolete weapons are the ones most commonly found on black marketers, and the M16 is starting to appear to as it ages( there are still 1st rate weapons on the market but not common)
  2. Contries do still yes fight with them but there was something on the ABC about a millitary UN specialist saying that obsolete weapons are the ones most commonly found on black marketers, and the M16 is starting to appear to as it ages( there are still 1st rate weapons on the market but not common)
  3. Provided that it can be detailed to be realistic its a great idea and im all for it!!!
  4. 1. DEFINATLY Das Boot 2. Enemy at the gates (gold old ed) 3. Blood oath (aussie movie about the execution of australian pilots by japs) 4.Stalingrad. "Once we hit the surface all ahead full we are going right up their asses!" - Das boot (when they are going through Gibralta)
  5. Someone quoted: "....And, since that time, the US military has become an elite and unparalleled unit." A unparalleled unit still equiped with the latest version of a 40 year old weapon the M-16A2- heres an example of a highly over rated weapon. If these were so good then they would be sought after by more countries however now days soldiers fight with SA 80s, Styers ect. The US soldier is still an efficiant soldier. But no not the best. To say so is knieve [ November 16, 2002, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Rouge ]
  6. hay stacks: the to confidential secreat to the nazi war machine. they also threw sirins underneath the stukas just to add to the fear of people on the ground. OK. i flicked through my books to find the cavalry charge here it is: "Guderian drove back to his headquaters at Zahn to find that his staff officers and clerks were hurriedly digging slit trenches and setting up an Anti aircraft gun. They were responding to rumors that Polish cavalry had broken through their lines and were going to impale them on their lancers, Guderian was forced to once again boot his men back to their work. The polish cavalry did turn up a couple of days later but not at Guderians headquaters. His swift advance had taken him from the German border clear across the polish corridor into east prussia cutting off sizable Polish forces to the north. Among these was the crack Pomorske Cavalry Brigade, which spearheaded a attempt to break out of the corridor and rejion the main polish forces to the south east. As the Germans looked on in disbelif, the troopers came riding down from the north on splendid horses; white gloved officers signaled the charge, trumpets sounded, pennons waved, sabers flashed in the sun. Like an animated page out of an old history book the brigade came forward across open feilds, at a steady earth-shaking gallop, lances at the ready, straight into the fire of Guderians tanks. In a few minutes the cavalry lay in a smokeing, sreaming mass of dismembered and disemboweled men and horses. When the survivors were trudging off to a german prison camp, some of them - according to one german account - were observed rapping incredulously on the sides of german tanks parked by the roadside: they had heard that the armor of the german tanks was made of cardboard." - Time-Life: WW2 book 2 That settles that i think
  7. now the ****s hitting the fan............ as for the U-Boat one i recommend watching Das Boot. BRILLIANT movie by wolfgang petersen. You also say that the minor countries dont count. A man who lives in my grandfathers town and is a family friend was a Regular army soldier and was part of the invasion of poland- he said that their bravery was the same as anyone else fighting for their homeland. Also this took courage: In September 11 Polish CALVERY did a frontal assult on german armor, the german accounts say that they wore full dress uniform and had lances with them. Very minor indeed................. Polish Cavalry in full retreat. [ November 14, 2002, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Rouge ]
  8. hitlers ultimate plan for rommel was to breakthrough egypt starve the suez cannal then sweep into the cremia captureing sovit oil and that was hitlers main objective. i bear in mind that these are only opinions and everyone is intitled to theirs
  9. in my extensive libary of course else where look around humor websites or do searches for "funny army" "funny hitler" ect.
  10. Time for the pix: Scary but true: Hitlers answear to "General Winter":
  11. I couldnt belive it when i read it but there were many signs and warnings of the invasion: -The German embassy staff left. -Papers were burnt at all German goverment houses. -Germans left. -A German soldier deserted and ran to russian troops bringing with him plans and memos of the invasion in return for his life. -Reports said 80% of the German army was on his border(stalin later said that this was a decoy for a invasion of England). -STALIN RUFUSED TO BELIVE ANY OF THIS AND WAS IGNORENT OF ALL THESE SIGNS.
  12. Mine and myself have had many arguements "Why cant you be like the ones at school?!" "Your doing this on perpose!" are just a few phrases commonly heard from my bedroom
  13. Took about 2 weeks to get here in Brisbane, Australia.
  14. I like the 3 hex vision idea it would work to, as for the random chance at evasion i just thought something up. THIS COULD BE A BALANCE FOR SS UNITS! think about it SS units could have a higher chance at attacking them but would be useless against regular infantry.
  15. i attacked it once but never destroyed them (finished to soon)
  16. im guessing hes a farm boy.....BOTH A SHOVEL AND A PITCHFORK TO DO THAT AMOUNT OF DAMAGE!!!!!!!
  17. A topic that has already been discused in great detail.
  18. it depends if it suits ur taste, some like it others bitch about it but yeh i think its a good buy.
  19. I would prefer if yugoslavia produced understrength armies rather then corps, eg. titos Also i would like to see the blood thirsty chetnicks and the Ustasha storm troopers. As one said to a SS officer "You Germans are far to practical useing bullets, we however use knives swords and pipe-much easier" Titos army with a T-34, one of 15 the had
  20. Not as if this teenage lot could be a threat to the Werhmacht These on the otherhand is a Russian Partisan group that is comprised of detatched 3rd shock army soldiers, polish soldiers and proper partisans [ November 07, 2002, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Rouge ]
  21. our queen looks like a man :confused:
  22. Haha ok thanks it wassnt exactly front page news down here in Australia
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