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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. That might help NOW, but after you've killed him what will you have to look forward to? Other than being "best buddies" with a guy named "Bubba" on cell block D that is. Joe </font>
  2. Must be the same bar you've been banging yours on as well, because I thought I was responding to Joe Shaw?!! Or are you on his payroll and taking his calls now? </font>
  3. It was England and Paraguay, and it was on at 8 AM, so I watched it. </font>
  4. Soccer?.....er so do we here in America, and so did I in the post.....have you been banging your head on the bar again, Macey ? No one paying attention to you, old boy? Soccer is "catching on" here the same way as the XFL did. Dispite the millions pumped into promoting it...the stands are empty, and the who the hell wants to watch a game between Germany and Paraguay at seven AM on a Saturday? It is odd though....millions of American kids play it, when they are small, but as soon as they either master a real skill or realize that they have no athletic ability at all, they move on. We have a better chance of being conquered by Canada than becoming Soccer fanatics.
  5. That is sacrilege Nidan1, SACRILEGE I tell you! If we weren't already playing a game I would damn well challenge you to one! Everyone knows the World Cup only comes once every four year. It is something to be treasured, to be loved, like the few posts you write that make sense or the few (well only one really) squire to have the misfortune to "iniated" by you but still managing to become the witty, charming knight that he is. And I blame Joe as well, not least because he smells funny. </font>
  6. It seems we always have these troubles when an Oddstraylian starts the Thread . They (the Oddstraylians), never see fit to announce the proper rules....and before you know it, all sorts of SSNs come wandering in, without any knowledge of how to behave, because of the lack of the aforementioned RULES. Like the rest of the goober countries of the world, the Oddstaylians are wrapped up in this annual snore fest called the World Cup. While it may be the most popular spectator sport in the world, it's only popular in goober countries (you know who you are), and the actual center of things, the good ole USA...doesnt give a hoot about kicking a ball around, and trying eventually after hours of set up....to get it into a large net to score. Due to this preoccupation with soccer....the representatives of goober countries in the MBT neglect their dutiful responsibilities....such as posting the rules. I blame the World Cup, and all its fans for this!!!
  7. Are there any rules in all of Australia???...I have been told that there aren't, other than cohabitating with kangaroos, I think everything thing else is OK there. The cohabitating part may OK too, but I haven't been able to confirm that.
  8. Thirty nine years and a dollar short as always Peng </font>
  9. Yeah, yeah, yeah all really nice… but what do you think would’ve happened if you’d been hit with a 5.56mm round? </font>
  10. Thirty Nine years ago today, June 9th 1967, I left Yokosuka Naval Hospital in Japan, to begin my journey home from Asia. This trip had begun July 7th 1966 when we left San Diego Harbor aboard the USS Iwo Jima bound for the Western Pacific, and ultimately the Republic of Vietnam. I took a short bus ride to the Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station, and boarded a specially equipped C-130 for the short flight to Kadena Air Force Base on Okinawa. From Kadena it was a quick 14 or 15 hour scoot aboard a C-141 to Anchorage Alaska, and from there to Edwards Air Force Base in California. From California I flew to Great Lakes Naval Station in Illinois, spent the night there, and flew on to Floyd Bennett Field in New York the next day. Again I boarded a bus and was taken to the St Albans Naval Hospital in Queens New York. My folks met me there, and after a few hours of hurry up and wait, I was on my way home. I had a 7.62 round removed from my left thigh, on May 15th 1967, and some vascular repair to the femoral artery,first done at Charlie Med in Da Nang and then followed up at Yokosuka. While in Yokosuka I contracted a severe Staph infection on my throat, which delayed my trip home by a week or so. Hobbling along with a cane,and with badages on my throat I arrived back at my house, to the welcome of my friends and neighbors. Thirty Nine years ago....and now I am doing podcast interviews for the Justicar and the MBT . Ive come a long way!!!
  11. Is that where the phrase "Bend it like Beckham" comes from? Berli , its SERGEANT Allison!!! at least don't demote me.
  12. You iron your panties??? couldn't that ruin them somehow?
  13. Abbott plants a "wet one" on a fan, as he signs autographs after participating in the latest MBT pod cast hosted by Joe Shaw . Story at eleven.
  14. Oh I think we can more informative than that ... Abbott ... YOU'RE AN IDIOT! Anyone who doesn't have something against everyone here is an IDIOT! Obviously I'm the exception to the rule in that I AM the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and I am ... uh ... beloved by all here ... did I mention that already? Joe </font>
  15. Whew!! these posts call for a jolly sing along. Jayne! The man they call Jayne! He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor. He stood up to the man and he gave him what for. Our love for him now ain't hard to explain. The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne! Our Jayne saw the mudders' backs breaking. He saw the mudders' lament. And he saw their magistrate taking, Every dollar and leaving five cents So he said, "You can't do that to my people." He said, "You can't crush them under your heel. So Jayne strapped on his hat, and in ten seconds flat, Stole everything there was fit to steal… Now here is what separates heroes, from common folk like you and I The man they called Jayne, he turned around that plane And let that money hit the sky.
  16. 'cus Small Emma hopes it will sink and rid her world of that creepy guy, Grandma Steve, that hangs around? And today is the Day of the Beast... how appropriate </font>
  17. Aw....go sit on a Panda's thumb Mr Peng ..... Wait a minute....do Pandas have thumbs? What kind of a thing is that anyway? Why would anyone follow you to a crushingly boring place such as that, when we can mock and belittle you right here without leaving the comfortable, familiar surroundings. [ June 05, 2006, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. Where's the video of what you are talking about? All the videos in the link you provide show other stuff. This link shows some additional information, although it says the DAP version is an L model not a K, as stated in your link. [ June 04, 2006, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Temor, temor, temor... (looks through dictionary), temor, temor, temor... Let's see... T. E. M... huh... It's not there. Didn't think so. Mabye it's an anagram... t.e.m.o.r... Ah HAH! Morte! His hands and soul are dying. Swell! </font>
  20. I think that you might appear more fetching if your picture was taken in the next galaxy. This way it would take 300 light years for the image to reach here. We'd all be dead by then, and spared the horror.
  21. Water would probably be a required item Olde Man , paddling down Larpenteur Ave could be a bit sticky. BTW can you see over the bow?
  22. Nah. But I am not surprised that France won't help get the insurgents out of Iraq. Hell, in the forties they wouldn’t help get the Germans out of Paris! </font>
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