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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi FuChu, Every game from the Strategic Command series, old and including the planned Global release should run fine on Windows 7. Granted what you have noticed has also been reported by one of our testers running Windows 7, i.e. that there are some issues, but on the other hand like AZGungHo has reported we have another tester where the game runs fine. For some background, there were also some issues when Vista first came out but once the Video Card manufacturers corrected some of the video drivers all seemed to work well enough after the first few months of Vista's release. I would try and keep updating your video card drivers as well as sound and other drivers (there are usually quite a few updates when the new systems are released) and ensure you run the game as an Administrator and at that point the game should work as expected. Hope this helps, Hubert
  2. While in hindsight it may have been better to officially announce this game a bit later, keep in mind that we were hoping to have things wrapped by Christmas and likely would have been had I not injured my back, those few months took much more out of me than I was expecting as I had a lot of trouble sitting at the computer for quite a while. Sometimes a lot is within our control but often the most random thing can happen that is completely out of your control and this is unfortunately the case with what happened for this game. But, and this is a big BUT, the game is really shaping up and the main campaign is playing fantastically well both in multiplayer and against the AI. Really all we have left is to put the finishing touches on the remaining campaigns and we are about 75% there. So when I say we are close, we really are close. As an aside, this game is a huge project and not one that is easily completed as we really are talking about the whole world, with Europe, Africa, Asia, the Pacific and so on all taken into account by the AI with land units, air units, naval units, amphibious assaults, transports, fleets, fleet screens etc., which not very many (similar) games can handle or have handled well. Hopefully this also recognizes some of the other posts that ask when the game will be done and why it takes time and really why I often do not have the time to post as often as I would like. As mentioned before, we are getting there and will hopefully be there soon enough Hubert
  3. Before anyone starts to believe we randomly lock up threads, keep in mind what John has stated that the ones that were locked up in the past, and this goes way back, were always at the point where proper discourse had gone out the window and posters had become unusually belligerent towards each other. If you are way off topic we may have moved the discussion to the appropriate General Forum or of course locked it up if you were a spammer. Either way, the old riots in these forums that caused the lock ups in the first place have not happened in a long time, probably why this whole discussion may be a surprise to any of the new posters, and I think you can all guess who the main *agitators* in this regard were. After several warnings and a few bannings over the past few years, notably to Kuniworth and Rambo, things have definitely become more civil and this is a good thing from my point of view. So that being said, carry on gentlemen Hubert
  4. I believe this is simply Kuniworth up to his usual agitator self. If he had anything useful to post he would but otherwise he generally likes to see if he can stir the pot... nothing new here on his part and why most of us simply tune him out. Hubert
  5. Darkstar One, Sorry you feel this way and before I replied to this thread I saw that you were directed to the Happy Holidays thread and I guess I mistakenly thought that the info posted there had answered your question. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90189 Granted I have not mentioned any specific dates in either of these threads and guessing that you are new to the forums you probably are unaware of the fact that yours is not the first time this question has been asked and answered. Either way, to answer your question more specifically (as I always answer this question), there is no current release date scheduled other than to say we are very close (i.e. we were hoping for Christmas) and as soon as it is ready it will be undoubtedly officially announced. This answer really is the best answer we can give since it really cannot be more specific than that until the game is finished, and I hope this helps and I thank you for your continued patience. Hubert
  6. For a quick look at some of the major new features we have the following pages set up: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1486&Itemid=362 Beyond that the world map is new as the orientation has changed and it includes a lot of new terrain types such as jungle, mountain jungles, hills and so on. This release also includes all of the other enhancements since the original SC2 was released such as AI improvements, speed improvements, roads, rails, new unit types such as Destroyers and Rocket Trucks, as well as the newly implemented Carriers with separate Carrier and Air wing strengths. Lots of changes and improvements as well as the addition of nearly 30+ DECISION events that can change how the game is played each time through Hope this helps, Hubert
  7. 1. No official campaigns like this planned but it can certainly be created by using the Editor that will come with the game. In fact this is the same Editor I use to create the campaigns and has been used by many modders since the original release of the Strategic Command series. 2. Right now we are covered but if you are interested send me an email, my email address is accessible in my profile, and I can put you on file for future needs if applicable. Thanks for your interest, Hubert
