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Everything posted by Patchy

  1. Berli and Joe spend some quality time together up in MinneGnoma. Persephone [ April 14, 2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  2. The true story of when MrPeng met the loverly and talented Allison...she didn't really stand up Peng...when he arrived at her hotel room...she took one look at him and...well...couldn't stop laughing. Persephone
  3. Gary ShandLars, a renowned Minnesotan fisherman, recommends using a blender to catch fish. Persephone
  4. The last time I saw the Übergnome he mentioned taking the Justiciar to the local bondage club to visit with Joe's grandsquire Hanns (if you can believe that was their real reason for going there)...so it is quite possible that they're still tied up right now. Persephone
  5. Hiram, I'm glad it helped you out. Happy Friday! (Oops, I forgot it was still Monday for you.) Persephone
  6. U_R_A_Leech, since you mentioned photo touching...I believe you owe me a photo of yourself...for me to 'touch...send it now you pillock! Persephone
  7. Dalem's earless dog is presently undergoing psychotherapy and shock treatments...but don't worry...a full recovery is expected. Persephone [ April 12, 2002, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  8. Noba, send me your feckin' piccy now. How's that for quick and precise. Persephone
  9. Hey! There will be no making fun of the Übergnome's pink piggy bank...though I believe it was broken in order to obtain its contents for the purchase of more Lone Star beer for the Justicar...the poor widdle piggy. Persephone
  10. Well...we survived our trip to <FONT SIZE = -2>1</FONT SIZE = -2>MinneGnoma. These guys are the nicest but strangest bunch of pillocks I've ever met. I'm so tired....zzzzzzzzz. Berli, Lars (a.k.a. Gary Shandling), the Justicar, the Übergnome (that really is his own genuine gnome hat), Dalem (his poor dog really has no ears) <FONT SIZE = -2>1. Originally quoted from Yeknod. (Don't want you to think I'm a plagerizer.)</FONT SIZE = -2 Persephone [ April 08, 2002, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  11. Now that I've bombarded the thread with lots of silly pictures...here's the grand finale... Did you know that Mr. Penguin is really a professional water skier? Persephone [ April 04, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  12. Aussie Jeff kind of resembles a comedian from the silent era... Persephone
  13. The Justicar (formerly a Texan) still likes to take those Texan style bubble baths. Persephone
  14. Boo Radley rides his bike past Seanachai's house hoping the Übergnome will notice him. Persephone
  15. ...And even worse news...the lawyer of the Cesspool, JD Morse is the "Crazy Smiley Bandit". Persephone
  16. Our very own Kanniget Pondscum was accidentally mistaken for the "Crazy Smiley Bandit" and was arrested. (Hey Pondscum, you really shouldn't smile when your in a police lineup.) Persephone
  17. Yeknod, you've been away too long...now Seanachai is hitting on Boo Radley...you've got to claim back your Gnome before it's too late. Persephone
  18. Ohmigod, it's 'EveryOaf'. Useless sod must be about as tall as Bauhaus and even more freakish looking. </font>
  19. Attention all Squires and Newly Kannigetted Pondscum! I am requesting that you all send me your photographs. ...I'm waiting. Persephone
  20. Congratulations Yeknod...you beat Peng! I guess you're Idjit no more. Persephone
  21. Hiram, your sister is in my prayers. Persephone
  22. Yes, Argie, there is a Santa ...whoops... Peng Challenge. We exist as certainly as hate and despite and taunting exist, and you know that we abound and give to your life its deepest depression and remorse! Alas! how better would be the world if there were no Peng Challenge! There would be no childlike immature behaviour then, no stupidity, no one pushing in front of you while you wait in the express lane at the shopping centre. The external light with which foolish behaviour fills the world would be extinguished. No Peng Challenge! Thank Berli! It lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Argie, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, we will continue to bring despair to the heart of all. Mace PS Everyone knows the rules...SOD OFF!</font>
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