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Posts posted by Placebo

  1. Another important factor is to determine when a vehicle is knocked out. Your men do not have the ability to know for certain when an enemy vehicle is KO'ed, unless it is burning. I once reported a suspicious incident where a Sherman took 7 rounds to KO a PzIV. It turns out after talking with my opponent the German tank was KO'ed after three shots but the Sherman crew had no idea the tank was toast and kept on firing.


    Very true,  there is a lot of wasted ammo goes into firing at KO'ed tanks, until they brew up or there is confirmation they are abandoned.  A game feature rather than a flaw.

  2. No, not by me, although you can of course unpack them yourself.


    I sort-of agree with you about extending life, but campaign scenarios are unusual in that they are designed from the outset to only ever be played one way - i.e. one side against the AI. That has lots of implications for the way they're designed and built.


    Price hasn't been finalised, but I think you'll find it quite reasonable.

    True,  I had not considered how they relate back to the previous battles, so potentially a lot of work to make them standalone.  It is good some of the maps will make there way into the QB map list.


    Good to here the modules are need, and we will see the vehicle pack units in action in the battlepack.

  3. Erm, no it emphatic expletive doesn't. It says it doesn't matter what speed they're moving, you can't expect to hit anything. The "half" later in that paragraph should be a "halt". You HALT for firing, but if you're moving, move FAST. It's an axiom in Sumo, too: "When you move, move. When you are not moving, be still." O' course the reasoning behind the two are a bit difference, but stillness == stability.

    That does make more sense.

  4. And this one was probably written for me :D


    29. Never forget that your soldiers do not belong to you, but to Germany. Personal glory hunting and senseless dare-deviltry lead only to exceptional cases to success, but always cost blood. In battle against the Soviet- Russians you must temper your courage with your judgement, your cunning, your instincts and your tactical ability. Only then will you have the prerequisites to be victorious in battle and only then will your soldiers look on you with loyalty and respect and always stand by you in untiring combat readiness.

    Very interesting, especially number 8. In the attack drive as fast as you can. At slow speed you can see and shoot only a little better than at high, and are much more likely to be hit. For a tank there should be only two speeds: the half (for firing!) and all out forward. This is the basic principal of tank combat!
    This dispells the myth that tanks needed to stop to fire effectively i have read elasewhere.
  6. After watching a program about the US armoured advance into the centre of Bagdad i was really impressed to see an Abrams driving over a concrete roadblock at full speed!!  That thing was flying in the air a long time,  I think this needs to be modelled in the game ;)

    On a serious note, it makes sense that tankers slow down to lessen any risk of throwing a track. 

  7. BFC got stuck in their own niche and cant move forward.

    And as long as they make enough money with CMx2 there is no reason for them to move a inch.


    Can i amend this quote to:

    BFC got stuck in there own niche and are moving it forward

    As long as they make enough money there is no reason for them to change what they are doing


    I will keep coming back to buy the next great game they release, so don't care much if some would class it as update/DLC whatever  

  8. Effectively, I thought that ChrisND coverage of Black Sea was a new way to convey information on work in progress titles by BFC, maybe it was not, or it was an experiment. Either way I really enjoyed those videos and they created a positive anticipation for me with regards to the release of CMBS.

    Agreed, it was a really good way of introducing the mechanics and weaponry in the new game.  Worked really well.

  9. Well Battlefront's plan for complete radio silence on the new Bulge game is working too well  :)


    Does anyone have any snipets of info or leaks to share,  I would love to know more on any engine updates, campaigns etc (I am not even going to mention release dates!!).  

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