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Everything posted by RockinHarry

  1. sorry, my bad english probably. :confused: Actually it´s quite simple. However.... I just uploaded what I have so far at CMMODS It´s "RHZ Balkan/Euro Mod supplement" this is yet work in progress!
  2. Loaded the appropiate textures from 100.brz (in fact I have all *.brz files unpacked permanently in folders named corresponding to the *.brz file names, in example /data/100/ ect.) to see their properties and figured these are similar to CMBB/CMAK, which are just half height and need an additional Alpha layer. After resizing (1024x128) and adding the alpha layer, I saved the files (w. and w/o haze, thick haze) into my modding folder named /data/200/skybox/ Format: *.BMP - Alpha Channels - 32 Bit. Done. PS: Skybox textures are as said in 100.brz, sub folders /bmp/textures/skybox/mountains/ As said it has many advantages to have the *.brz archives unpacked permanently. With this method you have instant access to ALL Data files and the game runs still fine! :cool: Folder structure for me is data/100/ (standard content) data/101/ "" data/102/ "" data/103/ "" data/104/ "" data/105/ "" data/106/ "" data/200/ (my modded files) if there is any mods that overrule my own files, they go (unpacked!) in 201+ and user mods that are overruled by my own mods go into 199-, as well unpacked. Using a /data/z/ folder as suggested in the readme file is not necessary IMO.
  3. update: background/skybox texture from CMBB added changed various doodads/trees colors (telephone pole, tree stump, tree bark) to be less greyish pic below shows test map at early morning/clear sky and a Bradley from Gordon´s NATO mod.
  4. Did learn to mod CMSF in just few hours with first good results already done. Once that Kalypso TOW patch is out, I´ll surely will have my CMSF mods and first scenario finished. As there´s nothing of (play) value beside modding TOW, I´ll stick with CMSF and keep hard drives clean from half baken wargames. Maybe a TOW2 will offer anything of value in a couple of years maybe.
  5. Great! I´ll try the mod out when back tomorrow! :cool: Now we just need to get rid of the last desert textured stuff.
  6. "ALT-T" should bring twigs n leafs back. While working on some mod, I figured that scaling down textures by half (from 1024x1024 to 512x512) helps some in improving performance. At least it worked by scaling down trees. GFX quality does not suffer noticably IMO. I´ll do it for almost all textures in my game/data folder to see how much performance increase can be squeezed out. Note: I did unpack all resource files in my DATA folder and in fact I´m not using any *.brz files at all anymore. Allways direct access to texture and data files and the game still runs perfectly, as well as appears to load things a bit faster IMO.
  7. Yes, the trees in the pic are still original CMSF ones. I intend to reuse CMBB/CMAK components. Yet we need to consider CMSF does not offer seasonal effects and GFX (may to july 2008 only) so trees and plants for the mod would be always spring/summer trees, although one could do seasonal mods off course too.
  8. The view shows the modded Yellow Grass and Brush tile types in place. At those places were is just single trees or clearings, I use normal (light green) grass and occasional brush. That´s what I know from my various outdoor activities in germany and parts of europe.
  9. Here´s another shot with syrian infantry hiding in the forest. Weather setting clear/noon.
  10. PS: Weather setting for the test map as shown above was "overcast" and "early morning", thus you don´t see any cast shadows. Ground is wet. I might post additional pics with a clear sky/noon setting to show (any) differences.
