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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I want yours too Aussie Boy, but I have to say you are far more reliable than your neer do well countryman...I dont feel I need to remind you constantly to send turns, or do I?
  2. Hey Mace , now that your world travels are over and you are back in that Penal colony that you call home....can you send a turn please, unless you have conceded to my superior small unit tactical acumen....or somefink.
  3. Believe it or not, didn't realize I did that until you pointed it out. So it's probably somewhere in the middle of your two theories. </font>
  4. I figured with all the sand around...that sandbags would be useful tools, I didn't know that these guys had all of this pre-fab Hesco. stuff. Wasn't this easy in the "Old Corps"
  5. Yeah, those puppies are really cute.....
  6. Thank you Kitty , I must be missing something...I don't get why Dorosh responded that way. There is no need for you to explain yourself.
  7. Semper Fi, Thanks for the photos. What I find interesting is the multitude of uses that sand bags are put to. In one of your shots with Yuma the dog, you can see a sand bag holding down some cables that are snaking under the building. Obviously everything on the base is wired up for internet and such, but the old sand bag is still around. Back in Vietnam 40 years ago, we tied a sand bag to a length of rope and threw it over the roof of our hootches (when we were fortunate enough to have them) and then tied another one on the other end and used them to hold the tin roofs on when the monsoon winds came blowing down. Enough of my demented ramblings. Keep safe offtaskagain.
  8. I might take offense to that, but since today is the Birthday of the United States Marine Corps, of which I am an alumnus, I will let it go... for now !!!!!, however if you want to send a set up, I would be happy to grab you by the cojones....and hope you heart and mind follows, however that is not totally necessary.
  9. The greatest part about being in your golden years, is that you really dont have anything to prove anymore. I continue to work (although I wish I could afford to retire now and sit home and play CM all day) and earn a respectable living. I have enough discretionary income to buy myself stuff, or get my kids stuff, without having to eat Fancy Feast Tuna for dinner. My investments will keep me living at a decent level for some yars to come after final retiremenmt, and the longer I continue to work now I am socking away money in another 401K plan and the company I work for puts money into a cash balance fund for me. So if I appear dense and slow at times, its just because I'm saving my energy for the rest of my life....or it could be the beginning of Alztheimer's I'm not too sure. As long as our health remains good my wife and I have a fairly good life of leisure ahead
  10. Goshes...I still cant tell if you is or if you isn't....I have to stop taking these pills. What kind of job requires reports 80 f'ing pages long? are you in grammar school or something bauhaus ?
  11. Is he SERIOUS I wonder....not ever having anything to be serious about these days, I find it hard to tell the difference....or such like. Say Mr Peng you seem to have a jolly old time thrashing my former liege Boo Radley about in battles that he always seems to be losing...perhaps we have a tHing in common, enjoy thrashing him as well....I might enjoy thrashing YOU even more...whaddya say?
  12. If the Krauts had turned out Tiger tanks a slow as you...the Poles would have defeated them in '39.
  13. How do we know its really Peng's birthday? Just because the Story Teller says so? Well....to be on the safe side, Happy Birfday Mr Peng
  14. I'm a Finn, so what do I get? </font>
  15. Wow.... a whole day without a single post in the Cesspool!!!!! . Is this a first? Quick Joe check the archives and see if this has happened before. I tell you its a sign of the End Times.
  16. This is the "one that got away" this past weekend. I clubbed it several times, pumped a few 12 gauge slugs into it, and it still managed to escape. I followed the blood trail to the men's room of a local pub on the edge of the woods. The locals said what I was describing was a legendary creature known as a "Larsen". Similar to the "Big Foot" creature, but a lot woolier. They had not seen it come into the establishment, but I think they were lying to me to protect the beast. Oh well....there's always next year.
  17. Hmmmmmmm..they keep track of behinds ??, I wonder what that means???? some arcane scoring method no doubt....unique to Oddstraylia??? Perhaps Sturmsebber can explain it.
  18. Greetings from New Scotland, miss you all madly....excwpt for OGSF who happens to be a large lassie's blouse, and who trounced me grandly in our last CMBB battle.
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