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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Well, Immer is in a safe Sort of place where everyday Ordinary and.. SANE humans Can't get... at him. Maybe for the best. He and I are old Road pals, Having once hiked from Maine To Mission-house California with only A napsack filled with jerky and green tea, So, Then I see him again (... he does ask for old copies of Sport magazines from the 1950s and 60s, which I truly try to find in yard-sales and the like places) I will send along yer best wishes.
  2. We will. Have to see, I mean. No politics? Or diplomacy? No remote chance of... what-ifs? No thrilling variations? Conquer all of Denmark and France, And all of Norway and Yugoslavia On the very FIRST turn? Poland already hands-down done for you In a turn you never even get to see? Huge clumpish clods of units That you oh, PUSH from one huge area Over to another huge area? Then, WATCH & whistle while the computer does all The maneuvering and fighting? Hmmmmmm, And speaking of pushing ... I am guessing That after 3 or 4 games, at most, And once you have solved The VERY simple S&T routines, And come to realize WHAT works And how and when, Then you play that 5th or 6th game? You may indeed come to resemble Our ol' pal... Sisyphus, The old Greek thief who somehow offended The old Greek Gods. That's all right, We each probably offend any number of Gods Several times each & every day. :eek: [... sad, but THEY never come right out and TELL us just what awful foolery we did!] Thing is, WE... don't THEN have to push some boulder Up the hill, Whereupon, Of course... the dumb thing is destined To roll right back down... so, sure, We gotta push it back up Over and over and over. And over. And over and over And over and over and over and over And over and over and over. All over again. Sorry, y'all, but I just don't see it. How THAT kind of exercise Could be much... fun. Could be wrong. Hope for everyone eager's sake That I am. Yep, I very probably am. [ October 08, 2004, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. GF? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! It's not very complicated. When you simply CANNOT... Create Something, You try to DESTROY... anything You can get yer feeble futile fingers on. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Not very complicated, really.
  4. LOL! If THIS guy... ... is Superman, then, yep, I am he! Nah, ain't so, see, Folks come from thousands of miles around, In wagons and astride snapping Dragons, and Across storm-roughed Seas, even, WHENEVER word gets out... Jersey John Is... IN the House. The House of the Rising Sun, that is, Where incredible, beamish stories Come riding the crazy arrays Of... sunshine gleams! :cool: Sure you can use that amazing Editor! Glad you spoke up. You can put a port there on Crete, A city also. And, if I am not mistaken, You can use the new scripting editor To do what I mentioned above, IE, Make it act as an Island Interdictor, like Malta. :cool: What an amazing air-invasion battle That might turn out to be! British Player better be alert, With a transport ready to carry That crack Aussie smack unit On over to Crete once Athens Bites the musty dust, Is all I can say.
  5. Like Charlie Brown's football... The idea of having Crete As one of the critical Battleground arenas of the "Med Wars," Has been... kicked around some. As the above cartoon portrays, I myself have been trying to kick Football Crete Over & through the goal-post, and Into the new! SC2 WW2 GS game. The kick is high enough! The kick is long enough! The kick is... in my dreams? LOL! Time will tell, we shall see what Hubert prefers, but I wouldn't mind having some sort of incidental value attached to Crete, oh, perhaps some penalty to British supply to Alexandria/Suez in a similar way that Malta interdicts Italian supply to Libya, something like that. Then again, I am only the one Old-style, straight-ahead kicker In amongst all kinds of X & Y Gen, Side-wheeling soccer-style kickers And various... throw-back... place-holders. ________________ **Incidentally, Strat Bombers WILL be able To bomb any terrain target, Regardless of who or what may be located there. Field goals, and bombs away! :cool:
  6. No need for worry, vveedd, The "default game" will be: 1) Faithful to WW2 history. 2) Fairly balanced, 3) Immense fun to play. :cool: Having a great and capable Editor, The likes of which This staid old Gaming World Has never - ever even seen! Is like... that kick-stand For your Harley-Davidson moto-cycle. Pretty elemental, Yet, you could certainly do without it. No need for a kick-stand, really, Since you could always lean That road-eating Dream Machine Against a lamp-post, Or a wishing-well. :cool: Against an evergreen or oak tree, Or even, Should you be daring enough, Against the gleaming gates Of Heaven, Or... Hell. Nope, that amazing new Editor! is mostly For... when the Mojo-Motor is... at The moment, at rest.
