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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I can be serious too. Edited for you Joe. So, does anybody ever actually play matches in this silly little thread or do you just throw insults around? </font>
  2. Kevin, I just finished playing "Ghost Column" with a friend in TCP/IP. I played the German side, I'd like to give some feedback, do you have E-Mail? I dont want to put spoilers up here. What I can say now is that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  3. Make sure you are able to balance the budget, Joe , can't have anyoneone running around, banning this one and that one, unless they can do it in a fiscally responsible way.
  4. Originally posted by SirReal: I would say that your excellent leadership did more to triple your casualties, but then again who am I to quibble with a commander who sends his infantry across 100m of open ground, after the smokescreen clears, Pillock!
  5. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (Finis) The exhausted Landers wipe the sweat and rain from their brows, as they peer through the trees at the carnage of the battlefield in front of them. Smoking tanks and half tracks stopped just meters in front of their positions, and the bodies of Russian infantrymen, cut down as they attempted to make the dash across open terrain. The Hauptmann makes the rounds of the hasty defense perimeter, attempting to calculate the losses taken in this, short but intense encounter. The Landsers police up the battlefield, taking as many PPSh submachineguns as they can find strewn around the area. The Ivans have melted back into the rainy forest, after taking a pounding they will not soon forget. Because of their herioc stand, the Landsers of Three Company have allowed the rest of the battalion to slip back west to better defensive positions. They gather up their dead and wounded, and turn to the west, withdrawing quietly from the field, which just minutes ago was a hell on earth. SirReal has learned the error of false pride, me lads, a MAJOR VICTORY, by the pixeltruppen of yours truly, has sent him packing back to the sauna from whence he came. He made some noises about not having enough turns, but how many turns do you need, with three battalions of infantry supported by tanks and HTs to eventually overwhelm a hastily defended position, manned by two understrength infantry companies and a couple of AT guns? [ July 18, 2003, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. I knew there was a reason why I keep passing my annual physical, the damn hairs on my palms bother me though, and I'm not even Australian. BTW, I think you should have saved this for your 1000th post, it would have given us all ample time to completely forget about you. P.S. now that you have the bridge, what do you intend to do with it?
  7. Oh dear what a pity, no email address and no "recognizable" location ... I suppose we'll just have to ignore this one lads. By the way, V00above is NOT sent to Coventry and MAY be addressed ... though why you'd want to escapes me. Joe </font>
  8. These are beautiful!!!! JuJu, you should come out of retirement at least once a week!!!
  9. Thanks Kingfish, I will look forward to that when I get home from work.
  10. Kingfish, the link to the pack seems to be broken, please fix or do somefink.
  11. Yeah, but he looks like he is lying next to a patio Don't you have any woods up there that doesn't have any concrete nearby?
  12. Picture of NG Coalscuttle, during last weekends bivouac in the Wisconsin outback. When asked to comment on the readiness of his unit in light of recent terror threats against the dairy herds, NG proudly spouted "F*** them rag head bastids, nobody cowtips in our pastures but us!!" So much for worries about Al-Qaeda threats to cheese production. [ July 14, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Ah, Boo you are so dense, what can one expect, though, after all you do come from Ohio, arent all these states just one big dumping ground for the mentally challenged? Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, what difference does it make? Every schoolboy knows that Jim taylor, Paul Hornung, Jerry Kramer, et al. made Wisconsin famous. This cheese thing is just a cover, I get all my cheeses at Waldbaums, and none of them say anything about Wisconsin, now the 1960's vintage Packers, now there is a bit of Americana!!! About the only reason they would need the National Guard in Wisconsin now, is to wake up the Packer Fans, after their games are over, that is if there is anyone left after the half.
