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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. That should work, too. It might even be a generational/institutional thing wherein back in the '40s they called it one thing, and now they call it something else...or the army has a certain word it wants to use as opposed to the base jargon the civilians use.

    Why do you need to know, anyway...seeing as there are no motorcycles in CM, regardless of language?!

  2. I've just posted a meeting engagement battle WBRP - Company Town @ The Proving Grounds.

    Here are the briefings:



    TITLE: WBRP - Company Town

    TYPE: Meeting Engagement, SS & Guards Cavalry

    DATE: October 6, 1944

    LOCATION: Wegielwies, Poland

    REGION: Central

    TIME: Dawn

    WEATHER: Fog & Rain

    GROUND: Wet

    TEMP.: Cool

    WIND: Windy, North

    TURNS: 30+


    AUTHOR: Brent Pollock (e-mail: b3b@telusplanet.net)

    MAP CREDIT: adapted from Andy "manchildstein" Thomas' "mc-meeting-bridges01.cme"

    BEST PLAYED AS: Two Player

    BACKGROUND: The autumn of 1944 sees the beginning of the final fall of the Third Reich, as Soviet units resume their westward course away from Russia. In south central Poland, a nascent coal mining town lies isolated in virtual wilderness. It also sits astride the boundary between "3.SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf" and the neighbouring Luftwaffe ground division…and has slipped through their administrative cracks. Perhaps too late, it is realised that the town is unoccupied by defending German units…and radio intercepts indicate that the Russians are coming. The closest uncommitted unit, a battalion from "SS-Kav.Rgt.17" is diverted from entraining to join its parent unit, "8.SS-Kav.Div. Florian Geyer", and sent post-haste towards Wegielwies to defend until "Totenkopf" can send its own elements. They will have to blunt the charge of the "121st Guards Cav. Regt.", point unit for the "43rd Guards Tank Div."

    This scenario depicts the initial head-on clash that develops between the two cavalry battalions and their respective ad hoc AFV companies as they struggle to disturb the peace in the backwoods mining town, Wegielwies.

    Design notes:

    I am indebted to Andy "manchildstein" Thomas for it was one of his maps (mc-meeting-bridges01.cme) from the CMMODS database that serves as the foundation for this map. It took me a while to get a sense for what this wild little town was…then the idea of a small town based on a new mining operation seemed to fit the bill and would explain the rail yard nicely.






























    This started out as an exercise in trying to compose a balanced, yet replayable meeting engagement. It is completely and utterly artificial. The OBs are constructed on the following premise:

    1. each side gets a Cavalry battalion, which in the case of the Germans, is slightly understrength with respect to supporting OBA, recon & assault engineering elements, but has extra sharpshooters. The Russians also receive AT Teams to offset the German PSK teams. Each battalion is advancing with Coy A on point, Coy B bushwhacking (30 % probability of arrival on turn 2…the low probability represents difficulties in navigating and tougher slogging off-road) and Coy C/Btn HQ following up the road (95 % probable on Turn 4).

    2. I made blatant use of the captured vehicles, HQ command values, and ammo loadouts to achieve balance in the AFV sector. Imbalance is then randomised by making their entrance only 10 % probable on turn 4.

    3. I decided from the outset to make the weather crappy as I thought it would justify the initial set up zones, which represent first contact by the point units just after the Germans have crossed into town.

    4. the fanaticism setting reflects the ASL No Quarter type environment that would exist with a SS unit on the eastern front.

    5. The flag array represents control of vehicular crossing points.

    6. The Germans start with a small toehold but will be hard-pressed to reinforce it across the stream. However, their infantry has considerably more AT capability in the form of PSKs, so they have less to fear from the Soviet AFVs.

    Brent Pollock

    July 01, 2004


    Axis Briefing

    OPERATIONAL BRIEFING: Your battalion was supposed to be in Siebenbürgen by now, but you've wound up instead here in Poland. Confusion has arisen between the HQs of Totenkopf and 4th Luftwaffe division. The upshot is that a small sylvan town on the divisional boundary has been left completely unoccupied. Corps HQ has received permission to waylay your unit en route to the "8.SS-Kav.Div. Florian Geyer". You have been temporarily attached to "3.SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf" to plug the gap.

    MISSION: Occupy and hold the town & vehicular fording points. You are authorised to demolish the bridge at your discretion. If sufficient armour support accrues, assist it in counterattacking eastward out of town.

    INTELLIGENCE: Expect to repulse the lead elements of a Guards Cavalry Regt. Enemy armour is also reported in the area. The weather, of course, precludes air activity.


    - on map

    - Coy A (SS Cav)

    - on the right flank, in a couple of minutes at the earliest, if they navigate the bush successfully

    - Coy B (SS Cav)

    - about five minutes down the road westward

    - Coy C & Btn HQ (-) (SS Cav)

    - 2 x SS tank platoons (expect delays due to wet roads)

    - 1 x SS AG platoon (expect delays due to wet roads)

    CONTACT: Russian voices; ~50 m east of your line of furthest advance! No vehicular noise.


    Allied Briefing

    OPERATIONAL BRIEFING: We are resuming our push westward, ever closer to the Nazi heartland. The reconnaissance section reports that there is a small town slightly off our planned route of march, and, amazingly, it is unoccupied as of last night. This is likely because it is in the midst of very marshy terrain, and is not near any other towns, which is why we didn't plan on going that route. However, we have found a rough path suitable for our tanks to move across, and we plan on seizing this opportunity.