  11. Hi there I´m currently working on some mods that plugs into RommL´s Balkans mod and were yet missing to make the landscape looking more credible which are: 1. Added appropiate LOD for ground tiles when in far view. 2. Change of yellow grass to look more something like a forest ground floor. 3. Introduction of CMAK/CMBB brushes to replace the ingame ones. 4. Shrunk the textures for trees (currently the ones from RommL´s mod) to receive a better performance on maps with lots of trees. What I´m yet working on: 1. New trees, possibly taken from CMBB/CMAK 1.b : New far view LOD trees (see pic #1) 2. New "marsh" terrain 3. Different walls looks. 4. More appropiate textures for the sky boxes. 5. Replacing the "grey" telephone poles with more colored ones. DONE 6. ... I´ll make as much use of existing mods as possible and do only make completely new textures if really necessary. I´m not a big graphics artist anyway. If some capable modders want to colaborate, you´re welcome! [ February 29, 2008, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: RockinHarry ]
  12. Highly appreciated! :cool: Already toying with your balkans mod and I´m probably making my first CMSF scenario with that background soon! Merci beaucoup!
  13. any reason you ask for that 1.09 version? the most recent one is 1.12! Mapping Mission V 1.12
  14. any reason you ask for that 1.09 version? the most recent one is 1.12! Mapping Mission V 1.12
  15. Bad scenario design, simply! RE mines detection, no problem when infantry is around, otherwise looking for obvious mine field spots and scoutiung ahead with a slow moving vehicle, with the rest in column mode behind helps to avoid too many losses. Scenario designers can help by stacking daisy chain mines on top of buried ones.
  16. sounds very much like you applied real world tactics as described here: Reconnaissance
  17. If you choose March 44 in the CMAK editor you will get the 44 TO&E for Normandy airborne units. After choosing your allied units you can then change the date to your battle date I believe. </font>
  18. RommL! I downloaded all your files both from megaupload and cmmods! These are: "NOUVEAU_TERRAIN_CMSF.ZIP" containing walls ground textures 103 ground textures 104 doodads foliage I understand that gt 103 goes into "version 103.brz" gt 104 into "version 104.brz" and the remaining folders/files into "version 100.brz" I successfully repacked the files and can see the stuff in the game now. Then there´s a file "EUROPÉAN_FOLIAGE.ZIP". where does its content go? Is this already included in the big 110 MB file above? And then there´s another file of about 20 MB size "mod_cmsf_balkanswar.zip" Does that one contain files that supersede files that are contained in "NOUVEAU_TERRAIN_CMSF.ZIP". I´m a bit confused about install order. Can you help síl vous plait? Merci beaucoup!
  19. Not just MG, but all kinds of weapon, including from pistol shooting crew. Especially at night. </font>
  20. With ETO mods installed (preferably with McMMM mod installer from CMMODS.com), just set in battle parameters theater to "italy", "grassy" terrain, date to july 1943, then purchase US airborne type, then switch to any later date. I assume you have something in mind starting in june 1944? That´s how it goes generally... That´s the only way to purchase real US airborne in CMAK, as it´s assumed they weren´t anymore used after the july 1943 sicily air drops.
  21. Got the mod packed into the resource files as explained in the docs, nice work so far! Still some stuff missing, as LOD textures and background pics and non desert uniforms, although it´s a good base to keep going. Also the trees are a bit small to give "european" looks generally. Just sufficient to portray "orchards". Now browsing through the other resources...
  22. Thanks! Just found your balkan mod files at cmmods.com! As I hate desert battles (both in CMAK and CMSF anyway), this mod surely will draw me more into the game now! :cool: Now downloading ...
  23. Sounds like an interesting scenario! :cool: If you register (if not already) at The Proving Grounds you´d receive lots of help getting the scenario perfected for sure! Converting CMBO/CMBB scenarios can be a time consuming process, but here some help for you at last: Useful thread Necessary applications: Map Converter and Mapping Mission
  24. Well if you compare to a really well made combined arms game like Combat Mission, then there´s no reason to stick or waste time on TOW until it reaches equal heights. I like modding very much, but usually I only do modding games that I also play! I´ve found nothing that keeps me playing or trying TOW. I´ve already removed the thing from my hard drive. Might be if a working Kalypso patch is released anytime in the future, I might try some landscape modding, but it´s unlikely. Now back to Combat Mission scenario making.
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