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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. try plotting your turns in very small arcing waypoints instead of a 90 degree angle etc. might help!
  2. CG, ok then, here is a humorous little site just for you!!! http://www.gbg.bonet.se/ivil/you.html all in good fun!! see how that works?
  3. The Movie is amazing! If you love the books it is everything you could hope for. I am, for one, blown away. Plus I am a true fan, read the books over ten times. as to everyones favorite, it's like nails on a chalkboard with every new post.
  4. OK, Heres goes..... Any of the alternates want to play me a game tonight? tcp/ip preffered. But whatever works. Anyone?....Anyone?....Anyone?
  5. Right on!! You guys are the best! Happy Holidays to all of you and for my New Year's Resolution, I hereby resolve to support and buy everything that BTS brings to the table!! It's simply the best game and community, ever. THANKS!
  6. MadMatt seems to be in the spirit of the holidays! Let's see what other screen shot goodies we can hit him up for! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!
  7. oh my! i just drooled all over my keyboard. :eek:
  8. Vader's Jester, I'll play ya anytime you want! Just let me know, as to the pbem prob, i have been having server problems but it is supposed to be fixed in the next couple of days (finger's crossed). I have played a couple of people since we last met. Ask SuperTed, I sent him an AAR of my last battle and it was a total thrashing. I wouldn't mind doing like a 1000-1500 QB, but just make sure it's ok with you still being in the tournament and everything. Wouldn't want you to get knocked out on a technicality, and since you beat me, I'm cheering for ya!
  9. awww, rub it in why don't you ST! only cuz we were excited enough to get our first round done light years before anyone else! and i echo vader's jester's comments too. that's exactly how i feel! oh by the way ST, count me in on the alterna newbies tourney as well. so i guess i haven't really exited.
  10. LOL, reminded me of a civil war charge. don't know how many men in real life would have done that, unless you are the taliban, charging tanks on horseback!!!!
  11. Well, Hat's off to Vader's Jester. I won the battle by a point but lost the round. It all came down to one armored car to swing the whole round either way. Congrats! But I am soooo pissed!!!! :mad: I don't want to say much about this scenario yet either, suffice it to say, quite different than the first battle. My opponent and I seem to be quite equal in abilities and this last one turned into a giant slug fest, swung back and forth on almost every turn. SuperTed, Again, you rock sir! Thanks for letting me be a part of this, it has been an awesome experience. Now that I am out, anyone up for a game???? LOL.
  12. Also, Can I ask what the average age of the participants in these tournaments are? Just curious, I'm 31 and was wondering if most are around my age and/or younger?
  13. SuperTed, Vader's Jester and I are going to run our second battle this evening. Was just curious as to what i should set the time limits too. We are gonna go tcp/ip. Should i set them to no limit? This is what i am thinking.
  14. I second that! I think we both ended up running for our lives with only a scrap of our original force. Shouldn't say running for our lives, more like limping and gasping! Indeed, it was a total slaughter. By the way Vader's Jester, you got my Company HQ too. They stumbled into one of your squads and weren't received very nicely!
  15. And.... Especially SuperTed. Thanks for putting this on and making us all feel so welcome.
  16. I just have to say, This is the most fun i've had playing a computer game in ages. All my thanks and praise to BTS for the most amazing game ever, and everyone else who is part of the community. Everyone i have talked to is really cool. By far and away the best web community i could hope to find or be a part of! THANKS EVERYONE!!
  17. Yep, I give you props my friend, nicely done! You must admit that one could have easily gone either way. It was insanely tense and up in the air til the very end. SuperTed, Thanks! That rocked!
  18. LOL, and how do you know that? looks like the carnage is pretty evenly distributed to me! and let me just say, it is MASSIVE carnage. hopefully someone walks out alive. preferably polish!!!
  19. Vader's Jester, Hey man, I think the problems are on your end. Late night server shutdown or something. And no, all those messages had text, i don't know why they aren't going through to you. Might just have to resume in the morning, sorry! I know, what a horrible time to get paused. Ack! :mad: Still haven't got 19toyou. Send it again tomorrow, although i have a feeling i'm gonna get up to about 15 of them in my inbox. Looking forward to the end!
  20. Oh it is, great evil one! Horrendous. And suddenly we are experiencing email problems, ack! Think we will have to resume in the morning. Makes me sooo mad as we are totally in the thick of things at the moment. I think it's turn twelve so results should be known soon!
  21. We are both totally mauling each other. Very tense, bloody and confused. Hope I'm not saying too much!
  22. ST, LOL!!! What have you done to all us poor newbies Ted? This has turned into complete carnage and absolute mayhem. All order is lost and it's rapidly developed into a free for all. I seriously don't know who's on top, me or Vadr's Jester. Although i do feel it's still me! Thanks SuperTed, wonderful introduction. :mad:
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