  7. Good question. For one thing, it will mean MUCH more careful planning and execution will be absolutely required. IOW, no longer can you merely set up the tin soldiers in the sand-box and just... shove them forward ho! into the seething Maelstrom. :eek: The DEPTH of decision making will be as HUGE As the SteppenWolf-expanse itself! And, Due to force pool limits, you'll have to somehow insure that not very many "blitzing lanes" are available to... The Nefarious Foe. And, Due to "customizable" unit deployments, you may well need to have unique formations capable of SPECIFIC tasks. IE, One way to counter the Panzer blitzing might be to create a couple or 3 Anti-Tank units (... IE, when you build new or upgrade old units) which would HIDE like hungry wolves - in reserve, and then! Assualt the spear-head, thereby blunting the treacherous thrust and possibly cutting off a VERY valuable Panzer IV! Yep, the sheer SIZE of the new SC2 Russia will change the S&T IMMENSELY! Many, many, many, many different ways to play now, and no doubt... EACH of the Game Players will soon come to be known for... a distinct, and VERY personal style of execution. So & so is inclined to have more low grade units (... "quantity IS quality!") or so & so mostly constructs small "elite units" capable of incautious acts, and so & so very often will "take the blows" for a long, long time, and then roll out the T-34s that he has SECRETED far to the rear! Etc, etc. It's gonna be... AMAZING! :cool:
  8. Yep, yer right FF, And for my part as one of those guys, I apologize. It's just that... well, I was being Instantaneous-spontaneous, and that Occasionally means RE-visting 60s Iconography Land! :cool: Heard a noise - a "break on through" Sort of noise, and... Never mind. Yer right, FF, this was An excellent thread, And your own contributions Were well thought out! What can I add? **Here's one way to play, So to sharpen the edge of yer adze: Play "hotseat," And not any plain-old encounter I am talking. What I do... I have 5 or 6 printed pages Of... SC S&T variations. So, Before I play one of the two sides (... and this might be BEFORE each year, and/or before each turn, depending on the situation) I roll out the twin dice and THEN! I MUST play the variation that occurs, IE, Let's say it is beginning of year 1940, In the Campaign Game, And the chart-result says: "UK must send at least 3 surface vessels To within 3 hexes of invasion site, In the event that GErmany invades NOrway." So. NOW, I have to figure out the best way To accomplish that, WITHOUT Unduly unhinging UK's over-all strategy. This chart-result MUST be obeyed! :eek: [... various penalties for NOT obeying, also based on dice rolls, such as: "Shut down SC immediately! Go to the wife and offer to play a game of Parcheesi!"] Etc, etc. Some for each year, and certain occasions. Makes for... MIGHTY interesting "hotseat" Gameplay, I can tell you!
  9. Yep, he, and They, would have. With - flying colors flying. Those "grip on reality" tests were At once designed By... a kissing cousin. :eek: **[... talk about - rookie mistakes! LOLOLOL!]
  10. ________________________________ The Killer awoke Before dawn. He - put - his boots on. Then, He walked on down The 5-sided hall. He came to a door. Bored, he stared in there, At... a man, Gross and old and slouched, Paring his nails. "Say... Mister General?" Yesterday, And again Today, You have failed Us all." [ September 18, 2004, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  11. Mebbe so, mebbe so... heark to this! :cool: Only a few got the call, brother rambo, Only a praeternaturel few. Here's another that did... Now, YOU know, and I know, Who this is. What MOST don't know, IS... he and James Douglas Morrison Are as kin Under the molten skin. Rock & roll comes in all kinds of shapes And sizes. What doesn't change from one Cool Cat To the next, Is this... it boils up out of the gut, And it hangs there, In the sudden stricken air, Like... mystery manna, O yea, It's... here to stay.
  12. LOL! Ah, Mr J John, ... isn't that JUST The way of it. Yep, them old time ball-players WERE indeed All-around Americans. Here comes a 98 MPH mustard seed? Well, you toe the dirt, And you bow the neck, And you stay right in there, And... you hit it. War times? You volunteer... to do SOMETHING, somehow. Hmmmmmm, How did the Sports Heroes behave In... Vietnam era? Fair question, I'd think. Or... now. BIG difference, those old time ball-players And these new... whatever they are. I suppose... they COULD throw a folding chair INTO the stands and injure... a female fan? That'd be... SOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
  13. Well, the Lizard King saw all this And more. Much more. Trouble is, as it usually is, He departed This poor paltry Earth Before he could tell it all, In poetic and in musics, Though, What we did hear Was... quite some kind of story. :cool: Began on the Desert. As it always does. Ended, in Paris, As it... never really does.
