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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Now for some good news. It looks as if I may have a detached retina, I have all the classic symptoms, because I had one before in the other eye a few years back, turns may be slow in coming, but at least I can play the game because I have a PC. Waiting to hear from the PCP (managed health care is so wonderful), to find out where I have to go, I'll see you guys later.
  2. Originally posted by Boo_Radley: When my son was small I used to tell him that under his bed was the Sabre-toothed Dust Kitty , and it was there to bite the toes of nose-pickers. Gee Boo I wish I knew you back then.
  3. Originally posted by Seanachai: Some creatures just cannot accept gratitude or praise. I believe you were quite generous in your allocation of species comparisons...I would more likey classify Boo into one of the invertebrate categories, however to each his own.
  4. ...and the band played on... Let's see if I understand this Gretchen, you used the excuse of not being logged on to BFC to not return turns to your betters? (Well, maybe not betters...it is after all this lot, but you get my drift.) What kind of lame-arsed, namby panby kanigget have you become? What's next? "Oooh, the mean doggie next door ate my CM CD...I can'ts return turns..." Whatever happened to that gung-ho squire of mine? The one who would neither give, nor ask for quarter? Who would attack, attack, attack until the last pixeltruppen was nothing but a smear against the countryside? Oh wait...I'm thinking of Lurkur. 'K, never mind. </font>
  5. It's a little thing called "plugging in the computer" wasn't it? </font>
  6. It's been a while Herr Oberst , welcome back....ooops did I say that? Well then, sod off, or better yet stand in front of the Piggly Wiggly Mart with a bulls eye on you chest until the new serial sniper notices you. [ August 20, 2003, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Thanks all, I just was able to figure it out. My Explorer v 6 has a separate "privacy" tab, which allows me to pick and choose sites to accept cookies from. Battlefront.com was listed as a site to never accept a cookie from. I just changed that setting and viola!!! I'm back in business. [ August 19, 2003, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. Hi Y'all. I just figured out why I couldnt log on from home, and now I'm back....I bet you are all just tickled pink.
  9. Thank you, I will try that. Although I have been searching for cookie options for Explorer, I wasnt able to find any settings that mentioned cookies. I'll keep searching.
  10. This is not a specific question on the games, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction. My home PC which is running XP and Internet Explorer ver 6. I downloaded a free version of SpyBot, and ran it to see what it would find in my system. There were various things, which the program identified, which I then deleted. Now I don't know if this is related or not, but when I went on to the BFC Forum, I noticed I was no longer logged in. I attempted to log in, and it processed the log in and said "thanks for logging in", but I was not logged in. I had saved my internet security set ups, and they were the same. I deleted the SpyBot program and restored all the items it had deleted, still no luck. I can log in from work, so I know its nothing to do with my profile. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. Speaking of Aussie Land, I saw a wonderful program about Wombats on Animal Planet. It was a surprise to me just how much Mace looks like a Wombat. Wombat Mace What do you all think? [ August 18, 2003, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. What? Attacking in the foggy night using flamethrowers wasn't enough? You need MORE advantages? You think asking me to get off will help? BWHAHAHAHAA! No, you'll have to evict me, you german pigdog! I will read your future in your entrails, frogbreath. And let me tell you it doesn't look good for the bottom polishers of the Reich. /SirReal </font>
  13. Bah! If the Gnome wants him to lick his boots, Boo should be askin', 'how shiny you want 'em, boss?" </font>
  14. If you can't log on, but can browse, that means that your browser isn't accepting UBB's cookies. No, that's not a girlscout joke. Assuming you're using Internet Exploder, go into Tools, then Options. Click the Security tab, then the Custom Settings button. In the dialog that appears, scroll down to the section "Cookies". Make sure that both "Allow cookies that are stored on your compuer" and "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" are set to Enable. Alternatively, get a good browser. I suggest Mozilla Firebird. /SirReal </font>
  15. I am still unable to log onto this Forum from my home PC, and now I am getting really upset. Boo would you mind laying down a minute so I can jump up and down on your head in frustration? I'm still thining it has to do with that SPybot software, but it could be this new worm that is attacking MS machines...why would it only effect logging on to this Forum though? Can any of you cretins help me?
  16. I thought you were getting a new PC? or is that the excuse you use to keep ducking me? Well, I guess the AI doesnt humiliate you when it kicks your ass. Yeah Boo stick to playing the AI.
