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Posts posted by Biltong

  1. Originally posted by massimorocca:

    Question. In my first battle I'd my PzIIc that had killed four russian was disabled and crew bailed out. In the remaining turns the crews killed one russian with their close weapon. How I must count this last, simply adding to the tank score, ingnore'em, or there is some rule that I've missed about the "infantry" use of crews?


    No rule for that specific occurance AFAICR... Just add it to the tank score - same guys who did the killing and should get the exp bonus if any.


  2. Hi Biltong,

    My name is Lyle Gee (my actual name sounds like an alias) and I "discovered" the BCR 41 South campaign rules. I'm really happy with the first game I played,

    but I have a question about experience in the second game I'm trying to play. My unit did well in the first game and I have all regular troops (10-13 experience). When I start my second game, though, I select the unrestricted unit purchase for my company,

    select the entire company and regular. However, when I get to set-up, my experience for each squad ranges all over the place. Is there a way for me to ensure that my squads/platoons have at least the same level of experience? I wouldn't mind if everyone would at least be regular, but I get greens thrown in a lot.

    I have CMBB, V1.02 on a Win XP high-end system. I haven't modded the game significantly (some terrain and smoke mods, nothing large). Please advise as to

    what I am doing wrong.

    Thank you for helping a new BCR fan get started


    Lyle Gee

    San Diego, CA

    Hi Lyle,

    You’re not doing anything wrong - it's just the way CMBB's has been coded. We hope that in the future we will be able to use the Scenario Editor to control the experience as well as things like Names and HQ abilities, but unfortunately there is a bug in the SE which prevents us from setting and retaining a specific ammo load - a crucial feature - so we're stuck with the QB-way for the moment. We asked for the bug to be fixed and it has a small chance of being fixed with the next patch.


    BTW - in the future please ask these questions on the board - there will be others who would like to hear the answer as well smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Sardaukar:

    Sorry to hijack bit space here

    You're welcome :D

    ... player is commander of Sherman tank fighting his way from Normandy to Germany as tanker for 10th armored Division.

    This sounds interesting - why don't you give the players a bit more info re how you do it, without them having to download the whole thing. My 1st question is - Do you only have 1 Sherman fighting against varied German forces? Or is the Sherman supported by other Allied/US units? Some examples of different battles that can be expected perhaps.


  4. Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

    [QB...I have been up against veritable hordes of Russian infantry and guns.


    Is this normal or am I doing something wrong rolling up the forces ? [/QB]

    Sounds right - the brave men of the Wermacht is used to uneven odds ;)

    I'll need more info though:

    What did you roll up for the different categories; your total Purchase Points & Force size - just for your last battle (the Immediate attack).


  5. Originally posted by hobo:

    I want my attached units back. One anomoly in the rules has you losing your attached units during an emergency reorganization and never getting them back. I would think that once things have settled down you should get your attachment back. In my case I keep getting and losing an attached 150MM gun. I would think the men would go back to their gun once the emergency is over. Any thoughts?



    "Note 15 - Attached Units

    Between battles some lost units from other formations might join your Battle Group. "

    Since they were not 'officially assigned' to your Battle Group they don't receive replacements... HQ does not even know you grabbed them and you're not going to tell and risk losing them ;)

    So as they die - they are gone or else they get absorbed into your Battle Group as replacements during Emergency Reorganizations... HQ does not mind if you absorb some lose men, but they won't like it if you try and steal complete units... They'll want to send them back to their original formation. Just stay quiet and keep them out of sight when the MP's sniff around. :rolleyes:

  6. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    On the Battle Group sheet, it's not clear how you should count the casualty statistics for halftracks and other vehicles armed with only MGs. (I'm using 251/1 for transportation mostly.) Are these vehicles forbidden as attached units even though they are listed under Vehicles instead of Armor? If they are allowed, what are the casualty ranges for extra experience points?


    Dr. Rosenrosen

    Note 5: (At bottom of Battlegroup sheet)

    All the Units listed below gain 1 Experience Point for Allied Casualties caused from and including the first number below and an additional Exp. Point from and including the 2nd number:

    Armored vehicles with armament smaller than or equal to 35mm: 3+ / 10+ Casualties"

    I've made it clearer for the next update ;)

  7. Originally posted by atiff:

    ... How do you set up a battle where all your troops have different Experience levels? I mean, if you have a company with one platoon as Regulars and the rest as Green, how do you purchase that?

    As far as I can see, you can only do this by setting up your forces in the Editor, then saveing the map and loading it into the QB. Is that what you guys are doing?


    You can do it the editor way, but unfortunately there's a bug in the editor that resets all your ammo to full. The influence of ammo on the battle (esp in the crucial winter and counter offensive dates) is so important that it cannot be discarded. So, until this bug is fixed you're stuck with averaging out the experience in your company - see Note 12 - Generating the real Battle:

    "You won't be able to buy the HQ/Squad/Team etc. in your Inf. Company at different Experience Settings, so you have to average the Experience for the Company.

    Add up the experience of each Co unit: HQ/Squad/Team and divide by number of units. The player determines the Experience level for the company using Appendix A (which follows the Notes section)."

