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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Thanks for the info, so if I understand this right, you start with a basic outline of the vehicle and fillin the details like hatches,tracks, tools,and the like. That does sound tedious, but it does sound challenging, and the work I have seen done from "scratch" mods would make it worth it to try, thanks again for the info Gordon.
  2. I have seen work done on vehicles being modded from scratch and it looks great so i figured I would ask about it. My question is what is the technique to accomplish this?? I know you can reduce the camo schemes and such a bit, but how do you get a vehicle to it's base and start from scratch. I'm sure there are others out there who have the same question. If anyone could spare the time and give a brief description on this technique, I would be thankful, and I'm sure others with the same question would be to.
  3. Thanks Gordon, But one question, how do you start a vehicle from "scratch", I realize that you can get the original color and such down to where it doesn't show as much, but how do you get it to a clean base to mod from?? There have been a few vehicles I would like to mod with a totally differnt camo scheme but can't due to the camo that is already in place.
  4. Great work, but from scratch? that must have took a while to get finished. How'd you get rid of the camo so you could start with a good clean base??
  5. yes I know the feeling, Mike asked me to do some Halftracks for the CMMOS, and still got about 4 more left on the list he sent me. Well thanks and I can't wait to see the Tiger Pz when your finished
  6. Looks real good ingame, thanks for the mod. And hey Noobie, got a favor to ask, there is a JSII tank that looks real outa place in the snow. I was wondering since you are the expert with the russian stuff, could you plleeaassseee, mod this one?? That is if you aren't to busy.
  7. Thanks for the feed back pn the mods, and the more I do em the better they get. Maybe one day I'll be as good a Gordon and Krawzydog to name a few of the modders. I used to always grab the new mods they would put out when I started playing CMBO, and when CMBB came out, I decided to try it and Gordon helped me a lot not to mention gautrek. Then there is AndreTF, JuJu, tanksalot, DD and Tiger, to mention a few off the top of my head, these guys are the ones who have inspired me to mod, and it's a lot of fun. And I'm glad you liked the mods
  8. Gautrek I did a mod on this same tank a few months ago, and I had really enlarge the bmp and it still took a while on this one.
  9. I have recieved some e-mails asking about the crews uniform, it's AdrewTFs "luftwaffe Panzer Crew" uniform mod, and you can get it at the data base
  10. Great job on your web site, and darn good comming from someone who hasn't wargamed much,
  11. Thanks for the feed back, and I'm glad you like it, as far as the JSII,it is on my list (unless Nobbie was to get it,I hope), but I was asked if I could mod some half tracks for CMMOS (even though I don't use it for CMBB, I do for CMBO though}so,I have been working on those when time permits.
  12. I liked this batle very much, well balanced and the A1 did really realy well. My question is, when are more battles like this one comming out??I thank to Chris "Jr evil" Orosz, excellent job, and I hope to see more.
  13. Just added one more halftrack here http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf
  14. Thanks for the info, strange that there wouldn't be anyway for winter bridges though,oh well, maybe BFC might put it into there next patch, if they can.
  15. I've been on dial up for a while now, and I'm trying to reduce the uplaod time for the mod
  16. I was wondering how to get the stone bridge bmps (after winterizing them) to work for winter battles. I know with the vehicle BMPs you change the first number. I have tried this with the the bridge bmps (numbers 390 and 391) and have had no luck. Is it possible to do this or not, and if it is, what's the secret??? Thanks for any help regarding this problem.
  17. Thanks for this one, just what I was looking for
  18. I agree with MikeyD, the marder is good for nothing but long range, it is nothing but a self propelled gun, and one of many of germany's fill ins to cope with the T-34 in a hurry, seeing how germanys other AT weapons at the time were very underpowered to cope with the T34s. I compare dueling with a Marder agianst a T-34, like deuling with a 105 SP gun and Panther Pz(you don't use a steak knife to chop wood).
  19. I agree, try rushing a platoon of Tigers with a platoon of SU-152s, even when the SUs have the advantage it's dinner time for the Tigers.
  20. Tried to make this ugly half track look a little better http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf
  21. Added a "No Cable" BMP for people who like the plain look better, and it's here http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf
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