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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Gee Lars do you think you could have waited until this fool fell asleep before you broke the good news? He is insuffereable on a bad day, now he is ten times worse. Anyway Congratulations.....life as you know it is about to end.
  2. Dear Lady has Hiram been piddling on the carpet again? We had thought he was house broken by now.
  3. Why would you make friends with a 19 month old in the first place? Theory one...You need to establish new relationships with people who have the same level of mental development as yourself. Theory two...You are using your relationship with the 19 month old to get more familiar with her mother...for reasons that cannot be mentioned in a family oriented thread. Theory three...You are just a tool.
  4. I thought there were laws against importing insects from foreign countries...why werent you detained at customs, why werent you body cavity searched? No wonder the terrorists are winning.
  5. Not as bored as you appear to be, friend. Although I could say I am more bored than usual on a Friday before a long weekend. The topic of CMX2, while quite interesting really annoys me because nothing we say will ever get into the game anyway. I'm just waiting for it to come out, I'm sure it will be great.
  6. I sent along an entry as well. Thanks guys for running this type of event, something unique that gets the juices flowing to design.
  7. Boo...I can't see you, lad. Take my hand...lead me home... </font>
  8. Maybe in your world....these Euro's already have a warped sense of our culture. I, on the other hand, would recommend "Married with Children" or "Home Improvement" as a better gauge of adult behavior in the States.
  9. Something hauntingly familiar about Darkmath.....
  10. emphasis supplied... I think that sort of sums things up nicely. A defining feature of the idiot - the inablity to learn. </font>
  11. emphasis supplied... I think that sort of sums things up nicely. A defining feature of the idiot - the inablity to learn. </font>
  12. Actually that would be accomplished by not engaging other idiots in conversation, but I never seem to learn my lesson. Its sort of like the train wreck phenomenon, you try to avoid it but something inevitably draws you in.
  13. Does any of this crap you mention actually have alcohol in it? Oh, yes you did mention you were "kinda drunk", but that appears to be a consistent state of being with you.
  14. I just stepped in from my busy work-a-day schedule to wish you all a Happy Year of the Rooster. Especially to my young Squire, stikkypixie,who is far away from his Fatherland, and now living among those horrible Belgians, who among other things permit widespread euthanasia. Berli, I have your tickets, you could leave right away.
  15. I was thinking more on the line of smaller dust clouds, not something so large as to be a dead giveaway of a large formation or large vehicles such as tanks. I'm sure that any vehicular movement in the desert would give off dust, and in a small battle where contact is immediate it would not matter. I was thinking of a movement command for road movement, where you might not want your opponent to know that something is coming up that road to the east, that would eliminate the dust altogether, but cause you a penalty in movement speed. BTW;I'm getting shredded as the Americans in San Pietro. Night fighting is a bitch.
  16. Why would you quote your own post? Oh, I forgot its you.....
  17. I recently played a scenario that was listed as "semi-hostorical, set in Normandy in 1944. Now I had done some extensive research on the timeframe, terrain units etc., because I was in the process of creating some scenarios of my own of that campaign. My opponent in the game lives in Europe and has traveled to this area and knows it first hand. His first comment when the scenario loaded on his end was, and I paraphrase, "aw another lousey un realistic map of Normandy" or some such. Chatting with him, and in the course of our on line play, I vowed that if I was making a semi historical or historical battle, I would try my best to get it right. I think all designers follow that premise. Within the limitations of the game editor a designer does the best he can. If you look at overhead photos of the Normandy area from 1944, for example, you will see that almost every inch of ground has been cultivated in some way, aside from orchards and tree groves in villages and along roads, its farm land. If a designer gives you a Normandy map that isnt at least 80% farm land, than that is wrong. IMO the map is the center point of any scenario, especially historical, semi historical battles. An interesting, fairly accurate map, makes playing a lot more fun, even if there are units or two that really don't belong. Creating a good scenario, that is well received, is a tough proposition that takes time, effort and dedication and a lot of research. I salute all those who have given it a try, if you look on the Scenario Depot, you will see a lot of us in this community have done so.
  18. Its appropriate because this guy is probably spamming as many web forums as he can with an add for this company...and to use an old Chinese saying..."it's all free!!!" Its refreshing to see them using these previously forbidden capitalist tools
  19. In CMAK the new dust cloud feature was greeted with a lot of enthusiasm, but later on dust clouds caused by movement and impacting shells created a whole new set of issues for players, i.e. intermittant LOS for moving vehicles as well as stationary units. Could there be something like a SLOW MOVE command added for vehicles, that would cost the player in speed, but minimize or eliminate the dust clouds created by movement in the desert and on other dry surfaces. I remember seeing an historical photo of a road sign somewhere in Normandy that read; "5MPH... DUST BRINGS SHELLS."
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