    MISSION: Your battalion from the "121st Guards Cav. Regt." is to secure the town & vehicular fording points. You are not, repeat - not - authorised to demolish the bridge as it is needed to expedite the advance of our armour [you may not bring it under direct tank fire nor use DCs against it; however, you may still use OBA in its vicinity]. Once sufficient armour support from "43rd Guards Tank Div."

    has accrued, assist it in progressing westward past the village.

    INTELLIGENCE: A runner has just reported that a battalion of non-mechanised SS infantry is headed toward town, but will likely not arrive in time to set up a coherent defence. We are near the operational zone of "3.SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf", so expect enemy armour. The weather, of course, precludes air activity.


    - on map

    - Coy A (Guards Cav (+))

    - on the left flank, in a couple of minutes at the earliest, if they navigate the bush successfully

    - Coy B (Guards Cav (+))

    - about five minutes down the road eastward

    - Coy C & Btn HQ (+) (Guards Cav)

    - 2 x Guards tank platoons (expect delays due to wet roads)

    - 1 x Guards AG platoon (expect delays due to wet roads)

    CONTACT: German voices; ~50 m west of your line of furthest advance! No vehicular noise.

  3. ...which is one of the things I like about big scenarios...I tend to think of it as Operational FOW. I find it neat to sometimes get away from the micromanaging and boost the chaos/luck factor.

    Anybody else other than me missed some stuff on big maps because you'd focussed on a scetion of the map for a few turns and had forgotten to check quiet sectors? I've had a few PBEM games wherein I went back to old files to figure just when the mess started :eek:

    Originally posted by Sergei:

    [snipped by Brent]

    In a huge scenario there's more happening all the time, but this can be overwhelming and you can miss events around you. There's more tactical freedom, as you can have substantial reserves at hand, but you might get too sloppy with your handling of forces and not use them to the best effect.

  4. Nope...sorry...you're forgetting the fuel mismatch:

    - our lads made it through Canadian winters mainly on Rum and Rye;

    - Soviets run on vodka.

    Besides, we'd had enough of that fighting the Reds right after WWI.

    Also, the guys from BC and Northern Ontario/Quebec were quite used to dense forest...and bugs...while the Saskatchewan lads knew all about desert.

    [ June 27, 2004, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  5. Sounds more like TacAI to me, too...the only option I can think of is "E" (Move to Contact), which seems to make things like ACs hyper-alert and give them the tendency to quickly poop smoke and reverse...but that could also simply be TacAI.

    Maybe giving them a long-ranged Move to Contact or Hunt command, followed by a reverse command is what you're thinking of...could it be they remember the Reverse order, even if they haven't hit the end of the first order?

    I know Move to Contact and Hide is a recommended combination for infantry, if you want them to hit the dirt as soon as they encounter trouble.

  6. First off, read the manual to get what help it offers.

    Second, depending on what battle type you choose in the QB set up (Meeting Engagement, Allied Assault, Axis Attack, etc.) the QB programming has an automatic correction factor for force points, so you don't have to worry about it. IIRC, the point limit you set applies to the defending force only, and the prober/attacker/assaulter then gets a certain multiple of that value (Meeting Engagement means both sides get the same points).

    Your main choice can be one of maps: either going with an automatically generated one, or using one made by somebody (note that CMAK has a few in the (Quick Battle Map folder, and there a several available from the CMMODS database....or you can ask me and I could e-mail you a packet...once I'm back on-line after playing all day with my kids).

  7. Ah yes - good old Plan A. I thought I wouldn't have enough tanks to do it so I resorted to Plan B :D

    Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    Brent my way of taking out the 45mm ATG was just as effective.

    I ran it out of AP ammo as it killed my last tank... :D:D

    Panther Commander

  8. Ummm...was I the only Brit in Frontier Firefight '40 to take care of the ATG by:

    1. suppressing it by massed...and I mean everyone who could target it...small arms fire then...

    2. having one of the light tanks charge it from an off-angle with a FAST move that took it right over the position, and squished it to a pulp?

    T'was about the only thing I did right in the whole mess.

    Those light tanks were not the best pieces of equipment, but they were plenty speedy, even going through wire.

    [ June 24, 2004, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  9. Good point.

    Will do..stay tuned once again...

    Originally posted by tar:

    Maybe. Although it's entirely possible that 100% reinforcements run through a different part of the code than reinforcements with variable arrival chance.

    You might want to try it again with all set to 95%. That should give a high likelihood of collisions while remaining variable.

  10. How about making it a combined CMBB/CMAK tournament? The war could rumble all the way from Algeria to the Caucasus :cool:

    Originally posted by Kingfish:

    Update again,

    Jarmo has responded. Can't really go into detail, but it may be that the regular tourney will be scored very soon, perhaps as early as tonight.

    As for signing up for ROW V, Waaaaaay too early for that, but when the time comes it will be posted on this forum in the usual manner. Judging by the news on how far away the new engine is it is more than likely that ROW V will be in CMAK (and hopefully in 1.02).

    I want to personally thank all those who took the time to write AARs for this tournament. That is a very impressive list.

  11. How about making it a combined CMBB/CMAK tournament? The war could rumble all the way from Algeria to the Caucasus :cool:

    Originally posted by Kingfish:

    Update again,

    Jarmo has responded. Can't really go into detail, but it may be that the regular tourney will be scored very soon, perhaps as early as tonight.

    As for signing up for ROW V, Waaaaaay too early for that, but when the time comes it will be posted on this forum in the usual manner. Judging by the news on how far away the new engine is it is more than likely that ROW V will be in CMAK (and hopefully in 1.02).

    I want to personally thank all those who took the time to write AARs for this tournament. That is a very impressive list.

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