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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. How about making it a combined CMBB/CMAK tournament? The war could rumble all the way from Algeria to the Caucasus :cool:

    Originally posted by Kingfish:

    Update again,

    Jarmo has responded. Can't really go into detail, but it may be that the regular tourney will be scored very soon, perhaps as early as tonight.

    As for signing up for ROW V, Waaaaaay too early for that, but when the time comes it will be posted on this forum in the usual manner. Judging by the news on how far away the new engine is it is more than likely that ROW V will be in CMAK (and hopefully in 1.02).

    I want to personally thank all those who took the time to write AARs for this tournament. That is a very impressive list.

  2. What...the mines or unsportly opponents ;)

    Sounds like your opponent is quite sporting, and the sport is trapping tanks for their pelts.

    AFAIK, your snookered.

    Originally posted by Kobal2:

    Here's the skinny : I've got a force without any engineer. There's this gully I want to pour tanks through. In this gully, my cowardly and unsportly opponent put AT mines. Is there any way to get rid of them at all ?

    PS : Lars, shutafeckup, you coward. And don't you dare snicker either.

  3. ...well, that likely wasn't the problem.

    When I set all German reinforcements to enter 100 % on Turn 2, without altering their arrival flags, they all showed up, with the ten AFVs even being nicely strung out along the road, which I thought was a nice piece of coding.

    Must have just been a random glitch.

  4. I am wondering if it was smart of me to do the following:

    1. have a reinforcement group set to arrive at spot "X" on Turn 4 with probability = 95 %;

    2. have three more groups all set to arrive at that same spot "X" on Turn 4 with probability = 10 %.

    So far I've only tested the scenario twice, but on the second go around, I had one of those very, very, very rare freeze-ups of CMBB. I am wondering if it happens when two groups get picked to show up on the same spot in the same turn...I don't know if that is allowed by the game engine, and I see no design warning in the manuals.

    The first time I tested it, I had no freeze-up, even though one of the 10 % groups showed up on turn 4 and the 95 % group was postponed until Turn 5.

  5. Oops - all of my aforementioned "blow the bridge" comments were solely based on a re-reading of the Axis Briefing, but it turns out the prohibition was in the Overall Briefing...I knew there was some reason I didn't try it.

    Ahhh...now it's coming back to me...I also toyed with blocking it directly with the roadblock but then thought, "if I can't blow it up, I'm abviously expected to be able to counterattack across it, so I'd best not be blocking my own vehicles from crossing." redface.gif

    Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

    Ah. In some ways, that landmark is a red-herring, since it's the bridge, not the vineyards, that end up being squeezed!

    The briefing says you're not allowed to blow the bridge :)


  6. Check out the Landmarks - the huge vineyard area is labelled Melon Fields, or somesuch. I was too inept to get people over the bridge, which came under US LOF very quickly (lost the sandbagged AA to halftracks/Stuarts). I'd love to try it again just to see if I could evacuate my guys across the bridge and blow it up before the Yanks arrive; the 120 mm OBA should lay thick smoke.

  7. SSR = Scenario Special Rule

    Nimbus substitute...maybe a jeep/truck with a 20 L ATR/AA?


    HADERSLEV, DENMARK, 9 April 1940: The invasion of Denmark was part of operation Weseru:bung, the effort to secure the vital ore mines in Norway. Strong German motorized forces crossed the border early in the morning of April 9th. The small Danish garrison units near the border took up the fight against German forces ten times larger. Several German armored cars were damaged or destroyed, and the Germans soon learned to fear the 20mm guns mounted on Nimbus motorcycles poised for ambush at every major road intersection. By the time the Germans had reached Haderslev 60km north of the border, they had the tanks in the forefront.


