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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. I disagree with Tom Chick's analysis of the blitzkreig, since I rarely have any difficulty, at any setting, of blowing a hole in the thin blue line and occasionally trapping hapless Armies along the north coast. And as we all have seen, in Russia the blitzkreig-tactics can work to great advantage. Perhaps it will be different in PBEM, but probably not, since the force that can be brought to bear on the French forward line is just a bit too potent. I do agree about North Afrika -- we are almost forced into a far-side invasion in order to isolate Alexandria, which is ahistorical. And here is the last part of his last sentence: "... Strategic Command is an interesting study in what the war would have been like if the enemy generals hadn't known what they were doing." This is gratuitious, simplistic, and an almost clever remark, which tells me that -- in this instance he is more interested in scoring smack-points, than in being a thoughtful, professional reviewer. Hubert has been gracious as usual, and you can usually learn more from knowledgable criticism than an indifferent praise, but I would take this one with a grain of salt
  2. LOL! I was going to do -- The Cat in the Hat kicks over the trash-cans on Barnaby Street, but, figured that would be too 60s... too too jejune. I am a father as well, and I tried to always tell my son about... what actually awaits. Not the half-told, half-kept dangerously dishonest stuff, but... about the grind and the grist and the Shape out of the mist and the dew-wet roses as whole-hearted gift to your Beloved, as well. But, usually you must learn on your own.
  3. Them? The ones who slouch and crouch in alleyways When the moon is blooded & dim? Who laughed like stupid lost loons At the last long gasp Of J.J., Jimi... and Jim? Whose mentor stalks the night In ugly high-top shoes, And passes out a little off-white card That says: Please allow me to introduce myself, I am a man of wealth and taste? That THEM? ? Or, are you thinking of some other Them?
  4. I would favor a small return if the ship is dismantled in a home-country port, say, at least 10-20% for scrap and manpower reassignment. Allies port? One half of that. Anywhere else, NADA. Forgot to address the French navy issue -- at 10% what would they get for the entire fleet? Maybe 200-250 MPPs? All they could buy would be an inexperienced Army that wouldn't last long -- they could do more damage with the intact fleet, in terms of sub-hunting or coastal bombardment or confronting the Italians, so IMO, I really do not think that would be a problem. [ July 22, 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  5. Good advice, poetically stated. As you are an admitted armor admirer in general, and the elegantly designed Panther-A in particular, I would mostly expect that you would favor the latter strategy. Myself, I am more inclined to prefer the U-boats, for this reason -- you are not only depriving UK of convoy-MPPs, but also forcing them to spend other hard-earned points in repair of damaged vessels. They pretty much have to maintain their vaunted fleet or else the Americans will have a devil of a time transporting troops across the Atlantic. If USA is left to build their own convoy task-forces, then they are not also building Shermans and Wolverines, etc. You are right that this also depends on research decisions, and Industrial advances. 358 for each boat can drain the treasury to such an extent that your Drang Nacht Osten will suffer. Some kind of balance sounds about right, and that is what will make each game unique -- how to spend the limited MPPs to defeat that... cursed blood drooling foe, eh?
  6. You know, now that I think about it, I was sort of bothered by these kinds of success probabilities as well -- it's just that the very fortunate results furthered my private war aims so I kind of... let it slide in my mind. For the number of games that I have played, this kind of result -- where 4 or more research advances occur on one turn -- has happened at least 4 times that I can remember! If Bill's % calculations are correct (and I must accept, since my Statistics Intellect is somewhat derelict), then this kind of result does seem skewed, almost as if the random-number generator gets STUCK? :eek: I don't want to fall from Science-grace and get too weird -- by believing that the program is somehow getting excited for my success, and therefore -- WILLINGLY HELPING ME, but I agree with Bill that this might be something that needs looking into?
