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Everything posted by Tarkus

  1. Hey, I did a search for an answer but the closest I could found was this, which mainly state it's more 255. Anyone have a definite answer on this ? Is it [more than] 255 for both side including half-squad or per unit purchase screen ? Is it an on-map total ? I ask because I just found you can import troops in follow-on PBEM, and since we are slugging it out at 5000 points in the first QB, it might be an issue to consider. TIA
  2. I wonder. It would make sense so to still get some return on the earlier CM serie. As Sergei put it in another topic, there will be not point buying CM1 if the next generation is about the same era, only ten times better. Maybe another theater/era, then in, say, two years from now, back at WWII ? Wishful thinking. Sort of.
  3. Yours is a regulare QB ? Because I vaguely remember having some sort of camera thing on operations. Never quite figured that one out, but the camera was back centred on my Battalion HQ. That's way back in good old CMBO days, and I figured that was like unit no 1 padlock or something. Ask your opponent if he sees any constant behavior in the camera angle (like always on same unit, or always toward same flag, etc). HTH
  4. Whatever it is, I dare say you are well suited for Peng. Be afraid. - A non-Peng friend. [ November 19, 2004, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]
  5. I really would not worry about that. This patch thing isn't looking good for sure, but sh** happens, and I would really not despair seeing next CM pushing the enveloppe far beyond anything us guys recently wasted quality time speculating on. I guess it only shows how addict we all are about this game, and every little glimpse of an addition is sooooo anticipated, wanted, desired, dreamed of, that it makes it all the more difficult when it's not working the way we want, not including what we feel - often rightfully IMO- should be in. Mine was a proper Pzkpfw I 3D model, (not that I had any plan using it, mind you ) and Somua. Of course, I was a bit lucky on this... I am having one outstanding of a PBEM on CMBB. CMAK is out for the moment, except for the interface project. And with the import map/OBs feature of which I just took the full measure, I have at least a couple of long, 5000 points + CMBB battles coming my way. Cozy, cool winter ahead :cool: . All this to say: I am sure things will get better. Just keep the faith . Cheers. EDIT: Thanks for the cue J2D, I'll have a look at the Finns. [ November 18, 2004, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]
  6. I won't let CM1 aside if BFC goes on another era. I'll just waste more time downloading mods, modding interfaces and play four games instead of three . Now Sergei, since CM2 isn't out yet and since we *cough* all wish it'll be WW2 *cough* (so that all your stuff will effectively be junk), what's the one ulimate battle you've created you would recommend ? I'll be happy to contribute to your designer glory :cool: . Cheers
  7. Didn't noticed the back hull thing at first look, but your right on that count. As is, the back isn't big deal, but the TC cupola does clash a little. Aris, possibly a bmp transfer prob ? Though for the 18205, mine is up to the screenie and working all right. :confused:
  8. Holy cow this IS dirty. I really like the Bishop. Good job Aris. And yes, if you get the kick out of modding Sherman, I'll be watching too. Cheers.
  9. Yay, ze patch is here ! Thanx and tribute to the BFC crew. Noticed that too, as I am doing my own little version...
  10. OMG, will this guy ever stop ? I hope not. Brilliant. Of course.
  11. OMG, will this guy ever stop ? I hope not. Brilliant. Of course.
  12. Considering your last offering I can see why... Cheers
  13. Do you mean to say that beside modding the whole universe inside out three times in a row and releasing your work faster than I mod a single interface button, you manage to find time to work ? How can this be ? Time warp ?
  14. </font>Tournaments</font></font>Flexible and easy to use map/scenario editor</font></font> Most accurate units data</font></font>Most accurate tables of organization & equipment (Hope no grog actually read these last two )</font></font> Plus many, many visual modifications (so called " mods ") to enhance, convert, tweak and adjust the visual/sound aspect of the game.</font></font> tons of awards and praises by people who knows.</font>If you're any serious about wargaming, you gotta have them ! 'nuff said.
  15. My feeling is that when we discussed it, most didn't want it. Although some confused the proposal with power packs hidden in crates , the idea was to add something that is a fundamental part of the frontline and actual combat. IIRC, Philippe added that evacuating a serious casualties could require up to 4 able, fit soldiers, thus reducing upfront manpower momentarily and suggested an abstarction of it instead of having to plot medic waypoint on the map (of the same kind, I suppose, as when a bren gunner get it and his buddies are assumed to pick his weapon up). Bottom line is: I have the feeling that if this was ever intended, it is a lowest of lowest priority. [ November 13, 2004, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]
  16. The "problem" with continuous battle is that it would somehow force BFC to actually model resupply. In the course of several hours, a platoon in urban combat, for example, might have to resupply a few time. If the battle doesn't stop, it must be in somehow, and the we get on the edge of "BFC doctrine" The idea of tying turns to actual combat is a good solution... Very valid suggestion. Cheers
  17. You are a sick man Aris, a sick man. Thanks a million for that ! Cheers. (EDIT: See, that's exactly the kind of pack that would deserve CMMOS packaging. I must get down to it...anyone else?) [ November 10, 2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Tarkus ]
  18. CMMOS Mods How To- A Simpleton Guide Thanks for the cue J2D, I did miss something. Everything is in there to make my own things. Not exaclty simple, but it's there. Still, it would be cool for those who actually converted non-CMMOS mods to upload them. And as soon as I find time to convert some myself :confused: , I'll do likewise. Cheers
  19. I'm wondering, is the CMMOS slowly drifting into darkness or I miss something ? It's been a while since I've seen anyone posting CMMOS mods. Do you still use it ? MCMMM is comparatively easier to use, but CMMOS on-the-fly change feature and visual interface is also very useful and I'd like to use it more for CMBB and CMAK. From what I understand, people are now making their own CMMOS pack and ruleset from regular mods. I'd be very interested to learn more about that. TIA & cheers
  20. Think he is. He posted that rather recently, but it is a looong time since I heard of him. His latest (at cmmods): a nice dusty SU-152. Sat, hope all is well with you. Cheers
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