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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. Actually, you can KO an ATG using an AFV overrun, too. I've done this to things ranging from wee 2 pdrs up to FlaK 88s; works like a charm as long as you don't get dinged on the run in :D It's also a good argument for setting up ATGs in restrictive terrain (Woods) so they can't get squished.

    Originally posted by tools4fools:

    Yep, ATRifles, but wouldn't want to try the same if they have proper AT guns - even small ones...

  2. I'm into the final stages of scenario design for this unit's counterattack on Buron, July 8/44, ~17H30. I've read through Snowie's "Bloody Buron", Copp & Vogel's "Maple Leaf Route: Caen" and Meyer's "History of the 12. SS PzDiv.". On page 147 of the latter, Meyer cites "History of the 3. Kompanie, SS-Panzerregiment 12"; if anyone has this, would they please post the relevant snippet?

    [edit after Google search]

    looks like the reference is:


    Die 3.Kompanie SS-Panzer-Regiment 12, 12.SS-Panzerdivision "Hitlerjugend"

    o.O. 1978

    Found that at Panzerdiesel.com.

    [ September 04, 2004, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  3. [whoops - this should be in the CMX2 wish list thread]

    I would like to request another text file slot - DEBRIEFING.

    As it stands now, you have to put any historical aftermath or designnotes as a spoiler tacked on to a briefing. I think most of this falls by the wayside as players will not go backto read it after finishing the battle. What I'd like is a Debriefing text that pops up in the same way as the After Action Report screen.

  4. Possible Bieville Spoiler [for Allied eyes only]













    I'm playing this one as the Brits, to, and am getting waaaayyyyyyyyy more mileage out of my Shermans and 6 pdrs compared to the Wolverines (M-10s) and 17 pdrs. I think this is a combination of luck (one Sherman zapped two Pz IVs with three rounds) and firing rate (for the Sherman & 6 pdrs). The Shermans are also ahead when it comes to ground speed, turret turning rate & gyrostabilisation.

    There's a reason they cost more.

    Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Have to give this a try. I have gained new respect for the Allied TDs after being forced to used them in the Bieville scenario.

    Thanks for the mini AAR

  5. ...and it is more likely to occur with indirect rather than direct fire, due to the former plunging down through the tree canopy.

    Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by FM Paul Heinrik:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    After playing CM since the beta demo I really can't support your claims. HE, especially 105mm and bigger is absolutely deadly against infantry.

    I agree HE does work. A few times I thought it should/would have done more damage, but generally big calibre HE will send the infantry and the armor packing.

    How do you make a "tree burst" attack? Is it built into the modeling or do you command it? </font>

  6. Originally posted by Hans:

    try the viaduct tile (the dry land bridge) put end to end it may serve -

    No, I think you drive right under those ...and infantry might be able to scale them, too.

    Anyway, this morning before work I settled on my choice. Didn't have time for a screenie, so I'll try to do it tonight.

    I used the High Hedge "T"s to create a double hedgerow with perpendicular hedge baffles.

    Any variant on a High Hedge "box" should do, with roadblacks/wire being added to taste.

  7. Hmmm...don't have access to the rule book right now. Maybe Overcast prevents you from buying in a QB, but not flying if selected in the Editor? Same might go for dawn or dusk. It could also be that night/rain/fog/falling snow prevent planes flying even if selected in the Editor?

    Also, I think you may buy aircraft if the weather is set to Random in a QB, you just risk not being able to have it show up if the weather's lousy.

  8. Searching all forums for "wall" in the title didn't turn up anything helpful, so...

    I'm currently working on a battle set in Buron and have come up against the problem of representing a stone wall that is too high/thick for an AFV to see or drive over/through. It would also be nice to keep infantry from looking through it. Things I've tried in CMAK:

    1. regular stone wall with an elevation difference steep enough to generate a "slope"...it works but looks buttock-ugly...and infantry can climb to the top of slopes. It also distorts the adjacent terrain too much.

    2. High Hedge. Blocks the AFV from moving but not from seeing (it can poke its nose through and see quite some distance). Doesn't block infantry movement or LOS, either. At least it doesn't distort the terrain elevations.

    3. High Hedge with roadblocks running parallel. Keeps the AFVs from nosing into the hedge...but still doesn't block LOS enough.

    4. The one I'm going to try next is this: a double row of High Hedge sandwiching a strip of roadblocks. This should make it impervious to LOS for both AFV & infantry and also be enough of an impediment to infantry movement. Down side is it also looks bizarre and takes up a lot of space.


  9. I just uploaded a new CMAK Allied Probe at the Proving grounds here.

    It is called "WBRP - Take the Rhino by the Horn".

    Here's the Overall Briefing:

    TITLE: WBRP - Take the Rhino by the Horn

    TYPE: Allied Probe, Canadian & Heer

    DATE: October 23, 1944

    LOCATION: Wouwsche Plantage, the Netherlands

    REGION: "Italy" for the Netherlands

    TIME: Mid Day

    WEATHER: Overcast

    GROUND: Wet

    TEMP.: Cool

    WIND: Still (ENE)

    TURNS: 22+


    AUTHOR: Brent Pollock (e-mail: b3b@telusplanet.net)


    MAPLE LEAF ROUTE: SCHELDT (Copp & Vogel) & http://www.dewoonomgeving.nl/index.cfm

    BEST PLAYED AS: Two Player only

    BACKGROUND: Antwerp is under Allied control but the approaches remain under the watchful eyes of German naval gunners stationed to the northwest on Walcheran Island and the Beveland Peninsula. The Allied "Operation Suitcase" has been formulated to sever the overland supply route between these strongpoints and the mainland by seizing the terrain at the choke point; the Woensdrecht & Bergen-op-Zoom area. This area is defended by the 85. Infanterie-Division (part of battle group "Chill") and rag tag units that escaped earlier Allied assaults on Antwerp. In the eastern end of this sector, the Belgian town of Esschen is taken on October 22, a result of a surprise night march by two Canadian regiments. This opens the eastern flank of Bergen-op-Zoom to units approaching northwest via the dutch pine forest plantation, Wouwsche Plantage.

    This scenario depicts the clash that develops 2.5 km WNW of Esschen between a kampfgruppe from 85. Infanterie-Division (counterattacking Esschen) and lead elements from the Governor General's Foot Guards & Lake Superior regiments (probing towards Wouwsche Plantage). They meet in the dense pine plantation, which is also characterised by sand dunes and narrow dirt tracks.

    Design notes:





















































    This is a conversion of my ASL scenario Take the Rhino by the Horn, which I designed about a decade ago now. A CMBO version was done by Michael Dorosh, who also did CMBO conversion of my other scenarios.

    The Wouwsche Plantage area is typical of the Netherlands and Belgium in that it is low-lying and tends to be damp. Atypically, it is rife with pine trees due to the plantation. It is also sandy, and I have made use of CMAK's "Sand" terrain setting to depict this. Although most of this campaign was fought in the mud, the descriptions seem to state that the terrain was wet, but not muddy, especially along the roads; hence I've gone for Wet rather than Mud. There was no rain that day, although it had been raining the previous few days. Also, wind was mild, but I've set it to Still to represent the windbreak effect of the pine forest. The clash seems to have occurred at mid-day, although the German units were collected "on the morning of the 23rd".

    Some German units have been listed as Weakend or Unfit to represent the White Bread troops in 15. Armee.

    The Canadians lost about 20 tanks and some Carriers whilst KOing at least one German SPG and rounding up 37 POWs.

    Brent Pollock

    August 21, 2004

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