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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. The only thing worth mentioning about Symsoina is the cocaine. Probably shouldn't have told you that, wouldn't want you to come down here looking for your next "hit".

    Must be hard living in Acorn, Ohio, full of nuts, but i guess you can relate to most of em'.

    Put down your banjo for a moment, lad, and I shall tell you about Akron - jewel in the navel of the rust belt (Mixed metaphor -5 pts). It, like Padukah, I'm sure, exists for the sole purpose of making other cities look good by comparison.

    When the Zombie Apocalypso* hits, we will be some of the first to fall because we've already taken a running start at it.

    *Like the Apocalypse, but with steel drum music. Very festive.

  2. ROIGHT! Listen up then ladies, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

    If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

    Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

    WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

    (XLV) Challenge someone! That’s why it’s called “The Peng Challenge Thread” . No, you may not challenge a Kanigget or an Olde One. Nor may you challenge a squire. You can only challenge an SSN such as yourself. If you fail to do so, you can SOD OFF! Oh, and anyone bothering any of the lovely and Charming Ladies of the Pool, will have to deal with Grue, and no one wants that now do we?

    (ibid.) Challenge with wit, panache and hatred. Use what wit you have not as a cudgel, but rather as a rapier…or a Ginsu Steak Knife. If so, you can accrue many points that can be used later in our gift shoppe. If you have no wit, you can SOD OFF!

    (L.S.M.F.T.) You need to have an E-mail address and a location in your profile. Why? The better to send PBEMs and to mock you. If you have no E-mail or location in your profile, best be putting them in now or you can (Sing it with me, children!) SOD OFF!

    (Ipso facto) Act as if you have a pair, but don’t go on about YOUR pair. It’s embarrassing for everybody. Also, kindly leave your prejudices and racism at the door. if you can’t do that...wait for it...you can SOD OFF!

    (Bippity Boppity Boo (Hey, that's me!)) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

    ( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

  3. I just wanted to say, you're an idjit and... you're an idjit.

    That's two idjits of quite consistent and uncommon idjitness that would be hard to split were it not for the fact that you are both of a calibre of quite stunning and separate entities of empty, vacuous shells of unworthy note that have lost their ways and yet wandered around and found yourselves in the same place.

    If either of you come near I will have to tap your skulls.

    What he said.

  4. So, yesterday, roughly 3:40pm CST, Seanachai emails me with a facebook thingie that sez Berli's auto has died on the way back from International Falls, MN.

    Then Berli calls me.

    I'm on the road an hour later, driving up I35 to a place called Sandstone, MN.

    Looking at a map, that's halfway to Duluth.

    There's a federal penitentiary in Sandstone, apparently.

    Those idiots are f*cked.

    Anyway, 8 inches of snow and s*tty roads in the Twin Cities notwithstanding, once I get on the highway, 70 minutes later I'm pulling into Jan & Gary's Diner in Sandstone.

    To quote Mr. Wolf in Pulp Fiction, "I drive real f*ckin' fast...".

    Berli's sacrificed his dead beater auto to the gods of " take it away please!"

    So 70 or so minutes later we're near Berli's place in Minneapolis. Seanachai's nearby. I suggest we grab a beer together. They direct me to a place called Morissey's. We have some beers (one each for me & Berli, 5 for Seanachai) and realize that, dropping temps notwithstanding, the bar is giving us Guinness glasses with our names etched on for free.

    Wings and beers paid for by Seanachai (who still owes me a Sith wooden Indian with 2 lightsabers) we drop everyone off and I head home to shovel my sidewalk since 8"s of snow dropped the night before.

    And once inside I discover that Seanachai has ended up with MY etched Guinness glass, and me his.

    That is what the Universe thinks of me.

    That was a good story. I would have preferred it with sound effects, dramatic lighting and in a prose form not unlike the Icelandic Sagas.

    Instead we got you.

    I blame Boo.

    Yes, dear. Don't we all?

  5. Mainly to piss off Seanachai and Berli, both of whom have been in my house and played tabletop games with me in the last month, I post.

    Because they both want this thread to die. And I poke at them, thusly.

    BTW, Berli is a great dog- and cat-sitter who loves children and fluffy aminals, and is going to be stationed in International Falls, MN next week.

    In January.

    This is the by-gorram coldest winter I've lived through since I moved here in 2001, and Berli's going to be WAY NORTH of here for some of it.

    Let's all hold hands and laugh at that, shall we?

    This would be a worthwhile endeavor. If we can do this and pelt Seanachai with frozen snowballs at the same time, I'd definitely be on board.

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