    Three companies were present in Haderslev, augmented by mobilizing army reserves-the largest Danish force to see combat. The local commander set up a strong defence along the canal, which split the town in two. Action commmenced when several approaching German tanks were engaged by the crew of an anti-tank gun positioned out in the open on the road just south of the canal; the crew kept on firing until overrun. The Germans were stopped at the canal but soon slipped by amidst Danish confusion over the cease-fire ordered by the government. By the time things were straightened out, the Germans were racing north to catch up with the paratroopers who had just captured the airport at Aalborg, vital to the invasion of Norway.

  8. I also set up to receive the blitz but, as noted previously, had the force thoroughly blasted by OBA before the blitzers were in sight...presto-chango...no blitz defense. Also as noted, I was a tad slow with my OBA so I couldn't hit the parking lot of AFVs that had collected in front of the roadblock before my FO was pummelled by the massed direct area fire of the parking lots occupants...it was damned "dicey", for sure.

    As to ruining the "surprise" of the paras' rear flank attack, it's really in no danger as they completely outclass the buffoon platoon that they run into. I had set that platoon up to repel attack from the rear flanks, but they crumbled under the first hail of small arms fire.

    I still think it'd be more fun (and realistic) for both sides if the Germans were allowed to set up freely on either side of the river, and let the paras show up on either flank (where were they allowed to set up, by the by...just on the melon patch side, or did they also have the option of the opposite flank?). That way, the German heavy weapon section can be back where it is supposed to be, and also presents a juicy target for the paras to slam into.

  9. hmmm...I'm getting the sense from some of the recent comments that the official, pre-NABLA scores are posted somewhere...but I can't seem to find them on any CM forum, nor at the B & T site...or are the lists starting on page 1 of this thread the only thing we have thus far?

    Just wonderin'...I'm in no particular rush to scan the official stuff.

  10. hmmm...I'm getting the sense from some of the recent comments that the official, pre-NABLA scores are posted somewhere...but I can't seem to find them on any CM forum, nor at the B & T site...or are the lists starting on page 1 of this thread the only thing we have thus far?

    Just wonderin'...I'm in no particular rush to scan the official stuff.

  11. hmmm...I'm getting the sense from some of the recent comments that the official, pre-NABLA scores are posted somewhere...but I can't seem to find them on any CM forum, nor at the B & T site...or are the lists starting on page 1 of this thread the only thing we have thus far?

    Just wonderin'...I'm in no particular rush to scan the official stuff.

  12. Sorry - no scanning coming from me.

    And don't get fooled by ASL scenarios having the same digits:

    ASL### = core module

    CH### = a Critical Hit production

    J### = ASL Journal

    RB### = Red Barricades HASL module

    PB### = Pegasus Bridge HASL module


    You can end up with several haing the same ### but a different prefix denoting a different source.

    I'll be intrigued by how you adjust for the Nimbus and the SSRs.

  13. ...yup..it's got a Nimbus.

    Okay, here we go...let's see how much typing I can get done before I have to head out of the house...

    VC: The Germans win at game end [it's 7 turns, by the way] by having >= 21 VP of Good Order Infantry/Mobile AFV (with some functioning MA/MG) west of the canal (counted as CVP).

    Danish OB:



    set up on any whole/half hex of board 23 (see SSR 3):

    4 x 457 1st line

    2 x 437 green

    2 x 228 crew

    1 x 8-1

    1 x 8-0

    1 x HMG

    1 x MMG

    1 x LMG

    1 x 37L Bofors AT (AP only)

    1 x 20L M-35 AT

    2 x WIRE

    Enter on Turn 2 along the West edge of board 23:

    1 x Nimbus (a 20L MG armed motorcycle)

    German OB:

    [ELR: 3]

    {SAN: 2}

    Enter on Turn 1 along the east edge of board 16:

    2 x 468 Elite

    7 x 467 1st line

    3 x 447 2nd line

    1 x 9-1

    1 x 8-1

    1 x 8-0

    3 x LMG

    1 x 9-1 AL

    2 x Pz IIF

    Enter on turn 4 along the south edge of board(s) 16/23, east of the canal:

    1 x Pz IIF


    1. EC are Moderate with a Mild Breeze from the southeast at start.

    2. All buildings are Single Story Houses [EXC: hex 23Y7 contains a Steeple Location at both Level 1 and Level 2 (B31.2)]. All roads are paved (B3.).

