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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. Well...that was bloody odd. I just opened up a PBEM file of the CMAK Pegasus Bridge OP, and it gave me the REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED message, even though it still showed turn 25 of 20+ for the second battle, and no reinforcements were visible, nor had any of my guys had their ammo boosted. It spooked me, so I saved it, then opened it again and - bango - no REINFORCEMENT message; situation normal...bizarre.

  2. Yet another great resource - thanks.

    Now another question: was the Plantage used for logging of timber back then (I assume so based on it being called a Pine Plantation, which implies harvesting), or was it just a nature reserve? If it was used for logging, did they clearcut, or just do selective cuts, leaving most of the stand intact. I'd like to know what sort of logging zones to include on the map ("mix of olive grove & rocky = clearcut" vs "scattered trees = selective cutting).

    [Calling all Dutch logging grogs! :D ]

  3. I've had trouble with this when the embarked unit's delay is shorter than the vehicle's, which is what I read as "philwil"'s problem. Sometimes the unit will disembark before the vehicle starts moving, and then the transport drives off sans passengers... :mad: !!!!!!!!!

    So, I check the delays of both units, and if the vehicle has the longer of the two delay times I cancel the embarked unit's order. Then, after the vehicle has started moving, I issue the disembarking order.

    One of my favourite CM choreography is to have a platoon of halftrack-bound infantry rumble into a village, the halftracks then pull-up right beside the buildings, and the infantry leap out with orders to assault the building. Even more fun if the place is covered in smoke and lightly defended :D

  4. Okay, searching the manuals (CMBB pp. 44-46, 155; CMAK pp. 41) & all the forums (fora?) for "exit" in the title didn't help me out, so it's time for a new thread.

    What are the effects of exitting from the map?

    CMBB p. 49 & CMAK p.45 makes it clear that "Units that exit the map during an operation will not return for the next battle."

    CMAK p.40 makes it clear that exitting prevents being amongst the captured troops if you surrender.

    Also, Sergei at The Proving Grounds kindly did the following:


    "Based on my little hotseat test it appears that exited troops don't become casualties, no matter which border they cross.

    I believe 'friendly side' only affects the direction where infantry runs when they get routed, and AI."


    The only question I can think of now is to test if exit across different edge types has differing effects on Overall Morale...but I doubt it if the exitted units don't count for casualties. I think that withdrawing units does increase the likelihood of computer-driven Surrender, but I've yet to test that rigourously.

    I'll try to test it this weekend.

    Also, I would appreciate comments on the utility of adding the edge types into player briefings, including the use of "FOW" as a type, to keep folks guessing.

  5. In the photo beneath this caption:

    Bremer, front and center, with Bartling standing behind his right shoulder.

    ...is the halftrack the FT-equipped one (SPW 251/16?). It certainly looks that way from:

    1. the tube to the right of the MG and;

    2. what appears to be two crewman visible in the background wearing protective hoods/googles...a uniform/head mod just waiting to happen for CMX2 ;)

  6. KOd one with a Russian AT grenade...I think it was the RPG one. Granted, it was being commanded by a 10 year old :D

    Aircraft can probably do a number on them, too.

    Originally posted by FM Paul Heinrik:

    You think the jagdpather is good....try the jagdtiger. I've never seen that sucker destroyed. It will usually get immobilized or run out of ammo, only after it destroys every moving vehicle on the map.

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