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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. What benefit do I get for having a former liege with the title of Senior Kniggett ? Since we are all jumping on the band wagon of titles here, I want to know if there is anything in it for me? This way I know which side of this issue to get on.
  2. Way too much symbolism and underlying meaning for kids to get....now if they were flushing real bears down the crapper instead of symbolic fears.... now that would be neat.
  3. Why is it that you travel so much? Are you not permitted to conduct business in your own state?
  4. Who'd have thought that the MBT could be as educational as "The Fishing Channel"?, but then again why think at all..right? Any suggestions on the best way to cut up Boo Radley for chum? Speaking of cutting... Abbott did you ever get that new knife you were mentioning? Seems like I'm full of questions this morning..using an old phrase that was popular when I was a youngster...If you don't like it...lump it!!!!, don't know why that came to mind all of a sudden. In other news; Boo (the hated one)...is pulverizing my poor little truppen with HE fire from gigantic Soviet tracked vehicles of some sort....I can't see them, but my wife is complaining that the soundwaves coming from my sub-woofer are shaking her crystal glasses in dangerous ways. OGSF (the foole)...thinks he has the upper hand...picture a ME where one side has all the flags (his side), its an Andreas creation, so of course the German side will have all of the advantages. Mace sends a turn on every gibbous moon cycle, so I have no idea what the hell is going on because my circadian rythm is based on the sun. I think I have a game going with Noba , but I'm not sure. sir 37mm Send me a set up you Limey bastard.
  5. Why would I call you? I'm trying to get interviews with people that are of interest, one way or the other, to the CessPool. Joe p.s. There's more than one Area Code for Utah ... </font>
  6. I just got a call from the 801 area code...I didn't answer it, I wonder if it was Joe ???? shudder
  7. You ain't kidding, falling into 35 degree water has really got to ruin your day.
  8. Those dudes on the crab boats in Alaska really have some rough job, anyone seen that series on Discovery Channel, its like American Idol on the Bering Sea.
  9. Gee Joe a lot of these words do have double meanings, you could be accused of being a little X rated here, .....BTW you talking about the circus?
  10. Isn't it kinda hard to throw satchel charges 20 yards when you're crawling on your belly and wetting yourself? </font>
  11. Even more wonderful than older folks, are our children. My recently married son, has just moved into his own home. I am very proud of him, he has accomplished a lot in his young life. His father in law bought him a barbeque grill for his birthday, and my wife had to take her truck to meet them at Home Depot yesterday to pick it up. Good old dad (me), then supplies him with a brand new full tank of gas. So, he calls me a few minutes ago to tell me he is cooking filet mignons for himself and his wife, on his new grill with my gas, and how long I recommend he cook them on each side. So I say, "wow filet mignons, how come you didnt invite me?". his answer "Dad, I only got two of them" Perfect answer.
  12. Here is the replacement for the Tomcat, the FA-18 Super Hornet.
  13. That's exactly what it means, but I'm sure the LZs are fully preped and secure in this case. The 101st is a totally "Air Assault" Division, unlike in the "Band of Brothers" era when they were a parachute division. The air assault concept is certainly not dead. The air assault tactic was probably used to get some surprise in some areas of the general attack, as opposed to driving up in APCs etc.
  14. Don't forget to stock up on plenty of cheese to bring back to your buddies.
  15. This is more like the sidekick role I imagine for Boo . He is Ugarte and I'm Rick; Ugarte (Boo):"You despise me, don't you?" Rick (Me): "If I gave you any thought, I probably would" [ March 15, 2006, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  16. He used to be a regular on Opie and Anthony when they were on the radio in New York. His voice reminded me of George Carlin, but you're right he is a funny bastard.
  17. Lake? Lake??? I live with the whole bloody Pacific Ocean practically outside my door. I piss bigger puddles than your puny lake. Ha! Michael </font>
  18. I guess no one wants anything to eat....can't live on music you feckless, bubo infested washerwomen. Coming right up... Lars
  19. Not to worry young man, we serve breakfast all day long. Brunch is for sissies.
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