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von Murrin

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Everything posted by von Murrin

  1. Keep going! I have more of your mods in my game than anyone else's mods. It looks just fine for a half finished mod. [ June 08, 2002, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: von Murrin ]
  2. I was a really big ASL player before CM, so understanding it was easy. The only control issue that really took me a while was moving the camera. I swear I've played too many flight sims or something, because it took me roughly a half hour to figure it out. Can't say as I've really ever mastered it because I still routinely get stomped in TCP or PBEM. Heh, my excuse will be that I've always been impatient to see the movie playback. My main addiction is something like this: See (my) tank. See tank go boom! (over and over and over etc)
  3. Does one post earlier today count? I'm only lurking cuz I got UV two weeks ago and haven't played it into the ground yet.
  4. There is a solution. You make sure the seed values used for the combat resolution are saved with the turn. That way, replaying the same turn will produce very similar results. Uncommon Valor uses this for that very reason, and I can tell you that I initially had a lot of trouble testing concepts and such because the turns would play out so similar that it was uncanny.
  5. Right, but the point is that we as gamers could be doing some of the advertising here. Having it written in a way that the movie files could be played through a conventional media player would mean that no extra steps need be taken. Also, those of us who aren't as technically inclined could also just email them around. As to the ability to pan the camera, it wouldn't be all that different from the promo clips that many developers put out anyway. I for one would bombard my friends with these. "See this? It's not some random movie that someone just happened to make, it's a game! Now go buy it so we can play."
  6. I was doing something necessary and mindless earlier today, when suddenly, I had a brilliant idea. Of course, that means it's likely already been mentioned, but who cares? It would deserve repeating, right? Anyway... It goes something like this: If/when the movie replay feature makes it into CM:BB, CM2, CM:Lima to Buenos Aires, or CM: The Moon to Mars, what would happen if it could be viewed via conventional media players such as QuickTime or WMP (That's Windows Media Player for all you Micronesians and Siberians)? Given that the best form of marketing is word of mouth and seeing is believing, what would happen to CM sales if all of us addicts started emailing movie playbacks to everyone short of God and Adam? I can see it now! In two years, all individuals with so much as a passing interest in tactical combat will be playing the latest version of CM! Is this a valid tool, or am I just completely off my rocker (no, don't answer that). Thoughts?
  7. Heh, a bit late to the party, but I was clicking (flipping? sorry, the mechanical translation just struck me as funny ) through the other pics about a week or two ago, and the new ones look sooo much more refined. It's not like raising the bar, it's more like raising it, standing on it, and putting a new one up! :eek: Can't hardly wait.
  8. Oh boy... I remember stumbling on Battlefront a few times way back in 2000 while looking for ASL stuff. Downloaded the demo, and didn't touch it (I was way too busy). About a month later, I wiped my drive. No more demo. Something like six months to a year later, I again found BFC while looking for VASL stuff. I downloaded the demo again, and fired it up. My first game was CE, playing as the Germans. I remember I spent at least 30mins just scrolling around the map and changing the view angles. I think I spent another hour just playing the first few turns. I don't think I'll ever forget watching the replays over and over, zooming in on all the little guys, and trying to set up a credible defence (really having no idea how). Well, I finally got my StuG's in play, and I thought I'd be sneaky and hide them just behind that little ridge that runs toward the church, and then pop up and nail the Shermans. That was what set up the defining point for me. I'd moved them a little too far, and the Sherms started firing at them! I think I spent another hour watching this replay. You see, I'd accidentally discovered that the game acounts for hull-down positions. Somehow, I actually won that game. So, thinking I was the greatest gamer to ever live, I promptly sat back down (I had gotten up to cheer when I won ) and proceeded to get my arse kicked inside out in the dozen or so games that followed.
  9. SuperTed, Every time I see one of your updates, I just have to play the demo again no matter how late it is. Wonderful AAR. It's truly a joy to read!
  10. Wow, the black text is a real improvement! I had gotten used to the white last night, but this is much easier to read. Thanks for putting up with us Madmatt.
  11. I sympathize with you guys who find the white text literally painful. When I first got a look at the new colors and text, I seriously began to develop a headache. BUT... there is a solution! It's a lot like snowblindness. Set your accessibility options to ignore web page colors like some good soul mentioned previously. Just switch back and forth every so often to adjust. Worked like a charm for me. I have no problems viewing it now, white text and all.
  12. Playing UV! Though I have to admit, BB is right. I got the demo and left it for a while, as I was busy sinking IJN carriers in the South Pacific. A few days later I actually got around to trying out the demo. Big mistake. Now I've cancelled all my CM games and routinely spend the wee hours of the night romping across Europe after I've had my fill of the Pacific. I've never been this short of sleep since basic training and never had so much fun!
  13. *shouts above the airborne lobbyists* A-HEM! Still curious.
  14. Hubert, I did a quick check of the forum, and I didn't see anything on sub combat. The FAQ states that they have the ability to avoid attacks, but it doesn't say if they're unique in any other way. To be precise, are they hard to spot? Do they do anything special, say, for instance, affect production or supply? Are they handled just like any other naval unit? Also, will there be provisions for things like Lend/Lease? Say maybe I want to build more tanks in Russia, but I'm out of MPP's. Can I take some from the US? I'm really curious about these; any answer would be appreciated. Nathanael
  15. "God with us"? Nice uniform, Andrew. I like the collar and the shirt. BTW, I get to go play Army again in a few weeks. Any chance you can make me a real copy? I'd look wicked cool...
  16. If anyone is wondering which will be better, the answer will be neither. One will let you do what the other won't. SC and HOI will be so complementary that most of us who prefer grand strategy will likely purchase both. Nathanael
  17. Hmmm, so it's gonna be like a condensed version of A3R and WiF. Cool. Thanks to Matt and Hubert for answering my questions. Looking better all the time (I do mean the game here ).
  18. I don't think it should be a problem. I do this with every game I can. As long as you're keeping your copy and original to yourself (like you would ever pirate ), it's still within the spirit of the law, IMHO.
  19. Hubert, Thanks! I have a much better feel for the depth of the game now, I'm sold!
  20. OK, *deep breath* here goes: What do those little experience medals on the unit info bars mean? Are they just graphic symbols for a numerical value? What do the command ratings for the various leaders mean? Is it similar to the aforementioned unit experience ratings? What about the numbers over the port, resource, and factories? I don't even have a guess here. The research tables look a lot like the system for A3R/RS. If so, that's a really good thing. Is this anywhere near accurate? Does intelligence include elements of espionage, cryptography, and cryptanalysis, or just 1 or 2 of the three? Any chance you could elaborate on diplomacy, or is that a state secret until release? I'd also like to know how strategic warfare works, if possible. And last, but not least, how much control does the scenario editor give? Can I, for instance, create a historical '39 start but with a strong German navy, or an Italian strike fleet complete with CV's? Kind of demanding, aren't I? I'll justify it by stating that I'm seriously interested, as I've been waiting for a game like this for a very long time! Any answers (even no) to any or all of the above questions would be appreciated. Nathanael
  21. Well it's definitely not quiet. There's a couple people shouting just outside this thread.
  22. Your formidable artistic skills are beginning to scare me. Thick forests will be soooo cool!
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