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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. A while ago i had an email asking if i could dust up some of MikeyD's T34 mods. So i had a play. This is the result. I had forgotten about this mod. But i have now uploaded it to the database. So thanks to MikeyD fo the fine redrawn base art work. Its his T34 1941 with the cast turret.
  2. Thanks. I just need the game to go with it now.
  3. I have changed the splash screen slightly. I have added an africa korps wrist band across the middle and toned down the photos slightly. Get it at the same place. This is now version 2 of this mod.
  4. I was bored tonight waiting for me mate to send me the PBEM game we have going in the demo so i thought i would mod something. I have posted this on the database in the CMBO section. its a dusty M8 greyhound.
  5. i decided to have a quick go at redoing the splash screen for the demo. I have also changed the allied single player unit portrait for a british soldier while i was at it.I will change the TCP portrait when i find a piccy i like. The new portrait is shown on the splash screen screen shot below. Both these mods are in the same zip file. I have uploaded this mod to the database under the CMBO section for now.
  6. Yes please make up your mind and as long as its the shoulder view then that will be ok.
  7. Couldn't agree more. i don't like the US portrates at all. I much prefer the shoulder view.
  8. Here it is. I need this doing for a PBEM game i have got going. This is taken from the photo that i used for my Splashscreen.Its a Panzer IIIJ. I am not to sure about the flag. Still needs a lot more work doing Hopefully this will be done this weekend This is the photo i have taken it from [ November 20, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  9. If you have this downloaded for CMBB. Then just stick BMP's 4020,4026,4035 and 4038 in the demo folder and there you go. :cool:
  10. Its now finished and uploaded. So go and get it. I have included the optional stripes and turret numbers from mchlstrt's original mod as well. Please read his read me i have included in my mod.
  11. Hows this folks. I have just found mchlstrt's T 26 mods that i downloaded months ago.these are brilliant redrawn models. As i don't like having clean tanks in my game i thought i would make a start on doing these as he seems not to be bothering. So here you go a Dusty T26 1931. Not much more to do now. [ November 11, 2003, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  12. Can some kind soul email me my T26 pack. As i have lost the zip file in the GSC of a few weeks ago. As i remember this was a bleeding mare to sort out all the bmp's for these models.and it means having to resort then out again as i am a slooby twat and i havn't got a back up of my zip file. So please help me out and then i can repost the mod again on CMMODS
  13. Or perhaps better not check you mail as out look seems to be broken. :mad: So you will have to get it off my mod site. Its the getting started tutorial
  14. Any chance of posting these in my forum as well. Thanks.
  15. Yes and its slow going uploading the mods. I am going to upload my panther pack tomorrow.But i don't know how long this will take I am having to redo all my zip files as i lost them all. Mikey is there any chance of you posting in my forum when you have uploaded any mods. :cool:
  16. Do you by any chance have my CV33 mod. As i have lost that as well :mad:
  17. Can somebody please mail me my Dusty track pack version 3.As i need it to upload it again. As when i installed XP i didn't bother backing up my zip files as i thought i would be able to redownload them from the database. But thats gone a bit Pete Tonge so i'm stuck. I have lost my tracks bmp's as i am totaly un organised. So somebody please help me out and then i can reupload them. Cheers
  18. come on modders People are dropping in to the forum. lets get some mods posted.
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