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Everything posted by Patchy

  1. WE INTERRUPT THIS VERSION OF THE MBT FOR A JUST-A-MERCIAL Enjoy a nice cold Foster's...the Justiciar's favorite beer. Mace says "it's even better than sheep". Fosters, Australian for piss.
  2. WE INTERRUPT THIS VERSION OF THE MBT FOR A JUST-A-MERCIAL Enjoy a nice cold Foster's...the Justiciar's favorite beer. Mace says "it's even better than sheep". Fosters, Australian for piss.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ÜBERGNOME!!! [ May 10, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ÜBERGNOME!!! [ May 10, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  5. Ummmm....Übergnome...I think you are in need of a little singsong too... It's Such a Good Feeling © 1970, Fred M. Rogers It's such a good feeling to know you're alive. It's such a happy feeling: You're growing inside. And when you wake up ready to say, "I think I'll make a snappy new day." It's such a good feeling, a very good feeling, The feeling you know that we're friends. Feeling better now Übergnome? A happy singsong is always better than Metimucil. Persephone
  6. Ummmm....Übergnome...I think you are in need of a little singsong too... It's Such a Good Feeling © 1970, Fred M. Rogers It's such a good feeling to know you're alive. It's such a happy feeling: You're growing inside. And when you wake up ready to say, "I think I'll make a snappy new day." It's such a good feeling, a very good feeling, The feeling you know that we're friends. Feeling better now Übergnome? A happy singsong is always better than Metimucil. Persephone
  7. Joe, I could be witty (yes, I can) and make a complete fool out of you, but I think you really need a friend right now...so I'll be nice to you this time. Here's a little singsong for you Joe: You Are Special © 1968, Fred M. Rogers You are my friend You are special You are my friend You're special to me. You are the only one like you. Like you, my friend, I like you. In the daytime In the nighttime Any time that you feel's the right time For a friendship with me, you see F-R-I-E-N-D special You are my friend You're special to me. There's only one in this wonderful world You are special. *Sniff* *Sniff*...wasn't that special? Persephone [ May 10, 2002, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  8. Joe, I could be witty (yes, I can) and make a complete fool out of you, but I think you really need a friend right now...so I'll be nice to you this time. Here's a little singsong for you Joe: You Are Special © 1968, Fred M. Rogers You are my friend You are special You are my friend You're special to me. You are the only one like you. Like you, my friend, I like you. In the daytime In the nighttime Any time that you feel's the right time For a friendship with me, you see F-R-I-E-N-D special You are my friend You're special to me. There's only one in this wonderful world You are special. *Sniff* *Sniff*...wasn't that special? Persephone [ May 10, 2002, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  9. Sometimes the Justiciar is so...just. Congratulations Sir Yeknod! Persephone
  10. Sometimes the Justiciar is so...just. Congratulations Sir Yeknod! Persephone
  11. I think Boo Radley is ready to lose his Squirehood. I vote in favor of making him a Kanigget. I am also requesting a vote for Yeknod to lose his Squirehood too and make him a Kanigget of the Cesspool. I think the Donkey has more than proven himself to be worthy of the title. Persephone
  12. Joe, look up the word Justicar in the dictionary...I think you will find that the correct spelling is Justiciar. Now just try to weasle your way out of this one. Persephone</font>
  13. Dear Persephone, I believe it's spelled "weasel", not "weasle". Sorry, couldn't resist.</font>
  14. Joe, look up the word Justicar in the dictionary...I think you will find that the correct spelling is Justiciar. Now just try to weasle your way out of this one. Persephone
  15. Joe, secondarilyish is not a word. You really let me down...you, the Justiciar...making up words...I never knew it would come to this. Persephone
  16. Joe, I know all about PARAGRAPHS...and my story happened to be only one paragraph. I would have written more but I didn't want to wear you out...I know you tire easily when you have too many words to read. So Spiderman has lots of lovey-dovey romance ****e? I'll have to go see that movie. I thought it was going to be a stupid action film. Persephone
