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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. Ha! Sure no prob. Lets see, top to bottom through two pictures... Iver Johnson M1 Carbine .30 caliber carbine. M1 Garand, Springfield Armory, caliber .30-06 Model 1903 Springfield .30-06, serial number dated 1936 re-barrelled and restocked WWII S-stock, November 1944, bayonet is Springfield Armory marked 1942 Auto Ordnance Thompson .45 semi auto Russian Mosin Nagant 91/30 dated 1943 with spike bayonet, caliber 7.62x54R British Lee Enfield No.4 Mk1 with bayonet dated 1942, caliber .303 German Mauser k98, Nazi marked dated 1940, caliber 8mm Mauser (7.92x57mm) Japanese Arisaka Type 38 with bayonet, made in Tokyo between 1935-1940 caliber 6.5mm Japanese
  2. Already have one, along with a bunch of other WWII weapon goodness. Now a boatload of ammo to feed the beasts would certainly be much appreciated!! Bandoliers anyone??
  3. It sure did!! The pic of rune and his boys standing in front of the one at the Patton Museum are pretty amazing. I think we all agreed that the max speed on that monster must have peaked out at between 4-6mph. Actually, I just looked it up and top speed was a whopping 12mph. My bad.
  4. Thanks again Steve. It's so cool of you all to allow us a little tease and support these previews happening. It really does make it tougher though anticipating the release. It's like giving a junkie a small taste and then pulling it back and saying, ok sorry you will just have to wait now! :D Much appreciated!!! I do feel priveliged and lucky to be able to get a sneak peek on what so many are waiting for!
  5. Yeah, ummm, we weren't allowed to take screenshots unfortunately. Rune would have for sure sicked his dogs on us if we even dare attempted! The beasts were just lying there, giving us the eye the whole time as if we were fresh strips of raw steak, waiting for the word to attack! Anyway, to answer you a bit more now that I've had time to really think about everything some more. I got to play two freshly created scenarios that rune put together specifically for the preview. Both were pretty decent sized maps and had quite a few units. I would say about a battalion for each side for both. CMSF players will know that's a lot of units to slowly consolidate and get into positions. The major tactical problem in either scenario was...the bocage. Lots of it. We were in Normandy, mind you. I was third to the preview and rune had two computers up and running. The guys playing first were not veteran CMSF players so rune suggested playing the Germans to them as the Germans were the defenders and it would be easier for them to start to familiarize themselves with the interface as defenders instead of trying to move an entire battalion into position and attack....through the bocage. Once I got on it was decided that I would play the same from the American side as I'm familiar with both the interface, engine and pace since I own and play CMSF and all the modules (as well as BO, BB and AK! ). Tactically the Americans started with their armor on a narrow road lined with hedgerows on both sides. The road jogged right for a bit before making a left and plunging directly forward into the German lines. I figured, rightly, that that approach would be very much covered and highly defended. Anyone showing their head there would be sure to have it shot off. Just for fun I ran one of my Greyhounds, fast, straight down the road as a sacrifice. He actually got pretty far preceeding about 500 meters straight down the road, passing a panzergrenadier panzerfaust team and running headlong into a German 75mm Pak 40 in the crossroads guarded by a beautiful little Panther tank sitting under a tree. Pretty much simultaneously the Greyhound was hammered by both the gun, the tank and a panzerfaust to the rear. Fun. My infantry was divided on either side of my starting point up the road, half on one side, half on the other. I had a ton of infantry, MG teams and ammo bearers (which I have to say is awesome!! The MG teams are divided into one team with the gun and one team as ammo bearers. The gun can be deployed and shoot, and keep shooting, while ammo bearers can cover, manuever, or naturally, run for ammo!!) on map 60mm mortars and a platoon of engineers with satchel charges. Mmmm, can satchel charges blow holes in the hedgerows you ask? Why, yes. Yes they can. Anyway, I realized I needed to get my armor off the road. I had six different Shermans and yes one was a rhino. Two M10s. About 6-8 Stuarts, two of these also having the rhino set up for cutting hedgerows. Three Greyhounds, one of which bought the farm as described above and 4-5 various command halftracks. I started by cutting holes on either side of the road