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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. More than likely we should have a wake for YOU! Where have you been all these long years my Squirely Brother???
  2. Before Stuka comes in here to gloat over my defeat in our battle, I just want to get a few things straight right off. I dont know how he did it...but somehow he tampered with the force structure to make all of my German units members of "Stomach Battalions" They were too busy drinking Maalox to defend their positions. Secondly...how all of his US troops became "Crack" or "Elite" I don't know, but I suspect some kind of subtr, subtrrfu,,,er,subtrafu....oh he did something. And lastly but not leastly...when have you ever seen Panther tanks bested by Shermans with one shot one kill accuracy? He's good, I'll give him that much...I never saw it coming.
  3. No...I was actually alone on another forum...and I realized that I missed this one.
  4. My Liege , you should not tie up what limited intellect you do have with such matters. Have you ever retired a human by mistake?
  5. In due time my boy.....if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.
  6. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched sea beams glitter in the dark near the Terhausen Gate... All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain... Time to die."
  7. This is typical behavior for poor Leeo. He has a regular cycle of lucidity which lasts between two or three weeks. He then predictibly relapses into a state of alcohol induced dementia, and is out of touch with both reality and his obligations to sending email turns.
  8. In news relating to the actual playing of Combat Mission Games. Shaw Has not only abrogated his responsibilities to this thread, but has also abandoned several companies of fine USMC infantry to be picked apart and generally vaporized by well hidden and well positioned Syrian infantry. As we speak his aircraft are attacking what he thinks are concentrations of my troops, but are in reality a hapless flock of goats who wandered too close to the battle zone. Boo has uncovered a scenario where my troops are confined to a single road with a bridge that is under fire from 88s well hiden on a mountain overlooking said bridge. It is so sad that he has to resort to this in order to feel good about himself. stikkypixie and I are locked in mortal combat in both AK and SF, as the USMC he confidently advances into a well laid trap, as the Germans he confidently advances into a well laid trap. It is going to suck to be him. Wolfp MKII Has thrown dozens of T-90s against my herioc Marines, only to see them explode one after the other. Its quite a show, but all the wrecks are blocking the streets. Stuka He sufferes from false pride, and his American units will soon feel the wrath of a German counter attack. Leeo is just learning what an RPG in the hands of a dedicated believer is capable of achieving.
  9. "wah wit dat screw face yah hab mon?" "evrybody wan go heaven, but nobody wan dead"
  10. Dont you have to be a Knight or something to start a new MBT ? Isn't this something that the Justicar is supposed to rule on? Why am I asking all these questions? What are the rules? Who are you people?
  11. Maybe Mace was trying to be facetious.....naw..., Aussies are as dumb as stumps, they wouldn't know how to do that.
  12. It does dooofus...lock closely at the hammer and you will see it, the round red thing is a clock with its mainspring popping out to the lower left of it is the peen of the hammer in black.....obviously the little lad in the picture was using said hammer to smash the various objects seen in pieces on the floor. You are obiously not a hammer grog.
  13. Here is a shot of me sitting in my Tiger waiting for Leeo's Shermans to come through the hedgerow. Hope the Jabos don't see me!
  14. I would say that poor Leeo, must go through considerable angst when he realizes that his claims of the parameters of a battle "being stacked against me" as he so pathetically mewls, is a just big lie that he likes to tell, and actually what is really stacked against him, is his lack of any tactical acumen or common sense. Face it Leeo, you really just suck at the CM franchise of games, and if it wasnt MrSpkr whuppin your ass, it could be anyone of us, even Boo Radley , and he loses about as much as you do.
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