    The chance that Charles will be fixing the ammo bug is quite slim, but hold thumbs - the new patch will be out quite soon I believe.

  8. Originally posted by easytarget:

    ok, not sure what went wrong before, but this time i managed to grab the map list

    i guess i should of thought of this before, seeing as how this was posted in cmbb smile.gif

    anyway, i was hoping some of these would be for cmbo

    is there anything similiar for cmbo?

    Not from my side, no - Have a look at the scenario depot, there's bound to be some maps there or ask on the design board or grab a map you like from one of the scenarios.


  9. Originally posted by Monty's Double:

    .... You can also import maps from the scenarios, and these can be great fun as then are more "sculpted". This is the only way to get rivers and bridges into a QB.


    Or go to my sig below and get over 220 maps specially designed for QB's with all the bells and whistles including realistic flag positions and setup zones that will keep you on your toes ;)

    You don't have to download all the maps - there's a list with all the info you need: Battle Type (Axis Probe, Allied Assault, etc); Map Type (City, Rural etc); Map Size (width and height); Hills; Trees; etc etc from which you can choose the map you prefer and then you just download the relevant map pack.



  10. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    I've been playing the Kiev battles ...

    PS: The date is wrong on map 4 (or was it 3?), it is set to 1943.

    Ahh checked and the 1st one was also wrong. How did you find the maps and special rules? Did they work? Overdone? Ballanced? Things we should exclude/include - any other ideas?

    If you think you might "spoil" when answering rather e-mail me. Curious. We've started working on Sevastopol and Stalingrad. Hope to make them even better... Manstein has found some excellent maps and pics for Sevastopol.


  11. Originally posted by hobo:


    Thought somebody might be interested.

    I am very much so - I'm itching to code the rules for commanders re

    Determining wounding or death;

    If wounded - recuperation time;

    If dead or out of action too long - Replacement by outsiders or Battle Group junior officers; and

    Officer advancement and/or loss of capabilities;

    All the above dependant on date/performance etc....

    But - until we hear from BFC re the ammo bug, it's all on hold - all we can do is hope...

    Your idea for cancelling out the ammo bug is a good stopgap sollution for 2 thirds? of the year in 41, 42 & 43, but once we hit the mud & cold and later years of the war the problem will once again be too large to use the SE option. Great pity :(

    Hold thumbs.

  12. Sgtabell writes:

    (re counter/immediate attacks)

    It would seem to me that the Task Force composition should be the same? Did I miss something on this one?

    Hmmm - actually a good point. As the rules stand now you have to roll for a new Task Force. The reason for a new Task Force for every battle is to provide variety and enable you to play with as wide a selection of units as possible throughout your campaign... getting to know different units and their capabilities. They also provide the cannon fodder that keeps your Battle Group alive ;) But you are right... it would have been more realistic to keep the same Task Force for Counter/Immediate attacks... But the whole Task Force concept is unrealistic in any case, so just look the other way smile.gif

    If and attached unit is destroyed, my assumption is that it is not reinforced, (or under Allied Counter Attack situations?)

    Yes - once lost they are gone... You have to be very carefull with them. Even so, you must use the Attached Units first in an Emergency Reorg... This is where you will lose most of them...

    Why the limitation on the 3 units for Attached units? (I know, I know, if I don't like it I can change it), but was wondering if it was a game balance thingie?

    Just an arbitrary number to prevent the players from building up a secondary 'Battle Group' of superhero's and forget what the main aim of the campaign is: To keep your Battle Group alive and increase their experience... ;)

  13. Dr. R writes:

    "Based on the rules, it sounds like I can use my tank in the next battle as long as I can find enough guys to replace the crew completely. Is this correct? Or is the fact that the tank is knocked out taken into account at all?"

    Not in 41 - here the rules are still quite simple. In 42 you'll find that there's a potential delay for replacing/repairing armor... The rules will gradually expand and become more realistic from year to year. I did not want to scare off everyone at the start with a huge volume of rules. As it stands now the length of the rules are the main cause of rejection of BCR by new players.

    Sigh - fanatics are few :rolleyes:

  14. Biltong’s Campaign Rules

    41 South v2.2 and 42 South v1.1

    Player Guide v2.2

    A complete walk-through of the first battle, the more difficult rules explained in some detail and lots of lovely pictures ;)

    BCR Map Packs with over 220 maps!!

    All of the above - Get it here:

    SuperSulo's Site

    or here

    Scooby's Site - including PDF versions for the non-MS compliant individuals ;)

    If this is the first time you hear about BCR… :confused:

    BCR is a set of Campaign rules that enable you to play a series of battles from Barbarossa to Berlin.

    BCR 41 & 42 South is the set of Rules covering the months June 41 to December 42 in the Army Group “South” Theatre of Operations.

    Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your Battle Group storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Khar’kov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start.

    You are the commanding officer of a company of German Mechanized Infantry and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame. As you lead your company and armor into Russia most of the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt.