  14. Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont) It appears that more than a battalion of infantry has closed up onto the German rearguard. The volume of fire from the advancing Russians has overwhelmed some of the advance positions. Nothing has been heard from the listening posts in several minutes, the Hauptmann worries that they may have been overrun. On the left, a flamethrower team has taken out not only a Russian HT but a T-34 as well!! The rest of the Russian infantry in the area scatter in terror. Alas this brave soldier of the Fatherland is cut down shortly after his courageous stand. The Ivans try another rush at the center, but are repulsed again, the HMG team curses, as their gun jams, with this many targets the HMG could be the decisive weapon. (cont) [ July 14, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. This was only so-so, if mildly amusing, but then, with the last sentence, it just soared! I imagine it pissed off the Aussies and the English. But he still needs to try harder. Someone give the bugger a game. Nidan, are you doing anything besides marvelling over the fact that technology can keep grass from dying? Because I'd hate to interrupt anything truly significant, like some New York lackwit marvelling over the sustaining powers of water on plantlife. Hey, NG Cavscout, or whatever, insult Nidan. Bugger needs to have less time on his hands. </font>
  16. So would V42 Below count as an honorary Aussie? Isn't New Zealand kind of like the stunted little Danny DeVito twin to the Arnold Schwarznegger Australia? Of course that in no way lessens the Genetic Vacuum that is Australia. Wasn't it colonized by people not even good enough to be ENGLISH????? </font>
  17. I want to share a wonderful experience with all of you, why I dont know, since you are all like what is left on a pier when the barnacles are scraped off, sort of a greenish, gooey, mass of,...well something awful. Especially you Australians, since you live on a giant island anyway, its probably infested with barnacles. I just had installed a computer controlled, in ground spinkler system at my estate. A fantastic bit of technology it is. No more dragging hoses around the perimeter of the homestead, no more "Rainbird Oscillating Sprinklers", which last exactly one summer season. ( I have 11 of them in my shed, guaranteed for life they say). I have programmed the system (which I am told has more computing power than the Lunar Module did back in '69), and now, presto, the lawn gets watered, not once, but twice each day,while I sit on my ass and type nonsense into this forum. It even has a gadget that senses rain fail and prevents the system from turning on. I tell ya people, America is a wonderful country, and technology is grand. Gotta go now, my BBQ is smoking!!
  18. Alright, kid! The gloves are coming off! Now yer gonna find out what this board is really all about! Seriously, the Sherman never had APFSDS...at least until the Israelis got ahold of it. In fact, I don't think anybody had APFSDS until, what, the late '60s (when did the Sovs start using it? I know they had it by the time of the Yom Kippur war). And only the Firefly had APDS as far as I know. Michael </font>
  19. Remember the movie "On the Beach", the whole world was wiped out during a nuclear war, all except Gregory Peck's (RIP) submarine and ALL THE AUSSIES , even Hollywood loves 'em.
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Boo_Radley: OK you gaggle of flacid, prancing ninnies, I'm back. Turns will be going out sometime hopefully in the next day or so due to the fact that I have to reinstall CM and all it's files. Why, you ask? Well, since you ask so nicely, I'll tell you. The severe lightning storm we had earlier this week not only fried my modem, it also screwed up my graphics to the point that my brand new graphics card was no longer compatible with my system. Why? Beats me, I just play games on the darn thing, I don't know what makes it work. So, we had to do a complete restore to the original system, reinstall my old graphics card and take it from there. Some of my PBEM games might not have survived the purge as I had limited space to save things and gee whiz, some of you guys just didn't make the cut. But, I'll let you know what the scoop is a bit later. [serious]I know that many of you computer whiz kids will probably want to admonish me on how I might have handled this better, but after spending an entire afternoon with the computer guys and dealing with this crap for the last four days...I really don't want to hear it. Thanks.[/serious] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next time install one of those new fangled things called "Lightening Rods", or even better attach a uninsulated wire to your leg, pound a metal rod into the ground and attach the other end of the wire to it, all this preferrably near your home. Get a long metal pole, and stand there holding the pole like the Statue of Liberty. During the next storm, if lightening strikes it will be attracted to the metal rod you are holding. The 50 million volts of natural electricity will hit the pole, surge through your body, and continue harmlessly into the ground. Please be aware you will only be able to do this once, a fresh person will be needed for any other strikes of lightening. Or...you dumb ass get a $15 surge protector, and plug your PC into it. Edited to appear in the New Improved Peng Challenge Thread. -------------------- "Duty is as heavy as a mountain Death is as light as a feather" "I am reality" SSGT. Barnes [ July 11, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  21. Next time install one of those new fangled things called "Lightening Rods", or even better attach a uninsulated wire to your leg, pound a metal rod into the ground and attach the other end of the wire to it, all this preferrably near your home. Get a long metal pole, and stand there holding the pole like the Statue of Liberty. During the next storm, if lightening strikes it will be attracted to the metal rod you are holding. The 50 million volts of natural electricity will hit the pole, surge through your body, and continue harmlessly into the ground. Please be aware you will only be able to do this once, a fresh person will be needed for any other strikes of lightening. Or...you dumb ass get a $15 surge protector, and plug your PC into it.
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