  7. I recently had a game where Italy was up to Industrial level 2, Jet-Air level 1, and Gun Laying Radar level 1, all by demo end. And once, having invested in 5 separate categories for the Germans -- got ALL FIVE on one and the same turn, I kid you not! To the larger point, I have always argued that Research decisions and advancements would have a VERY SIGNIFICANT impact on each game played, and have applauded and appreciated that game-design decision. :cool: In fact, these random (though, you must invest first, so it is not so fatalistic at all) advancements would actually DRIVE future tactical decisions, in that -- let's say you had invested a point in rockets, and by early 1943 you are up to level 4... wouldn't you THEN decide to deploy a raft of rockets along the French north coast? This is surely a topic that should, and will be discussed further, once we gain more full-length game experience. Indeed, IMO, it is an extremely critical aspect of the game.
  8. I would agree, in that a "flying artillery" piece should not be able to KILL upwards of 30-40,000 (diving-for-cover/entrenched) defenders at a clip. :eek: More like disruption and disorientation and eventually whittling down the will to fight. Now we have the choice -- is the new kill-ratio worth it in terms of cost effectiveness? I have, for the first time, been reconsidering buying the Air Fleet, as opposed to say, another armor unit. Perhaps the game design choice was to prompt us to consider buying more Strategic Bombers, since these air units are not so wildly different now, in terms of effectiveness? Could be the Air Fleet was just TOO attractive an offensive piece, and now it is merely another unit among many that must be appropriately used. I also like the idea of separate Tac Bombers. As well as many other special-task units, such as Mech Infantry or Destroyers. Seems to me, the more building choices you have, the more your individual selections will vary, and differentially impact the actual tactical outcome, and that can't be bad.
  9. I would agree, in that a "flying artillery" piece should not be able to KILL upwards of 30-40,000 (diving-for-cover/entrenched) defenders at a clip. :eek: More like disruption and disorientation and eventually whittling down the will to fight. Now we have the choice -- is the new kill-ratio worth it in terms of cost effectiveness? I have, for the first time, been reconsidering buying the Air Fleet, as opposed to say, another armor unit. Perhaps the game design choice was to prompt us to consider buying more Strategic Bombers, since these air units are not so wildly different now, in terms of effectiveness? Could be the Air Fleet was just TOO attractive an offensive piece, and now it is merely another unit among many that must be appropriately used. I also like the idea of separate Tac Bombers. As well as many other special-task units, such as Mech Infantry or Destroyers. Seems to me, the more building choices you have, the more your individual selections will vary, and differentially impact the actual tactical outcome, and that can't be bad.
  10. The part that got me was that pop-up message that said -- WAITING FOR USER INPUT!!! as if I had nothing better to do than snap to... maybe It wanted to harrass me into a tactical error? I spent the next 5 or 10 minutes looking over my shoulder... :eek:
  11. Well, we did not have you here to help man the fire hoses. Maybe you can help with that little devilish blaze blooming just over the horizon? (... how was Roswell? :eek: )
  12. ST, does that mean for an eventual patch? Or, SC-2? Or can you still change the game that will be published and sent out on or about August 5th?
  13. Doggone you, Robin, I'm still at 40% on this pint-sized modem...
  14. Straha, it might NOT be 2 weeks, but a matter of days... or, you could order it and have it sent to a neighbor or friend, and if it makes it before you leave -- great! If not, they could forward it to Europe... BTW, where in Europe, if you care to say?
  15. Another Leo the Lion, eh? We are the Kings of the Zodiac! Also, I add my thanks to another sort of Lion, Hubert the Cool, game-maker extraordinaire! :cool:
  16. And I as well! After all these 3 months, it's a great relief kind of feeling! Half the fun is the AN-TIC-I-PATION... :cool:
  17. Nice try! aka_tom_w -- with your hiding-behind-the-skirts criticism -- LOL! -- but, we know better. Download the demo, play awhile, and just maybe, in good time, you'll know better too!
