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Big X

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Everything posted by Big X

  1. Treeburst and Easy-V, Section 3-2 here. Haven't heard from Easy-V in over a week. We were making good progress and have had good communication, but he's also had DSL problems. We've completed turn 19 (of 30) of Another Day. Easy-V, no problems if you've got real life issues, but I'm not sure if my emails are getting to you. Thanks!
  2. I think CMBB will be a great game (yes, I'm enjoying the demo too.) And I am interested in all theatres of WWII. The Western front is where my interest lies, though. As an American who's traveled often in Europe, I've been to the Normandy beaches, Bastogne, and other places. Part of the appeal of CM to me is imagining in my own way what it must have been like. Playing the good guys and bad guys: both are fun. I can appreciate the magnitude of the Eastern war; I've read a lot about it. But Hitler vs. Stalin is like "bad guys vs. bad guys." I'm part Finn, so I'll get my kicks out defending the homeland against all comers. I'll be playing CMBO for a long time to come.
  3. Excellent work, gentlemen. I see that I'm going to have to get a sunlamp for my soon-to-be pallid skin.
  4. I'll be playing CMBO for a long time to come. I expect CMBB to be dazzling (and the demo so far bears this out.) I also am interested in all theatres of WWII. However, if one can bring emotional impact into the game, Hitler vs. Stalin has less appeal to me than the West vs. Hitler. That is, of course, my USA-centric view. Apologies to all Germans and Russian CMBB players who will be defending their homelands! Fortunately, being part Finn, I've still got a dog in the fight.
  5. Welcome to the greatest time sinkhole ever created! -and I do mean that as a compliment.
  6. Well, out here in California (PST for all those playing along at home) we're 3 hours behind BFC. I will be well-rested, have finished my coffee, and ready to pound on my computer, scream, and hit the refresh button all day long.
  7. Hey, thanks to all for the informed discussion about this topic. It answers questions I've had for a long time!
  8. Hey fellow tourney members- I am Charles that Treeburst refers to in his recent post. For all those eagerly awaiting completion of this tournament, I shouldn't need an extension into October. I have completed 2 of the 5 games, and the other 3 are progressing at a good pace. I'm addicted (er, committed) to this fine tourney and I want to see the results too! Charles/Big X p.s. Thanks anyway, Treeburst
  9. Section 3-2 here. Jeb and I finished Head For The Hills. Many dead on both sides...the horror...the horror.... Only my first completed game, but all the others are proceding at a good pace. Thanks again to the tourney organizers; it's been lots of fun so far! Big X
  10. My dad is a WWII history buff, and he got me interested at an early age. Combat Mission has been the inevitable result of the following lifelong quest for combat realism. -throwing dirt-clod hand grenades at friends -endless battles with my Guns of Navarone action playset -smashing my Matchbox and Corgi Tigers and Shermans into each other -Mattel Intellivision Armor Battle -digging into the avocado shag carpet for missing Panzer Blitz pieces Ultimately leading to Combat Mission. So much has been said by others that I'll just say this-- --sure beats the hell out of dirt-clods.
  11. Yum -gnaw-gnaw- Thanks for the bone. Hope there's some good animation to go with the great graphics!
  12. Hey you all in Tourney 3, Section 2- Real Life everywhere-must find foxhole-take cover-send help. My work trip was extended. I'll be able to resume play on Wednesday. Send me your latest files and I'll get on 'em when I return. Thanks for your patience!
  13. Finns, baby, Finns. And I want to see ski troops-LOTS and LOTS of ski troops.
  14. Oops, how did that happen....Here's the rest. Actually, it's fun to pick up in the middle. I feel like the reinforcement CO just showing up at the melee. All good battles. Also, I goofed in my earlier post: I'm in tourney 3, section 2.
  15. Big X, thanks for taking over. Now go kick some butt. [/QB]
  16. Hi all. I'm taking redecker's place in tourney 3, section 4. Actually met Treeburst 155 on his trip out west and he drafted me! All games now in progress except for General SV, who has not yet responded to me. I've played CM for a while, but this is my first tourney. So far, it's great fun.
  17. Enemy at the Gates, by William Craig, is a great book. The recent movie of the same name was based on only a small part of this book. It covers both sides of Stalingrad, with many great anecdotes.
  18. Hey, the tank looks great! As a computer animator in real life, the "low" level of detail is about the only thing about CM I wish were different. Now how about some more detailed animation and non-bitmapped foliage!
  19. One thing that does NOT necessarily work is to pick green/conscripts for yourself and crack/elite troops for the enemy. Often the AI just makes them lead suicidal charges. I played a meeting engagement in which the flag was in an empty field. I was stunned as my conscripts sat in a nearby woods and decimated a vastly "superior" elite force that used no tactics except the human wave. I find the AI to be best at defense.
  20. Wow. They look great! Just like San Francisco in summer. Just played a Bulge scenario (Bure) and this mod would have been great for it.
  21. Congratulations! Glad to see that BTS is planning to be around and occupy all my free time for years to come. My wife, she's not so happy....
  22. What the heck; I always read but never post. I'm 33 and have many more grey hairs now than when I started playing this game!
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