  8. John, I believe all 0 are treated as 'zeros' in the license keys. I would double check to make sure it is the right key for the right game and if all of this still doesn't allow you to get the game up and running then I would suggest opening a ticket at the Battlefront Helpdesk and they can get you up and running quickly. Here is the link: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk Hope this helps, Hubert
  9. Bryan, I would suggest they try downloading and installing the latest patch for the game and then right clicking on the shortcut and selecting 'Run As Administrator'. This should get the game running up as expected. Hubert
  10. The Spanish version might be missing a few of the corrections needed to run under newer systems such as Vista and Win7. This file can be downloaded from here: http://www.battlefront.com/versionchecks/dx7vb.dll I would suggest downloading a file called dx7vb.dll and placing it in your installation directory. After that try right clicking on the shortcut for the game and selecting 'Run As Administrator' and it should launch as expected. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. As I will probably be offline for most of the next week I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I see that a few familiar faces have dropped by in the last few weeks and it is nice to see everyone back and posting and fingers crossed that the reunion can remain civil and we don't have another Christmas riot on our hands Also, a quick update on the game that it is progressing very nicely and we are definitely very close despite missing the Christmas holidays. For a little bone to throw out, we've just added a nice "what if" world campaign with an unusual set of alliances that has been getting fantastic feedback from our playtesters in terms of original strategic game play. There have also been many questions posted lately that I apologize for not having the time to answer directly as we've been working double time to get the game done as soon as possible but I suspect the New Year will give me a bit more time to discuss the various topics but to also provide more insight into what to expect with the upcoming Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict release. Hope you all have a good one! Hubert
  12. Hey SeaMonkey, Good to hear you are still having a great game here and yes there are a few extra unit additions for the Japanese AI. In our testing it definitely helped to create some of the tension for the Allied player as they start to close in on Japan and as with the previous releases, it all depends on how I use them with the AI as it really is not a matter of just throwing more units your way. Hopefully it continues to be a nail biter for you Hubert
  13. Great list of suggestions Hkelukka and I am glad you are enjoying the game. While I can't guarantee any of these suggestions will eventually be implemented, I can safely say that it is lists such as these that inspire the improvements we've seen to the game system over the years. Thanks for sharing Hubert
  14. Try right clicking on the Desktop icon created to launch the game. From there you should see the option to 'Run As Administrator'. Let us know if that helps. Hubert
  15. 1) AMPHIBIOUS scripts try and add any available special units such as HQs, Artillery etc. whereas AMPHIBIOUS MINOR scripts only look for the regular Corps, Armies and so on. The reason the D-Day scenario only uses the AMPHIBIOUS MINOR script is that the units, regular and special, are already on transports and it only looks at the transports and not what is in them so the minor script works just fine. You can follow up with the script of choice and easily use the TRANSPORT script as well if you are confident that the AI will take a port on the initial landings. 2) Not specifically but the engine will look for those units that are closest to the specified FRIENDLY_POSITION first. So if you rearrange your units on the map so the SUBS are closest to the FRIENDLY_POSITION then you can script to send those units out first, note you need to specify the correct size of the plan for the number of subs, and then follow up with additional FLEET events for the remaining ships. 3) If you set CAEN as the FRIENDLY_POSITION line then the event will only trigger once this position is taken and essentially friendly. Set the correct size and the desired GOAL_POSITION and the game engine does the rest. Remember how these events count units, i.e. take a look at the header notes at the top of these scripts, and the event should work as desired. Hubert
  16. Fantastic report Sea Monkey, great to hear you are having quite the game with this one
  17. Just a quick update from my end that as close as we are, and as much as we wanted it wrapped up for Christmas, looks like it just isn't going to happen. The New Year is a safer bet
  18. Looks like a bug but appears to be corrected in the latest versions of SC.
  19. Hi Ronch, I would suggest to try the Demo and the suggestions that Schrullenhaft made and if the Demo works then so too will he full game, hope this helps! Hubert
  20. Hi Dtreller, Great idea but unfortunately it is still just Axis vs. Allies in terms of the sides you can control. One thing that is new is the new Belligerence setting which does allow the different sides to be at war with different countries and not necessarily the same ones, i.e. Germany can be at war with the USSR while Japan is still only at war with China etc. Hubert
  21. Unfortunately that looks to be the biggest size in terms of height, perhaps you can link the image to an outside site like Flickr or Photobucket etc.?
  22. Took a quick look Rintintin and it looks like a great adaptation to the Strategic Command Engine. Good luck with its further development
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