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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Am starting to consider that CMBN is akin to the ASL cardboard game series whereas CM1, (and even CMSF surprisingly) are more akin to the PanzerBlitz series. It depends on what level of play one enjoys the most.
  2. CMBN gives one the opportunity to give so many orders in the course of a WEGO turn that I take advantage of the features. But, man it has really slowed down my play, and it's taking me a lot longer than even in CMSF to do a turn. Am trying to complete the final LA HAYE scenario in the xnt COURAGE AND FORTITUDE campaign. But, with all the US units on the map with 45 minutes to go, I can barely do one or two turns before I have to break due to mental exhaustion (and dealing with RL issues). In a large scenario, trying to accomplish mission goals while keeping one's guys alive in the highly lethal CM2 environment is sometimes more like hard work rather than fun. I am a fan of large scenarios and didn't have too much trouble in CMSF. But, am starting to realize that large CMBN scenarios may simply not be as much fun to play simply due to the complexity. However, I feel obligated to complete the C&F campaign before I go off and try some easier scenarios.
  3. So, you and who else has actually played FIRE BRIGADE to a conclusion? Am curious on how it played out.
  4. "I dunno about that, it can be a hassle to replot a whole carefully conceived path." +1 to that. This whine is completely understood by those of us who issue orders at each waypoint (as I often do). Change facing, a PAUSE, fire at a location, back to a covered arc... all this can be in a 60 second WEGO turn. And it's a time-consuming PAIN to have to redo it all cos of one error, or a change. Especially when one has several units to coordinate. This is one of the reasons I find playing a CMBN scenario takes me at least 2 to 4 times as long as CM1 used to take me. It's exhausting work sometimes. Rewarding and mostly fun, but exhausting.
  5. "True, but it's quite obvious from the screen shot that the jeep didn't see the explosion of the mine..." I assume you are joking lol. You'd HEAR that explosion a mile away. And there would still be plenty of time after rounding the corner to jam the brakes on, or drive off the road for that matter. Infantry will also blindly follow their blown up mates into a minefield to be also blown up. It's simply a "feature" of the game lol.
  6. Like Clark and others I am a dedicated WEGO player for all but the smallest scenarios, and I like his UI ideas as I find that the CM2 system seems to require a lot more "clicking" to get the info one wants or to make something happen than "good ol CM1." Like many I also find my mental capacity/memory frequently overloaded by CMBN (more so than even CMSF for some reason). This additional workload/complexity means that I seem to be playing slower and slower than previous CM games. A more intuitive UI that presents info visually with shapes and colors would help a lot. Unfortunately, I also suspect/agree that it may not be practical to program these great new UI ideas into the existing system. But, maybe for CMSF2?
  7. Unless one has made a really dumb move, I found that the AI handles the behavior of running troops quite well. I regularly see them (when ambushed or fired on) stop to fire back. They may or may not then continue to their original destination depending on the level of incoming fire.
  8. My point was that I could run it, but when I saved a FIRE BRIGADE game I could not reload it...
  9. All one has to do is watch video of IED's blowing up lead vehicles in Iraq or Afghanistan and you can see the reactions of the guys right behind.
  10. Did anyone figure out what was the problem with the Fire Brigade scenario? I was never sure if it was my hardware, or some bug in the game. I could load it and do moves but I could never load a saved game. Was a shame as I thought it looked like a wonderful scenario.
  11. +1 to Clark's suggestion. It' also admirable that he provides a visual mock-up rather than merely complaining. I find CMBN turns take a lot longer to do and seem to be more work because I am constantly having to do multiple clicks on multiple units to figure out who is where and in what condition they are in. Just finding out info re arty times takes several clicks on a spotter "menu", and when you add all those clicks together it takes a lot of time.
  12. Got Aris' Kubelwagon. Thanks. I also suspect that at least some of the German guns have not been modded. It's hard to tell, but they look just a bit too clean in my Dealership.
  13. Wow! Looks like a new game. When will all this be available? I am still struggling valiantly to become good at CMBN but it seems so much more complicated and hard work than CMSF. I miss the openness and mobility of CMSF and look forward to playing it again.
  14. I looked thru the very helpful German and US "Dealership" scenarios. Even though I have downloaded every mod I could find it seemed that quite a few of the vehicles (especially German) and a gun or two were not modded. Here is my list of unmodded units. If Aris or anyone else has done mods for these, plz let me know: US: 76 L50 AT gun M4A3(105) Early; Mid; Late GERMAN: 251/10 251/9 251/3 250/9 Marder IIIM Stug IIIG Early STUH 42 Early; Late JPzIV Early; Mid; Late PzVA mid Kubelwagon
  15. The Scenario Depot would be the logical place to have this as they have thousands of CM1 games that are ranked there. For some reason they do not cover any CM2 games IIRC.
  16. And let's hope designers all put "H2H" at the start of the names of their scenarios so they are easy to identify.
  17. I interpreted the statement as assuming that RT players pause a lot more than the "once per minute" WEGO "pause" and redo all their moves to take into account changing circumstances, and that is why it takes RT players more time. However, it really depends on the size of the scenario. The smallest scenarios can probably be played a lot faster in RT. For large scenarios, I cannot imagine playing em RT as one misses so much.
  18. Ah... That I hadn't noticed/been concerned about. Interesting... Will take a look from now on.
  19. Are you joking LukeFF?? It's been basic in CM2 since it came out with CMSF that one can order DEPLOY at ANY point and the HMG will deploy at the final destination or even in between if there is a HUNT command and the HMG spots or is engaged by an enemy.
  20. +1 to that. The "Combined Arms" option was just one of the labor saving features of CM that sped things up. It's weird that players are now forced to do so much more work/thinking just to get a game going and then to play the game. This is supposed to be an entertaining leisure activity after all.
  21. Hopefully, designers of H2H scenarios are now putting "H2H" at the start of their scenario name. I have renamed those in my scenarios folder that were not already labeled as such and it makes it immediately obvious.
  22. Is this the same as the CMMODS version, as I already have a "H2H Bridgehead at Soloki v1"?
  23. This is a big improvement re making the buildings look like they were built there rather than plonked down like kids' toys. Thanks!
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