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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. I'm moving on after 3.5 years with my current employer. Any advice for the last day here? Currently I'm: *Purging my email *Copying off about 20 GB of music onto the shared network drive so everyone can pinch what they want *Going out for lunch with the team *Going out for drinks after work *Slipped a knife into a few ribs during my exit interview Anybody got any good last day on the job stories?
  2. But John, in the ancient world, an "underslung Panther turret" is like this big black cat thing that has a turret strapped under its belly via an ingenious leather harness. I think the Parthians used them. Or the Hottentots.
  3. What use is horse armour against underslung Panther turrets?
  4. No, this was obviously an aircraft that catually worked.
  5. When I was a schoolboy playing rugby we used to have matches against a school that was basically underneath final approach to Sydney airport. Inevitably a 747 would come in, almost sucking the goal posts away. Visiting players, spectators and referees would end up frozen to the spot, staring in the air with mouths gaping....and the home team would run in a try.
  6. Actually that was Bismarck speaking long before WW1.
  7. It's like when the BBC said that the WTC 7 tower had already collapsed but it hadn't. Like they'd been fed the information of a plan....
  8. ****** clitoris prostate glans labia EDIT: Censored me on that female bit beginning with v that the man sticks his peninsular in.
  9. So I'm the first guy to make teh typing mistake here? But the point still stands: the proper word for the male sex organ is considered worthy of censorship. But I was still allowed to exhort the Spaniards to get of their "arse".
  10. Even so, I doubt the handful of Migs and Sukhoi 24s that Iran has in flying condition are up to a long-range penetration past the Americans in Iraq and the Israelis. Not without losing them all either there or on the way back.
  11. I'd like to see the Spaniards take the ball and run with it. They've been real laggards since the *****ular War and Trafalgar. Civil Wars don't count and I think it's high time they got off their arses and became involved in a global conflict. EDIT: Can you believe that the profanity checker did that to me? The world has truly gone mad.
  12. The ones that are deep, deep underground and specifically designed to thwart Israeli airstrikes? At least conventional ones. Err, via what route? The Iranian armed forces are OK for making a bloody defence of the homeland, but they're not up to 'projecting' power halfway across the Middle East
  13. Which, paradoxically, is the Chinese model. If you don't get a bullet. So more central planning and the slow creep of socialism into American business!
  14. I'm assuming that if Churchill was a multi-class Mason/Druid he was only allowed to wear leather armour? Or was that just if he was spell casting? Would the use of iron weapons be an issue?
  15. I'm going to get that put on a t-shirt! Straight from the K-Files.
  16. I think the vastness of the oceans is probably able to cope with the odd new volcano. You're probably talking about trying to heat an olympic swimming pool with a couple of birthday candles.
  17. But John just because these cones have just been mapped doesn't mean that their input to planetary warming hasn't always been there. Therefore they are part of the baseline.
  18. I hate the stuff. It's just so un-natural looking. If I have to eat canned meat I would prefer a tin of corned beef. I also recall the even viler "Luncheon Meat Type II" that used to be in the Australian Army ration packs.
  19. I like the announcements. I read all of them. Every day. I just don't buy any games.
  20. I vote for Finland. It is better qualified, having for years now acted as a black hole sucking all life and happiness from its residents and neighbours.
  21. I recall an Aussie SAS RSM telling me that the physical side of their entrance course is the easy part. Anybody with good physical fitness can get through it. It’s the mental part that is tough. He recalled for me that it was the “whispering” aspect of the course that he found the hardest. Throughout the physical tests there was a cadre of NCO instructors who would continually be isolating the recruits and having friendly chats with them. “Come on mate, you look like you’re dead. Most people don’t even get as far as you have. You could pull out now and it’s no shame on you at all. I didn’t even make it this far on my first try. You can always come back next year when you’re a bit better prepared. That ankle injury looks like it could get nasty if you keep going. Just say the word and we’ll pull you out. In two hours time you could be having a cold beer and laughing at all the rest of us still stuck out here like idiots…..”
  22. Can we discuss the ZOG and the fact that they are being controlled by the Reptiloids and Dick Cheney's member?
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