  18. Somehow I just knew -- I just KNEW I should have let you have your way on that air re-base issue... As for the other, get this! when I tell that meek & mirthless driver (oh yes! he surely is) I will keep the good-dog indoors when he delivers -- if only he might deign to tell me what time he will come by with my Blue Whales in the Mid-Pacific CD, he sniffs, looks around at that brilliant and high blue sky we have out here in New Mexico, and casually says: Weeeellll pardner, I can't promise ANYTHING! oh, let's just say, hmmmmm, somewheres (and he spits on the ground!) between 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM... probably most likely.
  19. I hope & pray that is US Postal Service Priority Mail, since they can drop a CD-sized package right in the mail-box. UPS will not deliver to me due to a Black Labrador roaming the yard -- I have patiently explained to the exceptionally timid driver on 3 occasions no less (and to regional supervisor)that the good-old-dog, she would not harm even a kitten or a dragonfly, to no avail, and so I have to wait an extra day ( :eek: ) AND drive clear across town to their warehouse. In truth, the driver is trying to save time on his route, and will AVIDLY GRASP any excuse to cut down on the stops he must make, etc. Can I specify (for $7!) that US Postal deliver it priority? (... sorry for the rave, everybody bored to tears, please ignore... )
  20. In game terms, here is what is available at start, September 3, 1939 (RE: SuperTed's AAR screenshots): In Prussia: 1 Army, 1 Corps In Germany: 2 HQs, 4 Army, 5 Corps, 2 Tanks, 3 Air Fleets More than enough to take Lowlands & France, given that France has not built up to May of '40 strength. The question is -- and assuming you do not try this strategy with a new scenario, would it be worth it to shift strength West, or just go ahead and take the two turns it would take to conquer Poland by October 1? It would cost maybe 100-150 MPPs to operate the few units that could not march that far (allowing two turns to re-orient the forces West), and you would have to leave behind a small blocking force in case the Polish AI decided to push into Germany. Given all the advantages for a France-first strategy, and there seems to be quite a few, would it still be worth it to just ignore Poland until later? If you try this strategy by constructing a new scenario, and base your manpower decisions on what Hubert has deemed appropriate, then you can easily see that you would have quite a Wehrmacht force at the beginning of the game. You could commence the invasion by October 1, and if reasonably lucky or competent, finish the French campaign by early December '39 -- 6 or 7 months ahead of schedule.
  21. From whence? From the bottom of the topmost post on this thread, wherein MadMatt states that the gold demo will be available in a matter of days, not hours. I am perhaps presumptious in assuming that this would happen by this Friday or Saturday, but I may be wrong about that -- I'm sure one of the moderators will correct me if that is indeed the case.
  22. That's right, Aloid! In all the excitement, I forgot to remember! We'll have the Gold Demo to play -- all weekend!
  23. Been waiting down here in the desert for so long, that when I finally see the bus coming, I have to ask -- is that really the uptown bus? ... or just another mirage? :confused: ... I am on the bus! :cool:
  24. Interesting approach, Panzer Lehr. So let's take a look. What would be the advantages? I would guess that Italy's entry is based mostly on what happens in France, so Italy coming in earlier on the Axis side would give them a running head start on dominating the Mediterranean, before Britain could establish adequate defenses. And, you would be able to send out the U-boats that much earlier, presuming that you have devised a successful strategy for evading the RN, which likely starts the game at full strength. Plus, France would not have 6 months to build up her defenses, so you would benefit from conquering them earlier and getting the higher # of MPPs -- France is worth more in plunder, and in resources, than Poland. SeaLion would probably be -- at least possible a little sooner than Britain might want (... even the threat would be sufficient to cause her to stay closer to home, rather than risking foreign adventures -- like reinforcing Egypt or invading Norway). And, I am guessing that there would not be as much negative influence on the war-entry percentages of all those eastern minors (... this is where having Russia as an independent player would be more important, maybe even critical, since Germany doesn't have to worry about Russia sneaking in the back door :eek: ) All in all, it sounds pretty good, and I can't think of any major disadvantages -- anybody else have any ideas on this?
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