with my rhino tanks so as to get them all immediately off the roads and into the fields. Lo and behold, cutting a Stuart sized hole in the hedgerow does not allow an M10 sized vehicle through such a small passageway. Another awesome "how cool" moment. Time to widen those openings! That of course took time. Planning and cutting my passages into the fields beyond. Right off the bat I started moving my infantry up to the first line of hedgerows so as to get some eyes on the next fields and see if I could spot any enemy. The Germans immediately started hammering one side of the road right at the hedges I was attempting to move up. I had my men go to ground and wait out the bombardment. Not sure what size was incoming but it was pretty hefty. I had my men stop and drop about 100 yards from the row and I still wound up taking 2-3 casualties from the arty dropping 100 yards away. Hmmm, does artillery blow holes in the hedgerows from a 4-5 minute sustained bombardment?? Why yes, yes it does. A nice 30 meter hole right in the hedgerow directly in front of two squads waiting to advance. So the bombardment eventually subsides and I move a Stuart over to peek through that hole in the hedges and to cover my advancing men. Sure enough, as soon as my men start moving again they begin taking German rifle and MG fire as they are now exposed through the hole in the hedgerows. Awesome. Two panzerfaust or schreck rounds, not sure which come through trying to hit my Stuart which immediately starts returning fire into the hedges he can see. I double quick my platoon up and have them take positions this side of the hedges and start returning fire into the German hedgerow ahead. It was about 80 yards from my hedgerow. I decide to call some of my own 60mm mortar goodness in a linear fire mission down on the offending hedgerow. Here was another of my "wow, so cool" moments experienced in the first few minutes of the game. Bringing up the artillery tab I see all my on map mortars including 2 of which are deployed and 5 which aren't yet. I also have an 81mm off map and some other gun, can't remember which now. So I plot my linear request using the two tabs for mortars that are deployed hit confirm and see the fire lines appear from two mortars on map that I had previously deployed. Totally totally cool. As long as your on map mortars are deployed, any HQ with a radio can call and plot them. Your mortars can direct fire at what they see or indirect with the artillery tab. Kind of a long answer to a pretty simple question so far, eh? I'll leave it at that for now.
  6. First off, I have to thank rune for his outstanding hospitality and for taking the time to invite us into his home and allow us to be a part of everything. Thanks rune!! And big thanks to to Steve and all of BFC for putting these on to let us junkies get our fix early. Although, now it only makes the waiting to own the thing even worse. Impressions: I am a CMSF player so for me I already understood the interface, artillery, and pace of the game. It's funny but I was the only one who had experience with SF and the new engine. I explained too how I was originally one of the old hold outs from the old engine but how once I started playing SF and all the add ons and modules that I truly fell in love with it. Have to say, wow. Just wow. Yes, we are really getting wait we have waited soooo long for!! It was exciting and amazing to be back in the WWII setting again. Something about seeing a German squad moving in line down a dirt road in Normandy, bocage on one side, green grass and trees, equipment creaking and clinking, rifles at the ready as they move out. Just wow. Of course, rune being the evil being that he is, the scenarios he created for our get together were pretty intense, large, full of many many units and tactical traps. I tried to explain to the non-CMSF guys how the pace of the new engine is much slower, how important recon is and how deadly things can get really quickly if you don't do your due dilligence. In fact much of the time was spent examining the new units, reconning and moving into position than actually fighting. Didn't matter though, it's so cool I am happy and content to finally see our beloved WWII armies represented in 1:1 ratios. The vehicle skins and textures are really fantastic. The build we were playing didn't even have the new German unis seem in the latest screenshots but they still looked pretty spot on. Can't wait to see the finished highly polished product. So I'll be happy to try and answer any questions about it you all might have! It's really hard for me right now to even put into words as I'm still digesting everything. All I can say is I'm really REALLY happy this is soon to be our newest addiction. It's really that amazing.