  17. Thanks BFC, that's just what I wanted! You guys are the best! SSN Hint Of The Day: Pee on the toilet seat. Now sod off. </font>
  18. What a frustrating weekend!! I loaded this program caled "Spybot" into my machine, it was a free pop-up stopper, and spyware identifier, provided by my cable modem company. (which I work for BTW) Well everything worked great....it identified all these programs, laying low on my hard drive...watching me, and noting what web sites I visited, and preparing pop-ups to send me on my next visit to that site. It is amazing the crap that gets into your machine from the internet, I for one think it should be illegal. Anyway, on Friday morning I attempted to login to the Forum, so I could banter with you idjits, and low and behold, although the BFC site said I was logged in, I was not, and I couldnt post anything!!! Do you know how frustrating that can be? To read all this verbal tripe, and not be able to respond in some way...in any way? I contacted BFC for help and as usual, Steve was very helpful, although he could not pinpoint the problem to anything in the BFC site. I suspected it had something to do with the "Spybot" program, so I deleted it and restored anything that could be remotely related to BFC. Now I was able to log on this morning from work, so I know its something wwith my PC at home. I am learning to hate the internet, and although it brings me some joy, i.e. PBEMS, the BFC Forum, and instant messaging, (PORN)...the Madison Avenue purveyors of advertisements and ways to separate people from their money, plus every scam artist that can make a quick buck at some innocent person's expense, have taken the joy out of the experience, as they have taken the joy out of everything else. They think life is one marketing event after another, and that people want to be constantly reminded about products and services to buy. We think that Al Qaeda is a threat to our existence...I say it is Madison Avenue, and all those coke sniffing assholes who spend their entire lives designing commercials and ads to constantly bombard the rest of us with. Please tell me, do you think there is anyone on this planet who has not heard of MacDonald's? Perhaps newborn babies and dalem, but no one else. I now feel sorry for the Iraqis, I can see these coporate marketing locusts, just waiting to descend on those poor people, they thought Saddam was bad? wait until they are subjected to SpikeTV. [ August 11, 2003, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. We could call them HEROS. To be associated with Boo they must have a certain quality that separates them from the norm of humanity. It would take a tough person with heroic qualities to withstand that association. We could award them the "Cesspool Legion of Merit" (if there is such a thing).
  20. Perhaps we could also attach a montage of Persephone's various visual works of art? If that doesn't scare and confuse these poor unsuspecting people, what else would?
  21. You could have done the same thing to the "Exotic Dancer", and saved yourself the uncomfortableness of the Wal-Mart encounter with your step-son. BTW is cat litter considered a "grocery" in Cheeseland? I know in New York, those items are usually found in the "Pet Supplies" aisle. Your first clue should have been the lobster tank. [ August 07, 2003, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  22. Has anyone noticed the metamorphosis of the cable station TNN to SPIKETV "The Network for Men" It has been a very painful endeavor for me, because I enjoy watching reuns of "Star Trek Next Generation", and this was the only station to have them. Not to mention now that my wife works later hours I also watch "Blind Date" which kind of substitutes for the long meaningful dialog my wife and I used to have when we actually ate dinner together. So "Blind Date" leads right into "STNG", I dont even have to use the remote. So while I am sending out my PBEM turns, "The New Network for Men" blares aloud in the background. What I hate the most out of this horrible hype of a second rate cable station, are the constant commercials for shows such as "Striparella" starring Pam Anderson, and "Gary the Rat" starring that guy from "Cheers" whose name eludes me now. These are animated shows by the way, why would I want to watch a cartoon representation of Pam Anderson, when I could switch to the Playboy Channel and see real women? Not only do they run these ads ad nauseum between breaks, but they have the nerve to run animated adds during Star Trek, at the bottom of the screen. Are these Madison Avenue types so insensitive to true fans, or are they so coked up that they don't realize just how annoying they are? Not to mention every other commercial, that is not an ad for some stupid program, is a Tampon ad or something for women's hygiene or grooming. I thought this was "The First Network for Men"? I work for a Cable Company, and we get all the trade rags, these people actually think they are on to something. They are so busy re-inventing the wheel, and snorting white powder, that they would not recognize a new concept if it bit them in the ass. What I am suggesting, is that we sponser Seanachai to send in scripts and concepts for TV shows, that would appeal to people over the age of eleven. Lets all get together and convince him. [ August 06, 2003, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  23. I didn't see any mention of the Customs agent's ultimate weapon, the 'full body cavity search using cold utensils'. Mace </font>
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