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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. No, I am allied with the Daleks, and they watch over me.
  2. By Jove, thats a capitol idea.... but don't let your pondering get in the way of releasing Strike Force Normandy, I wouldn't want to be responsible for distracting you from more important issues.
  3. Hey Steve can you ban Shaw just for a few days....how about just a few hours....give us a real break will ya!
  4. Next thing you'll be wanting a highway named after you.
  5. How could he possibly have time to send turns when he uses it all to compose his bloviating posts?
  6. Most definately a complete lack of modesty then.
  7. Really...where would you go to find such a picture? Would you have to google "man f'ing tailpipe" or something? Or is it part of his prvate collection?
  8. I have thrived on the Justicar being cross with me. It's the only reason I get up in the morning....just to make himmore cross.
  9. Joe, my fine feathered friend....are you that obtuse that you cannot discriminate between politics and the tongue being placed firmly in cheek? Thought you were better than that....you're right I am a freaking idiot. Please, pleeeeeze, send me a turn, I want to see more of your petro fuel burning, expensive high tech weapon carrying, high Carbon Footprint producing armored vehicles blow up.
  10. If we took all of our waste and shipped it to Iraq we could use the burn pits to dispose of it all without increasing the Carbon Footprint of any Americans. Plus Iraq is loaded with hated petro, the Goreites would love to see the Iraqis pay.
  11. Sounds like you chaps are discussing Global Climate Change, or whatever it is that Al Gore and his army of idiots are calling it now. May I join in? Can any one tell me what their Carbon Footprint is. Mine is 12 and a half,. but that is only because I have three cars. One of them is a hybrid so I am entitled to 6 Carbon Credits, which means I can buy extra oil to heat my home without paying the extra tax for being a hated user of petro fuel. Of course I could switch to LPG or natural gas, but that would mean having unsightly tanks in my yard, which would cost me extra Carbon penalties because a truck burning hated petro fuel would need to come to my house to deliver the LPG. I cannot get natural gas because the utility company refuses to pay the necessary costs to extend the pipline to my block, and who could calculate the amount of Carbon penalties they would have to pay because all of the machinery necessary to dig and place the pipes burn hated petro fuel. So you can see that Global Climate Change is not a simple matter of some poor Polar Bear not having a hunk of ice to float on. These people will enter every facet of american life, from the food you eat to the size of your plasma TV. Welcome to Al Gore World.
  12. In other news; TESLA wants MPT to design, develop, test and produce a production-ready dual speed transmission for the Dark Star by September 2007. MPT informed TESLA that designing, developing, testing and producing a two speed transmission for the Dark Star by September 2007 would be very challenging and that TESLA should consider a single speed rather than dual speed transmission.
  13. Shaw!!!!, you said a turn was in the works....now don't disappoint me.
  14. Hey, ask Joe what just happened to his LAV AND his fully loaded, mind you, AAV. By his wild blind counter fire, I'm assuming he hasn't spotted his tormenters just yet. Oh joy, its great to be lo-tech. BTW How do Aussies paractice safe sex? That's easy they paint an X on the backs of the sheep that kick.
  15. I say you must add Indifference as well. The other categories intimate some level of emotional investment, whereas indifference requires a minimal amount. Sort of how a Vulcan would react to a human in distress. Live long and prosper.
  16. OGSF! You kilt-wearin', blackpipe blowin', English wreckn' poxy faced git! I would love to say its great to know you are still alive and kicking. but me mum taught me to always be truthful! It's nice to have you back....or not.
  17. Well, now that you will be back "in the desert", perhaps you could send a turn, Lawrence of Arabia. What would be more exciting for us, would be for the Thai Airways Lass to filet you with a few flicks of her Balisong.
  18. Crows are said to make very good pets...and they are very smart animals so I'm told. I find one curious thing about them...I have never seen a baby crow...have you? They are either hatched fully grown, which I doubt, or they are safely tucked away in protected nests until they are able to fend for themselves. I know that you all don't give a crap, but it is one of the little things in nature that has always intrigued me. Happy Holidays...Merry Christmas..Happy Chanuka...etc etc. to all.
  19. We really love you too Steve . Thanks for the Christmas wishes and assorted other presents like the new patch.
  20. Anyone know the name of the new campaign that comes with the new patch? Cant find a reference anywhere. All titles in my campaign box appear to be the ones that were there before I loaded the patch.
  21. Crow1: Who are these blokes in the Peng Thread? Crow2: Don't know, but I wonder whose grass mod they are using.
  22. Well, perhaps by Pom.... not an Aussie, Sheila would not have worked as well.
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