  7. So jacked!! I'm leaving in about 55 minutes!!
  8. Definitely in! I'll see you Sunday! Very much looking forward to it.
  9. Yep! We were discussing the CMBB preview that we were both at! I'm in the same boat, as long as nothing pressing is in the way I'm definitely in... again!!
  10. Yep! Good times! I met you at the CMBB preview (I believe that's what it was) quite some years ago Spanish Bombs, including Rune the "evil one" himself, JasonC, Yankee Dog and a few other forum regulars as I remember it. Here's to hoping he hosts something similiar again!
  11. ZPBII Excellent!! Can't wait to give a try. I guess, according to your description, that I better be careful what I wish for.
  12. CN, yes, sorry about your wife! But otherwise looking forward to all the coming offerings mentioned here!! Berto, CN, Chops, Romm, all of you working on new stuff thanks! I have to say that all the way back to CMBO designed scenarios have always been my favorite either for PBEM or against the AI. Please, keep up the good work and know that some of us are out here waiting to see what you all create.
  13. Just curious!! I've been waiting to see more community made scenarios but it seems it's a bit slow. I love this incarnation of the game and really look forward to more. I wish I had the time to get into and make some myself and may just do that in the future but just can't right now with my other hobbies. Is anyone working on stuff?? I've been waiting impatiently!! I did enjoy Salang Pass but figure there HAS to be more in the pipeline! Bring em on!!!
  14. I, for one, would love to see your tips for a Mech attack over a large open area and how you go about dealing with hidden RPG and AT weapons at range and what would be the best way to approach such a situation. JMHO. Really apreciate what you've done so far and your taking the time to detail it all. Thank you!
  15. Awesome awesome awesome!! I'm soo excited! Now only a few more years til the Eastern Front!!!
  16. Got it, pretty much what I do but was just curious, I guess, at which point you stop actively suppressing and go to passive overwatch, in the game that is. I suppose I'm looking at it logistically from a practical ammo supply standpoint but, for the most part, I don't really know why since ammo is usually available in abundance. I'll take it this way from your post, if troops are actively moving on an objective their overwatch mg's should be suppressing regardless. Once an objective is taken and the men are resting or overwatch or reserves are being moved up in safe areas the mg's can go to passive until another offensive movement is made. I guess actually, that's pretty much what and how I try to do it.
  17. jnt62006, Totally great thanks so much for doing your tutorial! It's extremely helpful. A lot of the things you talk about I kind of do instinctually but actually hearing and seeing how it's done concisely really helps. From now on, I'm going to keep a notebook at my side and write it out and diagram the plan ahead of time instead of just haphazardly/lackadaisically doing it in my head. This is a fantastic resource. :cool: One question about your overwatch MG positions, do you have them passively suppress, that is just in overwatch and let them shoot any target they see or do you actively suppress (recon by fire) first and then give them a cover arc to passively suppress any enemies they spot? Or do you keep them hot and firing the whole time? I usualy use the two up, one back method too. One squad moving, one in overwatch, one in reserve.
  18. Nope, not the case. And was exactly the reason I started only the German campaign putting the Dutch and Canadian campaigns on hold til after the patch fix. Now it looks like the German campaign has to go on hold and I can start the Dutch and Canadian campaign instead. Just kinda swapping one for the other! Crazy that fixing one breaks the other one. Stinkin' patches!
  19. Just curious if the patch will affect in progress PBEM's? Thanks for it! Great fixes!! Especially the different calibers within units!!
  20. Arggh!! I knew this was gonna happen!! I was so hoping for it last weekend, then I thought maybe Tue or Wed?? I saw last night pre-order folk were downloading and thought the link might be up late but no love. Now I'm leaving today to do a living history at the Antietam Battlefield and will have no modern conveniences. Of course it will be released today and I'm going to have to wait til Monday to get it and sit down with it!!! I knew it!!!!
  21. Ha! Or maybe some Syrian units have been rearmed with LE Mk 4's ported over from the Afghany Mujahideen??
  22. Excellent! I'm so glad to see community scenarios starting to come out!!
  23. Seriously, I'm starting to feel like a refresh monkey. I've been anticipating and checking all day.
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