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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Happy Birthday Boo , my former Liegelord. Right then, a little singsong: Happy Birthday to you you belong in the zoo, you look like a monkey and smell like one too! I attempted to mail you a present, but the post office claimed that nothing could be delivered to Ohio at this time...something about the Governor ranting in favor of sucession from the Union because the re-runs of "My Mother the Car" were being removed from local cable channels. Go figure! [ February 12, 2003, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Probably the same way you "captured" the heart of that young lassie.
  3. Gamiest of Gamey Updates: Boo_Radley: His troops have begun to die very early on in this battle...I expect that trend will continue. Leeo: His troops have been dying since quite early on....I see no end to that fact. aussiejeff: His dead troops are beginning to overflow from the trenches... those are body parts not sand bags. I expect this effluence to continue. Hortlund: His troops lay dead and dying on the banks of the Volga, time for the street sweepers. Noba: His troops have just begun to experience the mystery of dying. I expect they will be expert at it very soon. lenakonrad: See aussiejeff above. Gaylord Focker: Missing in action, but probably presumed to be dead or dying. The list goes on and on. if I left YOUR name off this list , it means in my mind you are already dead. P.S. I will be upgrading this evening, after sending turns already in my box. If you want to avoid the dying, then DONT UPGRADE , and hide behind the other version. [ February 12, 2003, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. That may be obvious, even to a blockhead like yourself, but if you plan to come here you must wallow with all sorts of distasteful types, Aussies and Kiwis even.
  5. This is his original post in the previous, closed thread, I guess before the twit realized we had moved. Whatever level he is is now I recommend one lower. [ February 11, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. Wow someone really does stuff in here, an official proclamation to be proud of....or maybe to read later in the John. Will the official Iluminata scribe all of this down on watermarked Cesspool parchment? [ February 11, 2003, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. I am a humble master of the relaxation techniques of the mysterious orient. Scented oils, incense, ritual bath's....the whole magilla....,why don't you start things off with a nice carafe of Plum Wine, whilst I give this Aussie character a nice ***BOOT*** , and prepare my potions.
  8. Good Morning Lady Y2K , one of my first duties (pleasures) as a new Knight of the Pool (besides rat catching), is to present you and Dame Persephone with a bouquet of red long stemmed roses.....mind the thorns now...a tip of hat to you both. [ February 11, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. Dispatch to: SgtGoofy Location: Sausage Land (former member of NATO and protecterate of good ole USA....don't worry the Russians arent coming, the Fulda Gap is closed for repairs) Important Message: TOP SECRET: In order to conduct a PBEM session you must first (a) ATTACH A FILE to the bleedin' EMAIL!!! Sheesh, if this is any indication of your tactical acumen, I might as well forward all of your future TURNLESS EMails to lenakonrad..it will take him at least three or four days to realize the turn wasn't attached. What do you expect he's AJ's squire Quick lenakonrad ,how close are you to Germany?, get in there and hit this one with a blivet. [ February 11, 2003, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. Do you think you could go now? lenakonrad is much more amusing, and far better looking I might add.
  11. I never cry, especially "unfair, unfair".....well except if I'm losing badly...which I am not expecting against you. 1942-1943 timeframe, Northern Front, 1500 points is OK, any type of engagement you choose, even a created scenario, I'll be the Germans, you can be the other bad guys. Weather can be anything, other perameters I leave to you. One question, do you wear the ski mask only to the Bader-Meinhof meetings, or to cover your bleached orange hair? [ February 10, 2003, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Oh, sure what did he promise you, Regal fanboy? Perhaps a job cleaning the Royal privy? or as official taster? Smelling the Royal poop would be my guess. Perhaps a good spanking is what you need, send a set up, schweinhund, I'm in the mood for some light amusement. [ February 10, 2003, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. I think AJ may have something. Adding further layers of underlings can only confuse and befuddle the Olde Ones even more than they already are.
  14. No one cares about your poor pathetic attempts at juvenile dating rituals....send me a turn.... there are telephones in Sweden? I thought everyone up there blew horns to communicate.
  15. I hereby accept Knighthood , and I thank my former Leige Boo_Radley for instructing me, and guiding me along my path to this lofty position. Raise your cups lads : I salute Sir Boo_Radley A Knight of the Pool though he treated me badly.. and oft' called me fool I admire his patience and words of good cheer his firm hand of guidance was a comfort in here. I seek my own quest now as full Knight of the Cess to protect those beneath me with deeds of largesse. So raise your cups, fellows with one hand on sword salute Sir Boo_Radley and follow his word.
  16. Who cares if he's kidding...I am fascinated by the fact that Vanilla Ice is alive and well and thriving in Suomi. Perhaps we could send Snoop Dog there next.
  17. I see what is happening now...these Suomi invaders are trying to get us to stop talking about our usual senseless nonsense, and start a debate about Suomi rap music!!! Gee, did anyone see the Michael Jackson Special? Who the hell is his interior decorator?...Vanilla Ice?
  18. Did I mention the hardcore material? Yes, I did. If you wish, I'll only write a single sentence per paragraph so that you won't get confused. </font>
  19. Send me a setup, lena...or is it konrad?, and I'll give you a lesson, not only in English, but in tactics as well. We'll see whose property you really are. </font>
  20. Send me a setup, lena...or is it konrad?, and I'll give you a lesson, not only in English, but in tactics as well. We'll see whose property you really are. [ February 07, 2003, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  21. Jeff truly sorry to hear about your wife's dad, no words can explain...the man obviously was a tough bugger during his life, perhaps he will overcome this obstacle as well. My dad survived 49 days on Iwo Jima, without a scratch, when all kinds of chaos and death was going on around him. He died in his sleep in 1985, no explaining it. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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