    You, your men and armor gain or lose experience throughout the Campaign. You start off with Regular troops, but after a year it becomes obvious that the quality of your replacements are getting worse... How your men grow in experience will depend on how they fare in each battle… how many men did they lose; did they get rattled; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank?

    You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or lose Favor with your own commanding officer. If you screw up, you lose favor... Favor that you could have used to avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements.

    You also get a Task Force to support your Battle Group: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as who assaults or attack who, weather etc.

    With designed scenarios you quite often have ‘balanced’ forces, but with BCR you’ll get the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!!

    Your men's survival is of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather lose a battle than lose too many men! The objectives still matter – you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Here realism rules for the first time.

    As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, :D – Think again… You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before… and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s.

    BCR is just for yourself… the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year… You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end.

    If you have any questions - post in this thread and I or one of the old hands will answer you within a day or 2.



    [ March 21, 2003, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  15. Originally posted by moneymaxx:


    a) Attached units

    Are guns with their transport considered to be two units or just one? If they are considered to be two units (e.g. a 75 mm Inf. Gun and a Kübelwagen), wouldn't that punish the use of guns?

    3 Attached units max ;) The Kubelwagen could be used to move other teams around as well.

    B) Upgrading attached units

    Let's say I get 60 pts for attached units, I spend 43. The next battle I get another 60 points. If I want to upgrade, how many points can I spend 103 or 120.


    By the way, how can I upgrade my Battle Group, am I supposed to do it after all? Think I read, that you get an upgrade if you switch to BCR 42.

    BCR 42 has detailed instructions in this regard in Appendix B - too lengthy to qoute here.

    c) Calculating the force size

    If my Provisional Force Size is 3001 points do I have to choose a 5000 point battle?


    Or can I just drop some of my task force points to get below the 3000 points mark.


    E.g., if in a ME I get 3001 points provisional force size, but I have to set the battle at 5000 points, I'll have a huge disadvantage.


    Is this considered to be bad luck;


    or an unwanted effect of the game mechanics that only allow certain point battles. (Well if it is the second, players should be allowed to drop parts of their task force to get a more balanced battle).

    No - Once in a while, as in real life, you will face overwhelming odds - that is one of the few things that make BCR unique. Learning to cope with that situation... That's the gift of BCR ;)

    d) Applying your own rules

    Well after reading through the rules (twice) and this thread most rules appear to me more or less easy to understand, logical and realistic. Just in one case I would like to use my own rules. How is using ones own rules seen by the BCR community, gamey, horrible, etc. ?

    Time to post BCR Goals again ;) Note 5 hereunder

    BCR’s Goal is to:

    1. Enable players to play a Campaign from June 41 through all of the CMBB terrain until the final day of battle in Berlin.

    2. Make sure that the Campaign never becomes Boring – the difficulty must increase, it must be varied and the Campaign must end in a climax.

    3. Keep the Campaign as Historically accurate as possible.

    4. Keep it short and simple enough to allow most players to understand and use it.

    5. Enable anyone to Expand or Modify BCR to his own taste.

    6. Provide Excitement, Tension and just good old-fashioned Fun!

    BCR is just for yourself… the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year… You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end.


  16. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:


    Here are two ways to score my prisoner favor:

    A) I captured 39 guys, including 2 HQ units comprised of 8 men total. This leaves 31 enlisted prisoners. I therefore get 33 points favor (3 for my first enlisted prisoner and one for each additional). I get an extra 8 points favor because I captured 2 HQ units. Total prisoner favor = 41


    Hi Doc - 'A' will be the right one as originally intended, but it's obvious that the rules are ambiguous as it stands now. I had another look at it and moved the two '**'s from the HQ heading up to the General 'Prisoner' heading and changed the note to read:

    ** These points are for each individual member of a HQ, squad or team.

    The effect would be to reward the capture of HQ members even more.

    In your case: (8 x 4) + 33 = 65 Favor Points.

    This will be implimented in the next update, but you can start using it already ;)

    How did you manage to capture so many?


  17. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    ... I had yesterday battle at 90% ammo level and indeed none of my units showed full ammo in the battle. They all had a bit of red bar in the ammo level consistent to what I put on the editor. So it looks like it definitely is working - as Steve G. said - at least on a Mac.


    I did not know that it worked on the Mac... It definitely does not work on the PC... Great pity, since I wanted to incorporate it into the rules. Let's hope it gets fixed in the new patch, allthough I'll be surprised if Charles consider it important enough to spend time on - it's not a problem affecting general players.

    While the ammo can not be adjusted on the PC I won't write the SE option into the rules. Ammo plays too crucial role in BCR - especially in the winter months (as Supersulo has remarked before)... I had to weigh up the two factors:

    1) Individual experience for HQ's and squads vs

    2) The use of different ammo loads to simulate the difficulties both sides had at different times with snow/mud/supply lines/being surrounded etc

    Since the average experience for the whole company can still be changed in any case I decided that the influence of ammo % outweighs the fun of tracking individual experience levels.

    All we can do is hope Charles fix it.

    Those players on Macs - Use the SE Option if you want to track company unit experience - and consider yourself lucky ;) If it worked on the PC I would definitely use it and incorporate it into the rules.


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