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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. This reminds me of an old George Carlin joke, something about he never banged a perfect 10… but one night… he banged five twos. That counts right?
  2. Ahh ok there ya are! Wow the overlord cam is from like a decade ago. I remember that one, good times. Good luck!
  3. Come to think of it, I think I did miss one or two emails. So this issue does appear to be pretty rare. But yeah Round 3 started today, good luck everybody! Im facing off vs @gfs26 which apparently is not on the site. At least not under that name.
  4. No nothing, one got shot down! The other one was suppose to come in the last several mins, shortly after KOing the Vulcan. So was excited but for an unknown reason the order was cancelled or called off. Same thing happen to most my US air support. Since I don’t use air support much, anybody know why this happens? Thought it was weather related but it’s only a mist in this scenario.
  5. Ive nearly wiped out the US forces with the Soviets. Only one M1 and one Bradley survived, everything else destroyed. Though it helped that my opponent didn’t move much allowing me to position and attack spots with high numbers. But I did take heavy losses too. So it’s possible just not easy. Will toss up some pics soon…
  6. Yeah I often refer to my tank gunners as lumberjacks!
  7. Sometimes mods can screw this up. Try booting up with out the z folder there. But might have to do full reinstall to fix this.
  8. Oh man I remember that one. What a blast from the past, thanks mikeyD!
  9. This apparently just happen as I was just over there about a week ago and it was fine.
  10. Might be a long shot but I’d try contacting Matrix support. Maybe you have two accounts interfering with sending / receiving. I had this problem awhile back in test tourney and they fixed it for me. I didn’t even know had a second account.
  11. Ditto here, I’m playing / logging in from two different systems as well with no problems.
  12. Guess my memory has failed me as I thought the scores get auto calculated back to the scenario designed scoring/objectives. Hope this does get fixed!
  13. Not at all, there was decent turnout for the test tourneys and there's 20 battles going on now, which makes 40 players. Not bad for something you claim is a disaster that nobody asked for. The core functionality is working fine. It's just not as polished and smooth as we all hoped it be.
  14. I believe this is the same with all the CM2 games, there's no difference. In PBEM double clicking the Ok button or Enter key when saving produces the same result. I do agree there should be a saving progress bar or something. But I, like many others, got over this like a dozen years ago. Also during testing the battles were much smaller. So long wait times were not a factor. With these bigger battles things naturally take longer. As there is a good amount of units and the map is fairly large.
  15. Are you sure your giving it enough time to process the turn AND upload? It can take awhile, like 3-5 mins for this to happen. If you click the Ok button a 2nd time then it crashes.
  16. Yeah the scoring mid game reflects losses/kills and not Objective based scoring. This gets adjusted at the end of a battle. So all scores of all games get recalculated regardless if the battle gets finished or not. Congrats on your score!
  17. Good point and idea. Pretty sure there is no manual moderation by Matrix. It be great if there could be some kind of automated moderation. Anything to help cut back on dropouts.
  18. Scores are getting updated, it’s automated I think. Though did notice my emails saying it’s my turn came at the exact same time. Something near impossible as it takes a min or two to upload and then load the 2nd battle. So even if my opponent just clicked go, it still should be at least a few mins apart. Guessing maybe there was a server issue yesterday.
  19. That must of been one helluva sneeze.... how do you spell Gesungheit! My battles vs @cargol are rolling along smoothly! As in alot of sh!t has been blowing up!
  20. If memory serves I had this same problem during the beta test. It was because I had 2 accounts. Contact Matrix support and they will merge the accounts for you and it should fix this.
  21. Awesome thanks buddy! Looks like I’m playing @cargol in the first rd.
  22. Crap, think I accidentally left the tourney. I thought I was clicking on view scores to see the matchups. But appears this was a new Leave button, don’t recall this being there before. Would have been nice if there was a confirmation pop up. Anyway you can undo this @BFCElvis?
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