  17. My trip to Orlando Flying for the first time in sixteen years was a bit unnerving but I managed to get through it with only minor feelings of anxiety. I did not enjoy the turbulence at all...especially when flying through storm clouds around Atlanta. It was odd that we were the ones that had to go through security checks before every flight we went on except for the flight back to Chicago which they let us go through without it (the flight was delayed and they wanted to get us on the plane quickly). They searched through all our bags and we had to remove our shoes for them to inspect. It is a bit humiliating to go through that in front of the rest of the passengers as they file by to get on the plane. I figured it was one of the side benefits of getting discounted tickets. Also, flying on standby did not work out very well when the airlines overbooked the seats on the planes...and when everyone else seemed to be going to the same place I was going to...Orlando, Florida. After trekking across the airport (yes Joe, I did say "trekking") several times attempting to get onto flights to Orlando with the other 50 people trying to do the same thing we realized it just wasn't going to happen (until maybe the 11:00pm flight). Also, the flights returning from Orlando to Atlanta looked even more bleak...so we decided to fly to West Palm Beach which had plenty of seats available on the plane (must be the least popular place to visit in Florida). We ended up driving down the coast and ended up in a Howard Johnson's hotel on the Ocean in Deerfield Beach near Boca Raton. It wasn't the Hotel with the 2 roomed suite we were going to be staying at in Orlando for half the price but it was on the Beach...it had a bit of a musty smell in the hallways, pigeons on the balconies and the weirdos (the artist who painted at night) and drunks on the beach on Saturday night...but no cockroaches (that I saw), so I won't complain. The rest of the trip went well surprisingly and we got on the flights going back with no problems. It felt so good today when the plane landed at O'Hare. Persephone
  18. Hiram, I have faith that God is watching over your sister. She is in my prayers. Persephone
  19. Slappy, it was so *sniff* beautiful *sniff* that I was left speachless *sniff*. Persephone
  20. I agree with Joe (I got to stop doing that)....it's got to be a Croda. Hey Joe, the Cesspool is way too quiet when you're not around. Persephone
  21. With Sheep Persephone [ May 03, 2002, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]
  22. Time for a May singsong: O lusty May (c.1545) O lusty May with Flora quene, The balmy drop's from Phebus schene, Preluciand bemes befoir the day, Befoir the day, the day, Be that Diana growis grene, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May. Than Esperus that is so bricht, Till wofull hairt's castis his licht, With bank's that blumes on ev'ry bray, On ev'ry bray, the bray, And shur's ar sched furth of thair sicht, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May. Birdis on bew's of ev'ry birth, Rejosing nott's makand thair mirth, Rycht pleasandly upoun the spray, Upoun the spray, the spray, With flurissing's our feild and firth, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May. All luvaris that ar in cair, To thair ladeis thay do repair, In fresch mornyng's befoir the day, Befoir the day, the day, And ar in mirth ay mair and mair, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May. Of all the moneth's in the yeir, To mirthfull May thair is no peir, Hir glistring garmound's ar so gay, Hir garmound's gay, so gay, Yow luvar's all mak mirrie cheir, Thruch glaidness of this lusty May. Persephone
  23. Lorak, I don't know if this list is complete but here goes: Pondscum - Knight Yeknodathon - Squire Diceman - Squire Sledge59 - Squire Noba - Squire BooRadley - Squire AussieJeff - Squire R_Leete - Squire Persephone
  24. For shame! Peng looks very nice in tights. Besides, Berli doesn't have the legs for it. I was hoping that we would see chrisl immortalized, but alas it was not to be. We shall have to make do with him au naturelle: </font>
  25. Herr Oberst, so nice of you to take a break from your Ill-flying for a wade in the Cesspool... as for Berli, he's not pensive and contemplating this time of year...he's just cranky. Persephone
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