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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. [i initially posted this @ Scenario Talk, but I've not seen a response, so I thought I'd cross-post it here]

    As per title, I'm after info pertaining to the composition of this unit. It was apparently part of 85. Infanterie Div., which fought the Governor General's Foot Guards in Wouwsche Plantage. Any other info on units that fought this battle on 23 October '44 would be appreciated.

    I've one Canadian source that shows a photo of a KO'd Nashorn, so I'm going with that and some JgPz IV(L).

    I've gone near blind from Googling and have checked:





  2. [i initially posted this @ Scenario Talk, but I've not seen a response, so I thought I'd cross-post it here]

    As per title, I'm after info pertaining to the composition of this unit. It was apparently part of 85. Infanterie Div., which fought the Governor General's Foot Guards in Wouwsche Plantage. Any other info on units that fought this battle on 23 October '44 would be appreciated.

    I've one Canadian source that shows a photo of a KO'd Nashorn, so I'm going with that and some JgPz IV(L).

    I've gone near blind from Googling and have checked:





  3. As per title, I'm after info pertaining to the composition of this unit. It was apparently part of 85. Infanterie Div., which fought the Governor General's Foot Guards in Wouwsche Plantage. Any other info on units that fought this battle on 23 October '44 would be appreciated.

    I've one Canadian source that shows a photo of a KO'd Nashorn, so I'm going with that and some JgPz IV(L).

    I've gone near blind from Googling and have checked:





    [ August 08, 2004, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  4. Just posted this at the Proving Grounds (and I searched both here and Tips & Tricks for something comparable, but didn't see it):

    I've been thinking of adding a new thread to the Design Tips section. It would suggest that halftracks & trucks...and possibly armoured cars, too...should fairly routinely be labelled as Should Exit for Points, with the Exit Side being the friendly edge. The idea here is to give the player the incentive to use them historically: drop the troops/do the recon and then get-the-heck-outta-there.

    What say you, good people? Are they already pricey enough so that this doesn't need to be done, or does it sound sound?

  5. Pretty much the only boardgaming I do now is at the annual FallCon tourny...and even at that it's mostly miniatures now that I've started taking my 11-year old son.

    Before CM came along, he and I managed Axis and Allies or TSR's Battle of Britain every now and again, but he was really too young for them. Now it's CM all the time. Haven't even bothered pre-ordering the upcoming Axis Minors ASL module, even though I've got pretty much everything else up to the OWT HASL.

    It took all of about 5 minutes of the CMBO demo for ASL to get relegated to the back burner. Once the kinks are ironed out in CMX2 (Operations oddities, better night mimic, borg spotting, etc.), it should all be over and done with.

    Having said that, I can't stand the thought of selling off my ASL stuff, or any of the other boardgames, for that matter.

  6. I take it you want to do this so you can make mixed platoons, without having to resort to making them all Independent? Sure would help make those Commonwealth Sherman troops that had a Firefly and two to four non-Fireflies. It would also help with the single Pz IIIN support tank that was supposed to accompany a Tiger platoon.

    Originally posted by Sergei:

    [snipped by Brent] Like for instance in CMAK I'd like to be able to edit an M4A3 into M4A3E2 Jumbo. [snipped by Brent]

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