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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. Wow!! I have to agree with you, all of those with the reshade look amazing!
  2. I keep meaning to ask you what battle or campaign your recent pics have been from.
  3. Thank you! That helps me visualize much better. I couldn't imagine there being 6' deep trenches along the roadways. Also, ha! I don't think I'll ever be able to call them anything else now. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! Yep, it sure did. Another round hit about 5m meters behind first, causing him to actually close the top hatch, and then this round dropped right through the soft armor top. I think it actually detonated on impact but it does say it penetrated. It looked like the bomb did actually go through the top armor and explode all at once. Incredibly lucky! Spoilers if you don't want the info for The Road to Nijmegen, but yeah, my guys had a good showing this day...
  5. I'm on Mission 3 and really enjoying this one! I love that it alternates back and forth between US paratroops and the IG Commonwealth troops! Quick question, if anyone knows and not to be a spoiler, but curious if anyone can fill me in on all the ditches on this map? Where these canals for drainage of all the low wetlands or some other man-made feature particular to that region? They are very pronounced and deep and I'm just wondering what they are meant to historically represent.
  6. Thanks, and yes Indeed! My jaw dropped and I literally watched the turn about 15 times. Most surprisingly, the driver made it out and got away!
  7. The re-worked Road to Nijmegan, mission 2. Really enjoying this so far. "The object of war isn't to die for your country, it's to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his." Finally, just had to share... My paratroopers are having that kind of day. Calling my 81mm arty support down on a line of hedgerows about 650m away, this German AFV takes a lucky round right through the top armor...
  8. I was just thinking to myself today, how is it that in all this time no one in this thread has challenged another to a PBEM if for nothing less than community combat photography fodder? Some new stuff...
  9. 1. The AI for quick battles is a known fault. QBs are more for PBEM with human opponents. I have been playing these games since the way back times and I don't think I've played more than 2 or 3 QBs with any engine. I pretty much only play campaigns against the AI and scenarios PBEM. I've never felt at a loss for content either. Which brings me to... 2. You're definitely not looking. I have literally TONS of user made campaigns and scenarios for all the titles. So many that I don't think I could play all of them in a lifetime. Quick tip for you, find and download the "All in One" modpack for whatever title you are playing . The have loads of user made scenarios and campaigns included right there in the modpack. I feel like just for CMBN there must be over 100 scenarios, at least, and a few campaigns included in the modpack. It's a must have.
  10. Thanks Rob for the comments on the TC pic of mine. That one was my favorite of the bunch too. I had some others with different angles around the tank and the commander but that pic was just so good I didn't want to divert attention from posting the others. Sometimes a pic just comes out "right", and usually totally unexpected too. I'm laughing remembering your post before about the awful haze or fog in CM and then you go and post those Soviet soldiers running through the smoke and dust. Love love those! Really like the PIAT guy and the German soldats in the rubble. I have to say the contrast of the Soviets against the painted windows/walls is really striking!! Good stuff all around as always.
  11. Haha! Thank you. Always appreciated. I have lots of pics just stored away from my many battles. A couple of these are actually retreads and edits from some of my Breakthrough to Kovel pics. That being said, yeah, I do still do much worship in the temple of CM. Obviously....hahaha!
  12. Excellent. That's the only way to spend vacay time! I hope you are somewhere warm and beautiful! And thanks so much! I do think I have a good eye but thanks for encouragement! And likewise!
  13. Just a few more for now... Do you all like the different coloring and effects on these last batches? It's amazing to me how many images just lurch out at me as I scroll my camera lens around so many battlefields...
  14. Approved! Especially number 2, the Hetzer, and the Soviet with the Tokarev! I really like the photo with the soldiers in the shadows and the casualty laying in the light. Excellent stuff as always! I forgot to mention to that your earlier pics totally could be the Easter rising! I have stood in front of the bullet pocked marked post office in Dublin. As soon as you said that your pictures took me back there.
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