  14. Well, Joltin' Joe knew how To have fun too, As do we... though our romance is likely to be A LOT less... Hooray! For Hollywood... LOL! The thing is, I agree with you... mainly keep it simple And yet... allow ENOUGH "historical detail" AND historically faithful parameters So that BOTH the Grogs and the Young Guns With thunder in a slick-slack leather holster CAN have a great time with this next game! Trust me, that new Editor is like... old Magic made sure sterling new again, oh, The kind that once erupted all over! The Ancient Place, Then there were mighty Giants grinning! Astride the earth! We're getting there... won't be too long Before YOU! too can test yer moxie & mettle Against other Young Guns And! Old Slingers alike! :cool:
  15. It is the thundrous summer of '41, The World as only recently known Has exploded! into a dull droning ferocity, It's those blunt-nose Panzers - unleashed, Tearing through bulwark of barricade trees And the pieces & clumps tumble to Earth And burn and sizzle and sunder As Thor-hurled lightning Fierce follows the thunder, But... back home, oh, In that exceeding great Nation Of... summertime frolic and fun, Where baseball is unrivaled... King, It is... Joltin' Joe Dimaggio, Wicked hot with his very own Lightning and lumber, Tearing up the American League And what a phemonenal hitting streak! Has now reached... 56 games! :cool: Yep, Blashy, you can have Your own edited-in scripts, Such as the one mentioned above, Assuming of course, That this tremendous baseball feat Is not... already in there!
  16. Rest assured... given the new! Editor that will be provided, There aren't many, if ANY... "what-if" scenarious that you couldn't personally explore. Whether it be experimental military units, or different Diplomatic alliances, or variable research options, or, or, or... I am thinking it over now, and I really do NOT see which "what-if" ... COULDN'T be implemented in some satisfactory way. Sure, there are a few hard-coded restrictions, there HAS to be, but, truly, not very many... you'll see! :cool:
  17. Bitte Schoen, nichts nichts! :eek: Er ist der... Zerdrucken mit EINE hohle! LOL! Wahlen... JFK! noch einmal! :cool:
  18. Cake? Nah, nichts-nix. More like... RHUBARB PIE! LOL! Enjoyed your analysis of the "American Empire" cosmin. Some good and valid points in there. One thing to remember about us, as a kind of "over-riding principal" of Existence... we have ALWAYS been an itinerant, inspirited group who delight in pushing toward... "the Frontier." Well, now that there is no more land to gravitate towards (... hmmm, ALL that pristine space up in... Canada! ... look out Les the Sarge! here we come! LOL!)... well, we have this WANDERLUST, like I say, so we TEND to focus and project... "outward" and as a side effect, usually make immense fun of people who... examine the difficult "inner sanctum," IE, by way of... "psychology." No-one other than lawyers, or Harvard elitists are zapped! (... Yale is apparently OK as an elitist haven, in New Haven) more than Psychologists in this country. I suspect it's because of all the internecine and incestuous "shadow-boxing" that takes place down in the callow American "psyche." Thus, you have OBVIOUS "repressions" by our public figures, who feel the need to "act out" and otherwise behave as though they were DELIGHTED to be... ignorant. Yep, it's a STRANGE thing to witness, this repression of the Libido! Which is where Hollywood comes in... a nice, safe Disney-esque method to "sublimate" honest and compelling desires. Same way we tend to disfigure and bluntly "project" honest and common aggressions by way of that "homo-erotic" sport of football. Well, back to the original premise: I tell you now that America is STILL fighting the Civil War of 1850-60s, and 1950s-60s, so we have a long, l-o-o-o-ng way to go BEFORE we can integrate old Confederate Aristocrat-notions, let alone the more modern, and apparently Ego and Id threatening nature of "Other-oriented" cultures and consequent zeitgeists. Since we CANNOT advance any further West-ward ho! ho!... well, we pause, and hunker, and look around and say... hmmm, ALL that desert land in the Middle East, which, it just so happens!... has got these great and bubbling puddles of... OIL! Isn't that chance happenstance! And so, ipso facto and forward ho, we MUST introduce "democracy" to those backward folks! So our mighty pseudo Capitalist State can continue humming along like some sort of gol' darned... Perpetual Motion Machine! There you have a few of my hard-learned opinions, which as we know, are as common as can be, like each of our... ephemeral "orgone energy centers" - everybody's got 'em! LOL!