    3. The Danish 37mm Bofors AT Gun has a B# of 10, must set up unconcealed in a road hex (as must the M-35 AT Gun), and any Danish crew manning it is Fanatic (A10.8). Boresighting is NA.

    4. Surrender may not be refused (i.e., a surrendering unit may not be eliminated thereby invoking No Quarter (A20.3). Danish personnel surrender on a Final Heat of Battle DR > 8. German units suffering ELR are not Replaced but instead become Disrupted (A19.2).

    Could be a real bugger to convert to CM...no time to type the Intro and Aftermath.

  14. I ran such a test:

    1. only guns suffer direct damage (still my favourite thing to do in CM :D );

    2. no damage effect on tanks/trucks/infantry....can't recall if I tried 2" mortar/3"mortar/HMG teams.

    I'v only ever seen morale damage on infantry - they tend to get spooked and hoof it.

    I also tried inflicting casualties with smoke rounds - gave up trying after I don't remember how long.

    All this should show up in a search of either CMBB or Tips and Tricks...maybe even Scenario Talk.

    Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Alexei:

    Dschugaschwili, can you confirm that tanks cannot run over ennemy troops? I remember a battle where one of my Stugs apparently ran over an ennemy plt, don't know if it was intentional or not.

    The stug was out of ammo and inf was approaching, instead of reverse movement, it went fast to the squad then back. And the squad was eliminated.

    I remember tests being made with an ammoless tank racing down a road with different units placed on it, and there never was any damage to infantry squads. This was done in CMBB I think, but I have not heard that this was changed for CMAK. Maybe your squad was killed by something else?

    Dschugaschwili </font>

  15. What gave it away for me was:

    1. the title, "Squeezing the melon", which let us know their would be a pincer attack involving the melon field in the German's backyard;

    2. that crack in the briefing about "of all the Allied forces around us, let's hope we get attacked by those underperfoming Americans"...which let me know that we definitely would get attacked by US forces and they'd be no worse than regular, and have some sort of sneaky, grand tactical maneuver going on...like having crossed the river during the night with a light infantry flanking force;

    3. the German force dispositions; all the good stuff crammed into a shallow bridgehead, with their 6-o'clock covered by the regimental band, which was only allowed to set up in a narrow strip in town, even though they'd been in the area long enough to have several children by the local gals. I've typed it before and I'll type it again, the whole setup reeked of being a "set up"...it stank, and is the only downside to the scenario. It struck me as contrived and ahistorical...be very surprised to see if this was based on an actual historical event.

    Originally posted by Melnibone:

    I thought I recalled something in the General Briefing - other than map directions - which certainly gave me the impression of a rear attack - but I could be wrong.

    [ June 18, 2004, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  16. I should have time tonight to enter the INTRO/OB/AFTERMATH/SSRs...you've already got the number, as noted by Sirocco -> ASL87, and that's how I found it in my pile.

    Originally posted by Hans:

    Thanks Brent

    Can you give me any other information on what the scenario says and which one it is (number?)

  17. Western board is 23, eastern is 16

    They're abutted long edge-on.

    Board 23's number is north, while 16's is flipped south.

    Only rows R-GG on 23 and A-P on 16 are in play.

    If you need more info let me know - time to head to work.

    Originally posted by Hans:

    Hey Guru

    I've been told that one of these ASL scenario-

    ASL Scenario 87 Good Night, Sweet Prince

    Is about the Danish fight at Haderslev on 9 April 1940?

    If so could I get some feedback on which maps are used and the info?


    [ June 18, 2004, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

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