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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Red areas indicate the possible...and I say possible chance of intelligent life. Wombats aside the entire sub-continent should be towed to the South Pole and allowed to freeze over. I'm almost sure, Speedy, Noba and Mace live in the white areas.
  2. Check out the "Buchholz map and other info" thread in the CMAK forum.
  3. Read also "Fire in the Streets" by Eric Hammel. I hope so, the modern combat thing just isn't doing it for me for various reasons.
  4. Joe, what is the likelihood that this match will ever get finished ? Neither of them is very swift in the turn sending department, why rleete still owes me a turn from 2004. I say we give them each a Louisville Slugger and let them pummel each other until only one is standing. I guess that might be a little difficult to determine in the Gnome's case, but it certainly would not take as long.
  5. Can you explain what you mean by "started off by accident" The North Vietnamese specifically selected Hue as a city to hold because of its traditional importance in the culture and politics of the Vietnamese people. The fact that the "General Uprising" never occurred forced the PAVN to stay in the city while the political cadres went about settling old scores and generally intimidating the poplulace. There was no way the Americans could allow a major city to be occupied in the such a way. A battle for Hue was inevitable once the PAVN started building defenses. The Marines were totally unprepared for a city fight at the time. Needless casualties were taken, until they finally got their act together. For example, the order not to use heavy artillery or air power inside the Citadel for fear of destroying sacred structures, caused the Marines casualties that might otherwise have been avoided if overwhelming firepower had been brought to bear immediately. PAVN leaders thought nothing of the destruction of Hue, but many a young American's life was cut short to protect the sensibilities of the Vietnamese. It could be seen as an interesting parallel to the practice of not targeting mosques until they are identified as having armed men in them. [ February 20, 2006, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. Damn Scout you're head is growing , how do you get a kevlar on that thing? Edit: Notice how I'm hip with all the new military terms...in my day it was a steel pot. [ February 19, 2006, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Give the guy a break will you....he at least conceded that the United States military did not kill any kids on the moon.
  8. Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Yes we did pick up those moon rocks, but that was over thirty years ago.
  9. Maybe that is why you come to this website. Take a survey of how many "fighting men" as you put it are on theis website. We are PLAYING WAR GAMES here, that is the difference. If you want to spout your gung ho, Macho "kill em all and let God sort it out" views of life, then go on the forum from that link you posted. There seems to be a lot of folks with your point of view posting there. I'm tired of death, killing, war and suffering, I've seen enough of it in my lifetime. GasMask, grow up and take a look at your kids...do you want this kind of world for them? All the killing will not end the problems.
  10. There is a lot more to the real world than death, mayhem and war.
  11. Gack!!! I'm going to gag...."history in the making"???? Yeah, I guess "raped and murdered in Brazil" is your idea of history?
  12. Nice website GasMask, posting that crap will get you banned AGAIN.
  13. What a simple explanation for two World Wars...crappy cuisine..... The most complicated social issues usually boil down to something simple when educated and civil men discuss them. There is still hope for mankind...
  14. This image shows the deployment of the 21st PzDiv just prior to the invasion, you probably cant see much, and the internet image is not much better. You do know that Generalleutnant Feuchtinger was notorius for being away from his headquarters, and I believe he was with his lady friend on D-Day. His AARs are listed as suspect in most accounts for that reason. The unit itself made excellent use of SP guns mounted on Czech and other captured French chassis and gave the Commonwealth forces fits in the various Caen operations.
  15. The crossroads formed the intersection point for five roads that ascended the ridge’s gradually rising slopes from opposite compass points. Bavent ridge was only a significant feature because the country surrounding it was so low and flat. Running along a generally north-south line from Sallenelles near the coast almost to Troarn, which was east of and parallel to Caen, it formed the only viable defensive ground that the airborne division could use to advantage in securing its eastern flank. If the counterattacking Germans broke through the defensive line holding the ridge, they would likely succeed in pushing the division’s lines back to the River Orne bridges. These bridges, captured by British glider troops on D-Day, were vital to Second British Army’s plan to break out from the Normandy bridgehead and advance towards Paris. Holding the ridge from Sallenelles to Bréville was the 1st Special Service Brigade, a commando force that had landed at Sword Beach and linked up with the airborne troops late on June 6. From Bréville, which stood atop the highest point, to where the ridge overlooked the southern extremity of a small forest known as the Bois de Bavent was the responsibility of 6th Division’s 3rd Brigade. The 9th Parachute Battalion held the line from right of Bréville to just short of the crossroads, then the Canadians took over the defence from the crossroads to the forest’s northern edge, where they handed off to the 8th Parachute Battalion. From an on line source:
  16. You should try to determine how many of the tanks in the test remained unbuttoned throughout. Although as Kingfish indicates daisy chained mines are more visible than prepared mines, they too would be less visible to a vehicle with a buttoned up crew.
  17. Kingfish I have this volume and some others at home which may have the information you require. I'll check back in this evening, if you still need it, I"ll look for you.
  18. And boy, do I ever have my hands full with this job! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! </font>
  19. You know, I go back and re-read that thread, and its so funny. GasMask and Fusilier9 are definately the same person (I think), but its so funny...its like watching one of those split personality movies like "Psycho", where the character is having a conversation within himself.
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