  19. Wilkommen, Mick782. The game can be set so that you can play it in weekly increments. Ideal for SC2 will be monthly or bi-monthly turns. However, for those who enjoy making scenarios of varying scales, the option to do so is readily available. As for artillery, there have been many discussions already... simply hit the "search" button and type in "artillery" and you will find a great deal of "pro and con" information. :cool: Quite likely it will NOT be part of SC2, though I'd bet that someone will "mod it in" within weeks of release (... IE, modifying the "rockets" category to include the Arty as the first one or two levels of achievement, with appropriate icons, but of course!).
  20. Well, as we suspect, ALL of us war-gamers are a little bit screw-loose crazy. Now, sure, I have made some strange posts in my time, but... this has GOT to be one of the oddest. It's as though... you woke up one morning and checked all yer normal, ordinary sense perceptions, expecting to say to yerself: "Yep, uh huh, OK, the World has not finally gone completely cuckoo, it's all right now, I can get through the day." Well, this latest offering by jjr has shoved all that usual rational stuff over the side and NOW I have to wonder? What? The Sam Hill is happening here? Am I actually CRAZIER than most of the rest, after all? :confused:
  21. Yep, yer right when yer right. The Democrats are often... hypocrites. Now, IF I were a Democrat, I'd be worried. However, you can search yer heart out over 2 years worth of postings and NEVER locate the specific place where I said I was: 1) Democrat. 2) Liberal. 3) Libertarian. 4) Etc, etc, ad nauseum. So. Apparently, since YOU, rambo jr, have stated that you are NOT a Republican, BUT... would never be a Democrat, funny thing! I am registered Independent and will ALWAYS be an Independent, BUT, somewhat similar to you, and given the current constitution of the Republican "leadership" (... NOT it's rank and file membership) I would likely NEVER vote for them. I am ALWAYS glad to hear your opinions, they are interesting and very often quite creative, BUT... I am going to ask you this one last time, REFRAIN from the perjorative "labels" like Deserter (... for an Army Veteran, that is deliberately "beyond the pale" my friend) or such other "smart put-downs" that occur to you, yes? Do that, and you and I can remain... DIFFERENT in our "takes" on this Society, and this World, BUT friendly in debate and discourse.
  22. And best of all, "experience" will NOT unduly influence combat results... the Air Fleets CANNOT become super units that NEVER take casualties. That, more than anything else, will truly enhance and "balance" the new SC2 game. :cool: Force pool limits are also quite a good thing; since you can edit these, there should NOT be ANY more complaints about AFs ruining the game, nope, no how, no way.
  23. Yeah, it's cool, we old Hi-way 61 hip, and we don't much care for pretty sniveling punks like those "Swift Boat Veterans" who told all those lies. Apparently we're supposed to believe them, and NOT the Official Navy Records.... LOLOL! Best they stay under the vulture-wing of all the rich Corporate cronies who pay them to mouth off. Best they don't come down here on the Desert where I live... they just wouldn't make it, oh, the Desert is... a merciless, sun-blasting foe. BTW, rambo jr, I ain't opposed to Capitalism. I am opposed to "welfare for the rich," which is what we have now. Learn yer P & Q's, yes? AND, quit that tantrum habit of calling people names, would you? WHOEVER they are. For WHATEVER reason... it ain't legimitate "smack," it's just... infantile and offensive. TRY to keep yer cool. :cool:
  24. Yep Edwin P, you can have unique production times... for ALL units. Thus, each Country, including each and every Minor, can have "assembly-line" times that are unique to them. Part of the beta-testing process will be to see how the default assigned-times hold up and how that effects S&T gaming over-all. Cool Sequoia Trees Bending in an ocean-blown breeze, eh? :cool:
  25. LOL! Typical of the leering lunatic fringe these days... when you CAN'T debate the facts of political existence, or when you CHOOSE to be a mouthpiece for fat cats who loll around and live off of UNEARNED profits, What do you do? Name calling. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Well, unlike Bush and Cheney and Stallone (... who hid out in a whorehouse instead of signing up) I volunteered to serve my country back in 1966. LOLOLOL! Wise up kid, before it's too late. Oh, not for America, it will surely surive this latest Goon Squad and their bluster and bravado. No. For... you big guy... for you.
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