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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I noticed a certain amount of jealousy in response to my Diane and Roxanne story...ppppft!!!, I thumb my nose at all of you sad, sad piles of human trash. While I lead the life of a high rolling Bon Vivant, you dopes spend your time discussing Brad Pitt of all things, or lamenting about no turns in your in-boxes. Ha.....so what if I twitch a little at the sound of loud noises, or display the thousand yard stare at inappropriate times....Roxanne and Diane still come over for a good time, and they are able to look passed my foibles, knowing they are in for the time of their lives.
  2. Well, its 9;15 PM on Saturday night, and I have two buxom, long legged blondes over for a session in the hot tub. Don't need any turns, I'm going to be too busy, don't you know. Ooops, spilled my vodka..... hold on Roxanne, I'll be right there, OK Diane, I'll get you another drink...just a minute girls.
  3. Bump!!!! Let's just keep this up front for awhile.
  4. I just had a deja vu (flashback), whatever....went outside the building for a smoke, walked down the sidewalk...a lot of plants nearby (its like a Garden of Eden in the summer, very nice landscaping around here), with the fog, and light mist falling plus, the smell of wet ground, the chill of dampness in the air......whooosh Con Thien 1967!!!!!...funny how that happens.
  5. I haven't had time to mention that Seanachai's apparently leaderless German troops are being slaughtered on the battlefield as if they were cattle being herded into an abbatoir, “The hand of God and mankind's self-inflicted blows seem equally heavy... giving a strong cumulative impression of the world as an abattoir” Well.... Seanachai's world that's for sure. As for my other games....well...er...I'm not doing so hot.
  6. Noba, you twit, you DELETED my email? That's one way to postpone bad news.....
  7. I think you are mistaken... I don't think Dorosh really wants to get his brain sucked out with a drinking straw. </font>
  8. Why does everyone in the Cesspool look like someone famous??? Anyone remember Brian Blessed?
  9. That's what I liked about the Political Forum, this kind of stuff went on continuously, and if you didn't give a ****, you could always ignore it. Now that it is gone, the children have no place to express themselves, so they drag their schoolyard taunting in here, to show off...sheesh.
  10. It shows a shocking lack of respect for the noble moose by associating it with these louts. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  11. I would also like a copy sir, of you would be so kind.
  12. That tired old lament will not get you a bit of sympathy hereabouts. While everyone else in here has beaten me up one side and down the other....you can only achieve a Minor Victory? It says more about your abysmal tactical abilities.......how truly pathetic..well I'm off.
  13. They say we all have a twin out there somewhere. It is fitting however that Boo bears a striking resemblance to some English buffoon. I'll bet he even has one of those old Soviet floppy eared hats, which he only wears for special formal occasions. It's the Boo Radley Show !!!!
  14. Hmmm...Soupy Sales... I can think of worse people to be compared to. YOU for example. </font>
  15. Shall I post the reaction of the lady in the photo you sent? Shall I then? I advise all to check out Nidan1's new photo on the website for MORE information about HIS age. Joe </font>
  16. Don't cry laddie, Shaw is an old man and not long for this world. You, on the other hand have many years to go, and plenty of time left to screw up.
  17. Is it 2005 yet on that horrible continent, you live on? If so Happy New Year....of course it doesnt really count until the ball drops in Times Square, but I guess its better that you lot inhabit the other side of the globe, rather than having you here clogging our streets.
  18. How pathetic.....there is not a single woman on this planet who would offer to help you out? You could ask your doctor to run a sperm count, at some point someone would need to assist you.
  19. Being a grammar grog evidently does nothing to help you recognize redundancy. </font>
  20. I think we should do a remake of Reptilicus . Seanachai can play the giant reptile, and the rest of you loons can play members of the inept Danish armed forces.
  21. Gee, there are only 365 more shopping days till Christmas...maybe if I start now, I'll get it finished on time for once.
  22. Christmas presents for all!!!!! Turns going out...check your stocking...errrr your in box. Merry Christmas everyone.
  23. I have completed the first battle of the series, and now I am thinking that a combination of individual battles and smaller operations is the way to go. If anyone would like to try out the battle please email me and I will send it to you. Please put CMAK in your subject line. Feedback would be appreciated. It is best played head to head or PBEM. I didnt design it with the AI in mind. I tried it as Germans against an attacking AI, and the British were chewed up unmercifully.
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